Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor?


It is the hallway that creates an initial impression of the whole apartment. After all, any guest, crossing the threshold of the apartment, immediately finds himself in the hallway. And its arrangement can say about many things. For this reason, the creation of coziness and order in the hallway is given great importance. The main problem of the hallway is to determine the optimal conditions for storing the outerwear and shoes. Of course, much depends on the size and shape of the room, the presence of equipped furniture and the material possibilities of the owners.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_2

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_3

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_4

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_5

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_6

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_7


The ideal option when the hallway is so great that it is possible to highlight the place for a specially equipped dressing room, where traditionally the bottom shelves or entire cabinets will be defined for storing shoes. In this case, it is necessary to calculate a whole system with different heights and depth of shelves, prudently convenient for the location of both high boots and miniature sandals. Seasonal shoes can be placed in retractable boxes, such drawers allow you to significantly save space space.

It is desirable that they shall be divided into compartments so that each couple is stored separately.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_8

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_9

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_10

Small premises

Store shoes in a small hallway much more difficult. Options for its placement depend largely on characters and even hobbies of owners.

  • Common metal open racks are suitable minimalists, on which shoes of this season will be stored. If it is a bit, it is even easier to ensure order in the corridor with the help of plastic or metal trays like trays, in which the food is deleted. Such a tray can be painted in colors that harmonize with the interior of the hallway.

Thanks to the tray, the dirt from the shoes will not be distributed across the floor, the tray easily move away during cleaning, and the shoes are compactly and neatly.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_11

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_12

  • Loft and Scandinavian style lovers use utility materials for shoe shelves - Construction pallets painted white paint. The resulting shelves look very attractive in combination with flower compositions and decorative figures.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_13

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_14

For small corridors, a horn regiment is perfect, on which shoes are placed vertically. Accordingly, such shelves are very narrow and occupy little space. When there are roads every centimeter of the room, the doors of cabinets and their walls can be used for storing shoes, placing rails, suspended pockets or plastic holders.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_15

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_16

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_17

Very convenient and practical in the use of a bench that has a shoe shelves under the seat. Such a bench can be both wooden and wrought.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_18

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_19

If cabinets installed in the corridor, their lower part can also be used to store shoes. It can be both ordinary shelves and rods with hangers, on which boots for attaching boots are placed.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_20

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_21

Shoes and Hobbies Home

The ideas of storing shoes in the hallway can be associated with hobbies of home.

For some fashionists, a beautiful wardrobe is a kind of fetish. They are proud of their collections of a variety of shoes. For such cases With numerous shoe pairs, multi-tiered open stainless steel racks are suitable . For highly expensive collection instances, you can organize glazed cells for each individual pair.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_22

For example, horse riding lovers who have in their wardrobe are not one pair of beautiful cowboy boots, can make wrought-iron in the corridor or wooden shelves made under the order.

Such a corner, supplemented and other attributes associated with cowboy, will look like a decorative element of the interior, telling about the host's hobby.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_23

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_24

Useful advice

So that the shoes were always in order It is enough to store it and fulfill simple rules.

  • Footwear from other seasons is better removed for long-term storage in separate containers. And if there is little place in the hallway, choose another room.
  • Shoes hidden for long-term storage should be easily found, so it is recommended to store it either in transparent containers, or when the containment in boxes should make an accompanying signature on it or even place a photo of a shoe pair. This will significantly save the search time.
  • Shoes defined for storage should be carefully cleaned from dirt and sucked.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_25

Nowadays, trade offers numerous options for organizing the shoe storage that can be put on each other. They look beautiful and help to save space. The mess in the corridor can spoil the first impression of the owners of the apartment, the opinion is formed about their disadvantage, inaccurability. The theater begins with hangers, and the house - with the hallway, cozy, beautiful and creative.

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_26

Storage of shoes in the hallway (27 photos): storage system options. How to store shoes in a small corridor? 9314_27

Budget methods for storing shoes in the hallway see the next video.

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