Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better?


Unfortunately, the hallway in typical urban apartments often cannot boast a large metro - as a rule, these rooms are quite small and narrow. That's why When buying wallpaper it is so important to choose this option that visually spread the space boundaries and raises the ceilings. There are many effective solutions to change the perception of the room with the use of various colors, prints and wallpaper textures.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_2

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_3

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_4

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_5

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_6

General recommendations

Before proceeding with the embodiment of the idea of ​​creating the most comfortable hallway, it is necessary to focus on the general rules for the design of walls in small-sized premises. Even the most tiny corridors will look spacious if used in the design of light tones. The ceilings and walls in white and nude collections visually expand the boundaries of the room, make it light and air.

The desired visual effect can be achieved using certain prints. So, the vertical strips visually lifting the ceilings, and horizontal - expand the room, they are suitable for a long narrow corridor.

The canvas with small patterns largely contribute to creating the sensation of space, while large drawings, on the contrary, narrow the already small room.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_7

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_8

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_9

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_10

If in the hallway is a sufficient level of lighting, you can "play" in contrasts. For example, black and white rooms with red accents literally converting the corridor in front of their eyes, make it more cozy and stylish. The win-win variant will be glossy surfaces, for example, wallpaper with a mirror effect or metallized canvas.

Low ceilings are raised if you use the ombre effect which is a smooth transition from dark shades from below to bright, almost white on top.

Keep in mind that the most winning wallpapers will not solve the problems of cramped, if the hallway is littered or overwhelmed with furniture - try to minimize additional items at the entrance to the house, leaving only the most necessary.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_11

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_12

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_13

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_14


The limited space in the hallway requires the wallpaper solving two main tasks - visually increase the room, and also to make it stylish and original. Most often, beige colors are used at the entrance to the house for decoration of walls, these warm plates in combination with the classic design of the room create an atmosphere of calm, landscaping and magnitude. Beige color looks exclusively noble, it does not cause irritation and at the same time makes up a harmonious tandem with natural wood texture of furniture and door canvases.

However, modern design solutions offer a wide variety of color vehicle color versions, but in any case, some recommendations should be followed.

  • You should not use the wallpaper of black, dark blue, purple or dark green - such kokes will make the space small and uncomfortable.
  • Light shades should prevail, but you should not do the hallway monochrome - in this case it will rather resemble the internal contents of the car.
  • Bright tones must be present in the form of contrasts, but not as basic coatings.
  • For finishing, close hallway is best to choose wallpaper with neutral patterns and elongated ornaments.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_15

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_16

Traditionally, the wallpaper for a small-sized hallway is selected in such a way as to visually increase the space. The bright walls will look like not so flexible if they combine them with the items of the decor and the design elements of other colors - so create spectacular accents and smooth transitions that make the room more stylish and at the same time air. So, the wallpaper of nude shades looks in combination with white stucco on the ceiling.

The volumetric plinth of the color contrasting to the walls will contribute to the delimitation of space and give the interior with complete view.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_17

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_18

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_19

Horizontal division of walls, which is achieved through the use of several shades of wallpaper, allows you to create stylish indoor effects. For example, a tandem from dark wallpapers pasted from the floor to the middle of the wall and the bright colors of the same gamma from above will avoid unnecessary monotony, massiveness and overload, which often occur when using one spit over the entire surface.

A good solution can be the design of walls with different shades, it is best to use 3 tones in a proportion of 60/30/10 - that is, about 60% of the total color solving should have about 60% of the entire color solution of the hallway, the share of the second shade of the similar gamma is 40% (this It may be the design of one of the walls), and the share of bright contrast tone - 10%.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_20

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_21

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_22

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_23


Color, ornaments and wallpaper texture must be harmoniously combined with the general stylistic solution of the hallway. To arrange a parishion in proven eyelids Classic Decor. and at the same time visually increase its space, It is best to use the separation of walls into separate sections trimmed in different collers. The company should be assessed by white ceilings.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_24

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_25

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_26

Minimalism - This style in our time is not inferior to the classics. This is not surprising, because the direction is how it is impossible best meets the requirements of a small room. Wallpaper for small-sized corridors in a minimalist decor can be monophonic or have a pronounced geometric print.

The prerequisite is the lack of decor elements and the minimum set of furniture items.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_27

Provence and Country - This is the style of the "Rustic House", the distinctive features of which are light natural shades and airiness. Usually, provence canvas are selected with a light flower ornament and a natural texture, imitating genuine (wood or stone). Country differs somewhat different from Provence, here you can use more brutal elements in the hallway - coarse cut from the massif bench and woven mats woven.

In this style, the wallpaper may be dark, reminding the stone from which houses are built. And the room does not look too uncomfortable, good lighting should play a special role.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_28

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_29

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_30

High tech - This style is as if created for small rooms, a distinctive feature of the direction is a laconic geometry, an abundance of glass and chrome details. Wallpaper in such a halls is better to choose with a pronounced metal brilliance or use a combination of classic light and "acid" shades in the interior.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_31

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_32

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_33

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_34

Scandinavian - This trendy style characterizes restraint, so the color solution of the wallpaper should be calm. Most often, white shades are used for design, light gray and other nude tones are allowed.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_35

Type of wallpaper

For small-sized hallways, traditionally choose practical and durable wallpapers, which will allow the walls in impeccable purity without any effort and costs. Evaliable importance is environmental safety material. In typical apartments at the entrance to the residential premises there are no windows, therefore coating walls should have good breathability and not to distinguish toxic substances.

When buying wallpapers into a small hallway, in addition to aesthetic parameters, the practicality of the material attached a special value. It must be wallpapers that are easily removed. The following types of cloth are listed.

  • Paper or Fliseline with Upper Vinyl Layer - Such wallpapers are considered the most budget, while in stores they are presented in a wide range of colors. Practice shows that the canvas differ in environmental friendliness and durability, they can be applied to drywall, fane, plaster, concrete and any other coatings. However, over time, they have a property to fade, so if there is a window in your hallway, then after some time, the paints on the walls are blocked.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_36

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_37

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_38

  • Paper - In this case, there are views intended for wet cleaning. 3 varieties of such wallpapers are distinguished: those that can be wiped with a suede cloth intended for cleaning with a sponge, and those that allow the use of cleaning agents. Washing wallpapers of light colors can become a good choice for a close corridor, the important advantage of this option is also the pricing accessibility of the canvas.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_39

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_40

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_41

  • Liquid - These wallpapers are very popular due to the simplicity of application in combination with high levels of insulation. The smallest entrance hall with similar wallpaper becomes warmer and more comfortable, while the spoiled part is easy to replace - for this you just need to apply a new layer of material.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_42

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_43

  • Wallpaper from glass bottles - This is one of the innovations of the construction industry. Such coatings can be easily removed using a solvent, and if necessary, change the boring color to the new one. Gymelomes are characterized by hygroscopicity and resistance to mechanical damage, they are easily cleaned with a brush and soap solution, do not emit hazardous substances. At the same time, the canvases have a very high cost, in addition, it is impossible to cope with their blending.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_44

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_45

  • Fabric - Such wallpapers include 2 layers: paper from below and woven from above. The coatings are expensive and very impressive, but at the same time they absorb dust and dirt well, so they are unacceptable careless attitude, and the cost of such options is very high.

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_46

Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_47

      Optimal, in terms of price / quality, option will be fliseline wallpaper They withstand the temperature differences, do not let moisture, do not erase and do not burn out. And if their color is tired of you - you can always refresh it, applying a new shade paint. Such models not only visually expand the space of a small hallway, but also allow you to save the means of owners of the room due to durability and exceptional practicality of the coating.

      Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_48

      Wallpaper. Expanding space, in a narrow corridor (49 photos): What wallpaper to choose for a long and dark hallway in the apartment? What color is better? 9283_49

      Next, how to choose wallpaper in the corridor.

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