Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options


The creation of a functional and beautiful interior is a thorough and painstaking job. It is important to choose not just a beautiful material, but also durable, and durable. For this purpose, wall panels are perfectly suitable, which are made from various materials, which allows them to use them for various stylistic solutions. Read more about how to choose the wall panels for the corridor, you will learn from our article.

Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_2

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to its high-quality characteristics and attractive appearance, the wall panels for a long time remain widely used. They are well suited for the design of walls in the corridor, since they are easy to wash. Moreover, they make the interior of the apartment more interesting.

Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_3

Like all existing materials, wall panels have their advantages and disadvantages. Consider the main advantages of this material:

  • It is resistant to different external influences and pollution;
  • panels are easy enough to install;
  • If one of the panels deteriorate, it is easy to replace it;
  • The panels are easy to hide the wiring;
  • They look interesting and exquisite.

Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_4

Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_5

Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_6

    However, they are inherent in the following flaws:

    • Panels can not be attached to an uneven surface, first it will be necessary to install a framework that will reduce the area of ​​the corridor;
    • They have a fairly high price;
    • Not always suitable for modern styles, for example, they are difficult to use to create an interior in the style of Hi-Tech.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_7

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_8

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_9

    Overview of panel types

    Wall panels have their own classification. Several types of decorative panels.

    1. Tile. Such models are reminiscent of the tile. However, they differ significantly in the installation method. They are installed using a spike-groove system. Such panels are usually used to design a part of the wall.
    2. Rack. This option is attached using the same system. In their appearance, they look like a lining. In width, they do not exceed 40 cm, and the length can be 6 meters.
    3. Leafy. This type is ideal for designing non-standard size. Their size varies from 1.22 to 2.44 meters. The maximum thickness of such panels is 6 mm. Sheet options may have natural wood texture, stone or tile.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_10

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_11

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_12


    The panels are in demand by material, so the market is constantly updated with new models. This caused a wide variety of materials used.

    • MDF. This material is characterized by a high level of thermal insulation and soundproof. Moreover, MDF is quite durable material on which cracks and chips rarely appear. However, such models are afraid of high temperatures, since under its impact they expand and lose their initial views.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_13

    • Plastic. Plastic panels have excellent insulating properties. Another advantage of their advantage is easy to care, a sufficiently damp cloth to remove any contamination. There is a wide range of designer solutions. Panels can be glossy or matte. They often apply various drawings and textures.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_14

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_15

    • Natural wood. This expensive material has a long service life and is distinguished by strength. It does not fade, does not lose its original shine and is not deformed under the influence of moisture. Wooden panels are always expensive and original, perfectly combined with other materials. This is a natural and environmentally friendly finishing material. Most often use nuts, oak or ash. There are options that are decorated with carvings or inlaid.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_16

    • DVP, PVC and chipboard. Such options are reminded by natural wood with their appearance. They are distinguished by low cost and availability. However, it is important to know that models from DVP, PVC or DSP have a short service life and are easily damaged or broken.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_17

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_18

    • Mirror polystyrene. Such options are covered with a thin glossy film that simulates a mirror surface. However, in contrast to the real glass, they cannot be broken. Such panels are perfectly combined with other materials due to their appearance.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_19

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_20

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_21

    • Laminate. Conventional laminate sheets can be used for floor decoration. Thin class sheets are best suited. This is a relatively inexpensive material with excellent operational properties. It is resistant to damage and does not fade in the sun.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_22

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_23

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_24

    • Cork and bamboo. These soft eco-friendly materials have a noble and rich appearance. Their special texture causes their heat and sound insulating quality. They are not deformed due to water and do not fade. Moreover, this material is perfectly bends, which makes it popular for finishing the premises of non-standard form.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_25

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_26

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_27

    • Stone. Natural or artificial stone perfectly complements the interior of the corridor and makes it more stylish. Such material is characterized by a high level of strength, stability of damage. In addition, it does not burn. The process of mounting the stone is simple enough, since there is no need to install a special framework. Such panels are mounted straight to the wall. Their texture can repeat any natural stone or brickwork.

    Artificial options are more affordable, and on external characteristics are not inferior to natural stone. Another advantage is that such panels visually expand space.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_28

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_29

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_30

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_31

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_32

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_33

    • Metal . Such options are quite rare, because not so long ago appeared on the market. They are used for the design of exclusively modern styles, for example, high-tech. They are characterized by an increased level of resistance to mechanical effects and chemical compositions. However, the process of their installation is quite complex and expensive.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_34

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_35

    • Glass . Glass panels look bright and non-standard. It can be both glossy and matte options. They often apply various sandblasting patterns. Their substantial minus is the need for daily thorough and painstaking care, since the smallest pollution, divorces and scratches are clearly visible on the surface.

    In addition, these are very fragile panels that are easy to fight, so they are better installed in the upper half of the wall.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_36

    Options for wall design

    Panels are used to design interiors in various styles. Their color gamut and design options are diverse. With their help, you can hide all the disadvantages of the room and allocate its advantages.

    Versions of light shades perfect for poorly lit rooms . They are able to visually increase the space and make it warmer and light. Moreover, it will be good to look tandem from light panels and dark floor covering. The internal finish of the hallway in dark colors requires the use of panels in the same color scheme. This room will look exquisite and deep.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_37

    However, such an interior requires good lighting.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_38

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_39

    Interesting idea will be Use options with small patterns or patterns. Very stylish looks in minimalism or loft style panels. They differ in simple, but interesting design. But large patterns and prints are best suitable for spacious hallways. They attract too much attention and negatively affect the appearance of small rooms.

    Glossy shiny and mirror models make the space wider and spacious. They are well suited for typography of narrow and long rooms. Vertical rails are suitable for premises with low ceilings, but horizontal - for narrow rooms.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_40

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_41

    For Classic style It is better to use models with an unusual design. The panels can be decorated with stucco, molding, eaves and other elements of the decor. The relief panels will help create a bright accent in the interior.

    You can fade the walls natural stone or imitation, Such a solution will ideally complement the interior in style. Country, Loft, Provence or Classic . Wooden wood panels perfectly fit into a rustic or classic interior. Tree texture looks better at the versions of dark shades. Beautifully looks like walls, covered with colored glossy panels.

    They will make the room brighter and stylish.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_42

    Combination with other materials

    Panels can be separated completely all the walls, and you can only decide part. Most often, they are squeezed by the lower part, and the upper is drawn up with wallpaper, plaster and other materials. Such a combination will be an excellent idea for those who have children or animals. They often damage the wall coverings, and the panels are more durable.

    You can divide the room on the functional zones using various finishing materials. Panels often decorate space near the door. The panels of stone or with his imitation are perfectly suitable, they are well combined with stucco.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_43

    Most often panels combine With wallpaper. This is due to the fact that they are widely used to finish the walls. Moreover, wallpapers have a wide color palette and design options. They differ simplicity of sticking, beauty and practicality.

    Plaster no less demanded option. It combines well with the plates and thanks to its unusual texture makes the interior more interesting. It is a durable and durable material that does not fade and does not lose its original appearance. Moreover, if you tired or did not recover, the stucco can be painted.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_44

    If the walls are smooth and do not have other flaws, they can be painted. Paint has many shades, so it is easy to combine with other finishing materials. It looks a bit boring, so it is better to use the panels with an unusual and bright design. However, in the modern market, you can find an unusual brilliant paint, decorate the wall with a print or other decorative elements.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_45

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_46

    Beautiful examples

    Traditionally, the wall panels are used to finish the lower part of the room. It makes the design more noble and cozy. Snow-white vertical models are ideal for the Provence Corridor.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_47

    For classic interior design, the use of white models with molding will be an excellent solution. And the use of wallpaper with pale patterns will create an effect of using textiles.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_48

    Bamboo panels with black lines look bright and stylish. They fit perfectly into the interior in the modern style.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_49

    Options with imitation of brick masonry always look interesting and stylish. Light gray models are well suitable for the interior in the style of minimalism, made in gray colors.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_50

    For an interior in which white tones prevailed, a white 3D panels will be an excellent solution.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_51

    Natural wood panels are a good option for a classic style design.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_52

    Hard vertical models look original. They are perfectly combined with unusual blue panels.

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_53

    Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_54

        Beautifully looks at the walls, fully decorated with a glossy version with imitation of a natural tree.

        Panels in the hallway on the walls (55 photos): Interesting ideas of wall decoration in the hallway panels from PVC, MDF and other materials. Interior design options 9124_55

        About how the wall of laminate will look in the hallway, look next.

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