Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double, "books", small and large


The choice of the sofa is a responsible moment, because most often it is the main focus of the premises. And on what kind of form it is, the size, and most importantly, the color depends on the overall perception of space. A successful solution can be considered a black sofa, however, you need to consider all the nuances before buying such furniture. Consumers choosing black sofas must necessarily know what kind of varieties there are and how to make a choice so that the product is harmoniously fit into the interior.

Features of black sofas

Black sofas are very convenient in terms of creating any design. Such a piece of furniture can be fiction in almost any style, the main thing, supplement the interior with the right interior objects. Black color is combined with absolutely any color, this is his great advantage. The only thing to consider when choosing a color to it is that Shades should not be a lot, 1-2. If they are more, you need to pay attention to the combination of the selected options among themselves.

Black specimens can be installed in any room - living room, lobby, bedroom, office, and even in a children's child's selection of other accessories.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Dimensions and shapes can be the most diverse as in sofas of other colors. The upholstery most often on black sofas is used from expensive materials, since such furniture emphasizes style, symbolizes luxury. Most often it is genuine leather, eco-plane can act as a replacement.

Can be used velvet and velor But for such products need constant care, since it is on the black surface that all the threads, hairs and various contaminants are visible. As if stylish and elegant, a black sofa looked For small rooms, it will not work Since visually further decreases the room. In extreme cases, it can be a very small option surrounded by light tones.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,


Black sofas can be divided by various features - Configurations, decomposition mechanism, the presence of additional parts, designer solution.

  • The choice depends only on its own preferences, selected interior and availability of free area . Most often you can find straight sofas that can be placed from any wall. These are suitable for any rooms and even the kitchen. The corner sofa is a good solution for the hall or living room, where guests meet, and any company will feel comfortable on such a sofa.

The modular sofa can become the main accent of the spacious room, where, for example, a home theater is placed.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

  • The sofa can be inexpose or folding. The first option is most often used in the kitchens and in the hallway, where a bit of place. It can be a small double sofa. The decomposition mechanism can be any. The most popular includes a "book", "Eurobook", "Accordion", "Click-Klyak", "Elf". Everyone chooses the type that he is more likely and most convenient.

Most often, the folding option in the choice of black sofas is not particularly important, since it is an interior decoration in the hall, and except for it, when it is necessary to spend the night of guests.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

  • As additional elements, the sofa can be equipped with shelves, a table, he can be with armrests or without them.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

  • Most often, the black sofa is a self-sufficient subject of furniture that do not require special additions. This every owner of housing itself decides to supplement the interior and how to express accents. But sometimes you can find a product with a contrasting line, for example, white, with rhinestones, various pillows in a sofa, contrasting (white) or, on the contrary, bright (red or yellow).

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,


Modern shops offer a huge selection of upholstered furniture of various colors. It is impossible to say that black options are found so often. Basically, these are leather copies whose width can be 160, 180 or 200 cm. It is much easier to buy a large sofa of black color than a small one. But even if it was not possible to meet the sofa of his dreams in the store, this is not at all a reason for disorder.

Many furniture stores offer products to order with that upholstery that the future owner wants to see in their room, and the size that is needed. So you can always order a small instance for a room or a mini-sofa for the kitchen.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,


Before purchasing a black sofa, it is necessary to determine the style. Despite the fact that the color is universal, it is not suitable for every style. The perfect option can be considered the following directions.

  • Loft. The black sofa here can become the main subject of the interior. It can be located both on the background of a gray brick wall, and the white version will be by the way. The sofa with a white line will in this case, too, is appropriate.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

  • Minimalism. A small black sofa will complement furniture items of the same color. But then the curtains, carpet or any accessory should be contrasting.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

  • Japanese. Also can harmoniously fit into the interior, but the sofas should be low, small, without excesses.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

  • Classic. Here, the black sofa can be considered the "king", especially if it is from the skin, looks gorgeous and expensive. In addition, the carpet of a contrast color will suit it, successfully selected lighting will emphasize the greatness of such a sofa.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

These are optimal stylistic solutions. But as they say, taste and color ... and therefore Each owner has the right to come up with options and enter a black sofa to Scandinavian style or retro, search an instance with rhinestones or supplement the piece of furniture yourself.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

What can be combined in the interior?

Both leather and fabric black sofa requires a careful attitude towards What will be located around it.

  • Wall decoration. First of all, it is worth considering that if such a dark tone of the sofa is chosen, it will win only on the background of light walls - beige, gentle blue, light green, white.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

  • Other elements of furniture. In contrast to such a sofa, a white table with chairs or chest can be successfully located nearby. And if a black cabinet or a hill is attached to the black sofa, it is necessary to supplement the interior with a light coater and curtains.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

  • Curtains . Curtain color can be any. It depends on other decor elements. The successful duo of the black sofa will be white curtains, and bright orange, and yellow, and red. The main thing is that there was some addition to them. For example, a sofa with red pillows will look harmoniously if red curtains are also in the living room.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

  • Other accessories . Well complement the black sofa stylish paintings or photos within the walls. Original lighting devices will also be placed. And, of course, do not forget about the plaids and pillows. They can become a bright accent. We can easily indoors with a black sofa will be flowers, a mini-fountain or aquarium.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

Beautiful examples

You can present interior differently and embody your ideas, but sometimes it is very helpful to contact specific photos, To think through your design.

  • A black leather sofa is very winning, surrounded by large light windows and glass tables. Successfully complement the picture of the pillow in light colors, plants and other decor elements.

Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

    • There is nothing superfluous and in this design. Black and white room looks stylish and original. In such options will always come to the rescue decor elements to make small strokes and add a touch of comfort.

    Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

    • Sleeper green walls and paintings in the same color palette - Perfect environment for black furniture. Big plus and large windows, indoors due to this enough light. The carpet and floor lamp completes the picture.

    Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

    • But such bright bursts in the form of pillows and plaids will bring joyful notes and will add spiritual heat to the counterweight of strict tones of furniture . Fluffy carpet and a white table perfectly complement the interior.

    Black sofas (39 photos): angular and direct in the interior, with red and white pillows, double,

    Below are video reviews of modern sofas models in black.

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