The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews


Despite the fact that some experts speak out against the use of sofas as a permanent place to sleep, many people prefer this functional version of upholstered furniture. And if we recently released the sofas of only two types, now in the furniture salons there are products with the most different transformation mechanisms. Which one is best suited for daily use - we will try to answer this question in our article, and we will also make an overview of feedback from the owners of sofas of different designs.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_2


    Let's start with what the requirements should satisfy the sofa, which will be used in the afternoon for recreation or reception, and serve as a sleeping place at night.

    First, consider what the sofa itself should be, which is planned every night to re-equip the bed.

    • After laying such a sofa Sleeping place should be quite spacious: The optimal size of the single sofa in the decomposed state is from 140 cm in width, double - from 160 cm in width. Only with this condition is possible normal night sleep.
    • For a comfortable rest, the resulting bedroom surface It must be smooth and without junctions.
    • Separate requirements are presented to the stiffness of the mattress which should have certain orthopedic properties and not be too soft. Otherwise, not to avoid problems with the spine.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_3

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_4

    Secondly, there are the necessary parameters of the mechanisms, such as:

    • Easy to use After all, it is to work all the details of such a sofa twice a day;
    • All mechanisms should work smoothly and without jamming, This is a guarantee of reliability and durability of such a model;
    • It is advisable to pay attention to the silent operation of the mechanism The sofa layouts, because the creak and the crosses of the parts can be very annoying or, for example, to wake up newly laid children sleep, and can also serve as a signal that such a sofa will not last for a long time.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_5

    The best transformation mechanisms for daily use

    To choose the best sleep mechanism for every day, let's consider several basic types of sofas designs. When choosing the optimal solution, it is necessary to take into account such a moment as the presence of sufficient space in front, since a number of models are equipped with a retractable mechanism and require a lot of free space.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_6

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_7


    The most reliable option: Due to simplicity, such a design can serve for a long time to serve as its owners. For layout, you need to raise the seat, omit again and everything is ready. The advantages of such a model include the speed of operation and the wear-resistance of the mechanism, to minuses - you have to raise a seat that can be quite heavy, for example, for children.

    It is also worth considering the moment that the surface for sleep is irregular, which can be smoothed, spreading a thick blanket or an additional mattress from above.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_8

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_9


    A very convenient version of the folding mechanism: the seat is put forward, the backrest is lowered into the resulting empty compartment. The advantages of such a design can be called Easy and reliability - For example, the lack of latches that may break; The bedroom surface is very comfortable and spacious. Disadvantages - the fact that there are joints on the decomposed surface.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_10

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_11


    This mechanism is mounted only on expensive sofas. Compared to Eurobine, this is even more comfortable design. Since the seat extension occurs due to its "walking" by air, in connection with which nothing interferes with movement.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_12

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_13


    One of the best designs. For folding, you need to pull the seat that is rolled forward, after which it is lowered its upper part into the resulting niche. The bedroom surface is flat, without junctions.

    The disadvantage is the principle of operation of this mechanism, in which the wheels roll on the floor and can scratch it either to meet some difficulties on the way.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_14

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_15

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_16

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_17


    The mechanism refers to the turning methods of transformation, the name is how it is impossible to better correspond to the principle of operation of its component parts. Like the hoops of the accordion The sleeping place is easily unfolded, the bed is deprived of the junction. The positive moments of this design include ease of operation, minus the same as all roll-out sofas - the possibility of damage to the floor when extending the seat forward.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_18

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_19

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_20


    Such mechanisms are more often mounted on the corner sofas, the principle of operation is similar to the journey of the dolphin: Hidden under the long part of the seat module smoothly forwards forward, after which it rises on the supports up, becoming heaven with the main surface of the sofa. The lack of such a design in its complexity and low wear resistance due to the additional parts of the mechanism.

    However, the decay process itself does not cause any problems, the box is smooth and useful for sleep.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_21

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_22


    The process of reorganizing the sofa in the bed is carried out in one light movement of the hand: you need to pull the seat on yourself, and the process starts itself. The seat is extended without a scratching of the floor, just step by step in the desired side at the desired distance.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_23

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_24

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_25


    Another advanced variety of "books". The options provide for the ability to diversify the position of armrests and the sofa backrest. The mechanism is simple and quite convenient, but not very reliable.

    Of all the above structures, the "pantograph" and "puma" can be called the most convenient and wear-resistant, but because of their high prices, many prefer to acquire Eurobooks and Accordion.

    Despite some of their drawbacks, these structures are distinguished by durability, sufficient comfort and convenience.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_26

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_27

    What else to pay attention to?

    In addition to the transformation mechanism, parameters such as frame, filler and upholstery have great importance.

    Sofa frame, which is actively used every day, must be durable made of eco-friendly material . The most durable is the metal frame, but its disadvantage is the weight of such a product - the sofa is too heavy, and to transfer it from place to place or even just move away from the wall, you need to spend considerable efforts.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_28

    Wooden frame sofas have a much smaller weight, besides, solid wood species are distinguished by great strength and ecology. The disadvantage of these materials is their high cost, so there is a more fiscal option - the frame from the chipboard. Unfortunately, such sofas do not differ in durability, besides, specialists do not recommend using this material in children's rooms due to its possible toxicity.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_29

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_30

    The filler of the sofas also plays a big role for a comfortable and healthy adult and children sleep. The most useful is the filling consisting of independent spring blocks with an orthopedic effect. Also, a good filler is polyurethane foam - it is environmentally friendly and wear-resistant, but softer in comparison with springs. Dependent spring blocks do not possess orthopedic action and are not recommended by specialists, as well as the foam, which is quickly deformed.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_31

    Upholstery for sofas is highly varied. There are expensive and budgetary variants of upholstery materials, the most popular of which are blended tissue, which includes cotton and synthetic threads. Such fabrics are characterized by increased strength, it is convenient to clean, there are a great many of a wide variety of colors, so you can easily pick up that hue that you want to taste.

    The skin is a high-quality and expensive material, but the sofas of leather and leatherette are not suitable for night sleep, so this feature needs to pay attention when purchasing.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_32

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_33

    Also when choosing a sofa It is worth considering its functionality, namely, such additional possibilities are the same model. For example, there are sofas with various drawers in which you can arrange a bar; With shelves for books and with countertops.

    During the purchase of this important subject of your interior, we will surely consult with sellers of consultants, try to decompose and fold the model you like to make sure that you can cope with its folding mechanism. We should not forget that you must give you a warranty on the sofa, which lasts 1.5 years from the date of purchase.

    Another important factor that should be considered before making a purchase is dimensions. After all, in addition that this sofa should serve as a comfortable place of night rest, its design must match the size of your doorway.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_34

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_35

    Review reviews

    According to many users, a very reliable model is "Eurobook". Such a sofa is really suitable for everyday use, it is easily unfolded and in the folded position is very compact. However, some remain unhappy with too much the seat depths, it is necessary to put the pillows under the back to be comfortable to lean back.

    Many advise paying attention to the manufacturer of a specific sofa. It happens that different people have sofas with the same mechanism "behave" in different ways: some quickly fail, and others serve faithfully for several years. We are talking, for example, about such a well-known design of sofas like "Dolphin". So it is better when buying choosing products from well-known brands, which has proven themselves to their high quality.

    The best sofa transformation mechanism for daily use: how to choose a sofa for sleep? The most reliable and convenient mechanism for every day. Review reviews 9059_36

    Most users praise the mechanism "Accordion". Especially note that such sofas are very easy to spread, besides, they have a comfortable smooth mattress for sleep.

    Although everyone has different tastes, but the total positive points that should distinguish the best sofa for daily use will be as follows:

    • simple decay mechanism (Eurobook, "Click-Klyak");
    • ease of use ("Dolphin", "Puma");
    • Good mattress ("Picky", "Accordion", "Dolphin").

    What a sofa transformation mechanism is better to choose, look in the following video.

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