Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas


Tree sofas are not an old-fashioned relic. Their characteristics are quite high, even in the late 2010s to be a successful offer on the market. Because consumers are very important to know the key varieties of such furniture and take into account the nuances of its selection.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_2

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_3


A specific feature that any wood sofas have, and even simply with the base of the goodwood is the traditionalness of the appearance and reliability. Of course, if high-quality wooden material is used.

Such products will perfectly fit into the most classic interior. But on this, their valuable properties do not end.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_4

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_5

Like any other wooden furniture, the sofa will immediately create a feeling of comfort and comfort. Even there, where nothing else has nothing. The surface of the array looks elegant - and it almost does not need to apply special processing techniques. But it is necessary to understand that the tree is sensitive to moisturizing (even if we talk about expensive tropical breeds). To some extent, the compensation of this disadvantage can be considered a high mechanical fortress.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_6

It is also worth noting:

  • Ecology of wooden models;
  • rather long service life;
  • emphasized expensive appearance;
  • probability of injury to insects and rodents of various types;
  • Small thermal conductivity.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_7

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_8


No matter how surprisingly, but not all wooden sofas are supplied with the back. In a number of models, this seemingly necessary attribute is absent. More precisely, it is much more commonly called a sofa without a back. Furniture not equipped with armrests. Therefore, it is always necessary to specify the sellers that exactly they mean.

No less important how the sofa is put. Designs on legs are good and stable.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_9

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_10

However, it is necessary to understand that they sometimes scratch the floor if they move them, without raising furniture. Less dangerous for flooring wheels. But the simple installation (without additional supports) is worse than everything; In this case, any movement can damage the floor, even if you do not apply a lot of effort. Finally, it is worth remembering the difference between the folding and non-stall sofas.

In form

The geometric configuration of upholstered furniture is unlikely to presented noticeable surprises. Traditionally it is believed that the angular sofa should be placed close to the wall, and the direct is better suitable as a visual separator of the room in the middle. But if the space allows, you can safely violate these rules.

It is only worth consulting with experienced designers to eliminate errors.

Much more interesting is that manufacturers are not limited to the most common configurations, as often think.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_11

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_12

Even the wood can be made of sofas in the form:

  • solid or separate circle;
  • oval;
  • shoes;
  • cars;
  • stone;
  • Cube and so on.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_13

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_14

According to the transformation mechanism

Along with the usual folding, there are and sliding sofas. But it is much more correct to focus on the specifics of a particular mechanism. The Guest category includes the "French clamshell", "Sedaflex" and "Dionysis". Such mechanisms are designed to ensure that the guests are more interesting, and the optimal comfort was ensured. It is a pity only one: this comfort is guaranteed only when landing.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_15

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_16

After laying, lie on the guest sofa and relax is unlikely to come out. And the transformation itself is not so simple and easy, as marketers are often trying to convince people. But it turns out cheap and relatively simple design. If it fails, the replacement will not be difficult.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_17

Completely otherwise, sofas designed for daily sleep. There is already a layout of the requirements for the layout mechanism rises. Most often in this category take a "book" and its improved modifications. It is only necessary to clearly understand what the same "click-klyak" differs from a simple "book." If you can spend time to move the sofa from the wall each time, and such a need is not annoying people, the conclusion is quite clear. In this case, it makes no sense to pay extra money for the advantages that do not need anyway.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_18

The advantages of the mechanisms of this category (here also include "Dolphin", "Telescope" and some others) are:

  • simplicity;
  • optimal rigidity;
  • smooth surfaces;
  • The initial calculation on a large number of transformation cycles.

But even better, according to experts, diverged sofas are suitable for sleep.

The bottom line is that for cooking for a night rest you need to just roll out the sites located at the bottom. Everything is very simple and therefore is distinguished by tremendous reliability. The problem is that rolling fast spoils the floor covering. Even the most durable varieties of linoleum and laminate will not be able to resist him for a long time.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_19


But here's a suitable transformation mechanism of a wooden sofa selected. The next point is the next point - from which the furniture itself should be made. Even if there is a seemingly clear answer - from a natural massif - it is necessary to understand already with specific rocks.

The advantages of massive structures are:

  • reliability and attractive appearance;
  • increased environmental friendliness;
  • rather long service life (if compared with chipstones and even switches of MDF);
  • The ease of repair and reconstruction when almost any defect is detected;
  • Mechanical strength;
  • The minimum probability to split something or split.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_20

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_21

Of the negative sides, you can call:

  • The suitability is rather for the classical interior (and the dubious view in the modern situation);
  • high demanding to microclimate and illumination;
  • Pretty complex care;
  • labor-intensity of production and a fairly high price;
  • The complexity of giving the original form.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_22

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_23

For gardening, wooden furniture on the frame of metal elements is often made. But this is the topic for a separate conversation.

As for specific wood species, then the most cheap among some worthy pine is . True, her wood is unnecessarily soft, and the homogeneity of the properties is not about pine. It is very difficult to choose the part of the pine array suitable according to the characteristics, and therefore other breeds are trying to choose in the budget segment.

If it is fundamentally use of soft wood, then birch or alder is suitable instead of pine.

Sofas of medium hardness produce from beech or cherry. Most oak species, by the way, also belong to the middle group.

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_24

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_25

Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_26

But the most solid blanks used for the production of furniture make from:

  • maple;
  • Merbau;
  • Exotic breeds.

    It must be borne in mind that high mechanical strength is not all. So, strong beech strongly suffers from moisturizing. For relatively mild tick, it is almost safe.

    The thermalvice gets becoming increasingly distribution. It stands stepping like contact with water and significant loads.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_27

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_28

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_29

    Plywood, oddly enough, more expensive and Chipboard , and even wood. However, this material is easy and especially reliable. Under normal conditions, high-quality plywood is not deformed. Minus only one: it is impossible to glue it. Because large sofas with plywood frame do not even make to order; Apply or chipboard, or MDF, or an array.

    MDF Practically does not breed. This is a rather durable material that does not dry. It is resistant to moisture. Furniture from MDF will make even suffering from chronic allergies. But it is necessary to avoid systematic or very long contact with water at least because it leads to swelling.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_30

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_31

    A soft filler plays an equally important role.

    Foamed polyurethane foam can last for a long time and is environmentally friendly. Due to the rigidity of the PPU is stable. It will quickly restore the shape even after exposure to a significant load.

    But traditional Porolon Unlock should not be discounted. The latest versions of this material fully meet relevant standards. There are both rigid and lightweight types of foam rubber. Sometimes it is even formulated.

    Often there are designs with Hollofiber . Due to the unique microscopic structure (spatial spiral), this material perfectly holds the form and quickly restores it as needed.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_32

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_33

    And the sofas can start:

    • Singypruna;
    • Duraphil;
    • skyr.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_34

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_35

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_36


    The conversation about the sofa stylistics is special, not like as a whole in relation to the interior or even to other furniture. There are specific styles that are no longer used anywhere.

    Most stylistics are created by English or French designers. The thing is that it is these countries that were legislators of furniture fashion for centuries.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_37

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_38

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_39

    English style It always implies the use of rounded armrests. Such a solution is appropriate not only in English, but also in the neoclassical room. But if the impeccable classic is selected in the interior, you need to pay attention to other solutions. British sofas are predominantly covered by a monochrome upholstery.

    If the room is closer to the modern style, you can use brighter colors.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_40

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_41

    Convertible In the form, just resemble the body of the type of the same name. Often they are used in the postmodern setting, in fusion styles, lounge. It is allowed in other glamorous interiors. Users will have to choose between the simple monophonic color and the use of large ornaments, catchy drawings.

    Combine similar solutions are categorically impossible.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_42

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_43

    In some rooms, furnished under ancient, it is appropriate to use sofas Chesterfield style . Both the back and armrests are spinning. The legs are made strictly made of wood, and not only do not disguise - turn into an expressive external element.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_44

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_45

    Pushing is allowed:

    • velvet;
    • natural skin;
    • Flock;
    • velor;
    • Skin substitute.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_46

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_47

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_48

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_49

    Camelbek Says for himself: his back looks like a camel back. Usually such furniture is covered with velvet, velor or flock. It will be good for it will be in small town apartments with an aristocratic direction in the interior. Camelbecks are appropriate in Scandinavian style and when reproducing the spirit of the 1960s.

    For suburban housing, they are not fit in principle.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_50

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_51

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_52

    In the United States and Europe is great popularity Louuson . Despite the active changes made by developers and designers in each company, it is easily recognizable. Such sofas are harmonious not only in American, but also in minimalist and Asian interiors.

    If the room is furnished In the spirit of Scandinavia The most logical source of fresh ideas will be the assortment of the store IKEA. Sometimes, however, it's easy to buy a ready-made product there and not suffer from a search flour.

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_53

    Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_54

    Chinese style Sofas externally laconic and simple. It is even surprising how to keep such a thin balance of functionality and sophistication.

    Specific traits:

    • a small height;
    • mainly the absence of legs;
    • hard fillers;
    • Single color upholstery.

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_55

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_56

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_57

      And you can also think about other styles:

      • Provence;
      • nautical;
      • American;
      • ampir.

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_58

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_59

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_60

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_61

      How to choose?

      For a terrace where the whole family is often gathering and even guests, it is worth preferring a large corner furniture. Alternative - a non-store sofa with pillows, a high back and a wide landing destination. If you need to furnish the house, you can stop the choice on folding models with the most common transformation mechanisms.

      In the presence of funds, it is better to navigate the versions with particularly rigid fillers or independent spring blocks.

      These decisions have proven themselves from the best side.

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_62

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_63

      Picking Sofa in the bath As well as in the kitchen, special attention should be paid to models with waterproof upholstery. Equally important ease of care. The larger the upholstery, the better and safer. Very good if hydrophobic impregnation will be used.

      The leatherette can not be used as a bunk furniture upholstery.

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_64

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_65

      When choose Sofa in the room of the country style (and its branches of Provence) , I need to refuse models with upholstery. They are decorated with pillows or special blocks. Open wood looks impressive and nice. It is advisable to use an oak, nut, cherry array. Sometimes a red tree is used.

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_66

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_67

      Country sofas In the spirit of Country painted brighter than those intended for the city. They are actively used by fringe and ruffles, small pads. If one-photon solutions do not like, cellular and floral motifs can be used. It is necessary to figure out what is the permissible load on the surface.

      The more people will use the sofa, the higher the indicator should be.

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_68

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_69

      A good frame is the one that does not creak and not walk. There should be no sounds when landing. And also to pay attention to:

      • reputation of the manufacturer;
      • reviews;
      • upholstery quality;
      • clarity pattern;
      • build quality.

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_70

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_71

      Beautiful examples

      Graceful sofa in traditional style. Moreover, carved elements as clearly emphasize the spirit of retro. The prevailing dark colors are well balanced. Pillows do not produce bad impression. In general, the interior is also built on the basis of wood colors.

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_72

      A kind of light brown straight sofa looks very good. The optimal balance between its colorful and coloring pillows, upholstery is ensured. Clear and straight lines are perceived elegant. The combination with the classic components (paintings, lamps and a plant) is close to the ideal. Approval deserves a combination of a sofa with a carpet.

      Wooden sofas: from an array of pine and beech, models on frame and wooden with back, folding angular and straight unprofinal sofas 9023_73

      In the next video, see the review of the wooden sofa in the classic style.

      Read more