Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round


Today, a large number of different decorative elements are used to additionally use the interior of residential premises. Sofa pillows belong to the categories of such products, therefore are presented in the variety of species, shapes, sizes and design, which led their increased demand among designers and those who are engaged in living home.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_2


Today, the sofa pillows, which can be found in almost any home, have long been beyond purely utilitarian functions, so now quite important tasks are entrusted with such products - they have become a full-fledged element of the decor of the room, which will largely depend on the atmosphere of the room. Pillows in different designs are used not only to increase comfort while relaxing on the sofa, they decorate the furniture, Specify the living room, bedroom or other residential premises a specific style, put emphasis in the interior. Such properties should be attributed to the main features of the accessories for the sofa.

Designers using similar products in their work, it is possible to successfully zonate space in a residential room, Even the most ordinary rooms with properly selected products become more comfortable and homely. The presence of interesting and harmonious with the overall decoration of decorative sofa accessories will create a soft corner for recreation, which will be the most favorite place of all without exception.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_3

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_4

Such multifunctional products can be represented in different colors and sizes, a correctly selected amount of furniture pillows of an unusual shape can be a bright emphasis in the room. The appearance of accessories will indicate the taste qualities of the room owners, as well as their sense of style.

A distinctive feature of all furniture pillows is practicality, as well as the availability of similar products for everyone. In addition, an exclusive accessory is quite possible to do on its own, transforming your home, setting the room of new notes. The products can be changed depending on the mood, seasonality and other nuances, in the light of which any living room, bedroom, children's or hall will play with new paints. Designers are often resorted to interesting techniques, alternating a tonality, playing on color contrast, combining textures and shapes.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_5

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_6

Review of species

Today, there is a huge number of furniture pillows on sale, in the light of which, if necessary, it will be possible to choose even the most creative instance for its interior. For the convenience of choice, manufacturers divided the products of this category into several basic varieties, taking into account the structural features of accessories.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_7


Standard option that is a small product. It can be used not only for decorative purposes, but also for recreation. Duma can be put under the back, head or legs, such pillows will allow you to relax muscles, take a comfortable body position on the sofa.

Most often, I have a square form, which is considered to be an indisputable advantage of products, since such accessories will be perfectly combined with any interior, they can be used on sofas of different configurations and size.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_8

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_9


The following variety includes products of different shapes. This model data is allocated by Their cover will be sealed around the perimeter while maintaining a certain symmetry of lines.

Quilted furniture pillows are highlighted by their external attractiveness, moreover, products with similar design look very stylish and expensive.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_10

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_11


Accessories from this category may have any sizes and shapes. Very often on sale there are square and rectangular pillows, it is also possible to find round products if necessary. A distinctive feature of products is considered to be its design in a pronounced oriental style. Special attention of Turkish accessories deserve the necessary decorations - various builds, folds, covers with thematic decor.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_12

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_13


Among the proposed range of sofa pillows, there are also folding models that are distinguished by a sectional surface with filler.

Such products are convenient for seats, in its design are connected by special inserts.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_14

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_15


Pillows included in this category are distinguished among other varieties of their elongated form. Products can be large, which are used on the tacht or sofa as armrests. Also, long rollers can be placed under the back or head using one or more products.

In a separate category, pillows existing non-standard sizes and shape are isolated. These include children's accessories, in their appearance imitating animals, letters or numbers, other geometric shapes.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_16

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_17


The canvas from which removable pillowcases or covers for furniture pillows may be different. Buyers are available options made from natural, synthetic or combined fibers. Most often on sale you can meet the pillows from the following materials:

  • Soft suede - natural raw materials with a pleasant texture, which in the process of manufacture is subject to special processing;
  • tapestry - natural or combined material with a dense pattern on the surface;
  • brocade - silk raw materials, in the manufacturing process of which metal threads are used;
  • Jeans - affordable and practical material made of natural fibers;
  • sackcloth - Natural yarn consisting of hemp fibers;
  • linen - equally demanded raw materials used for the manufacture of covers for sofa pillows;
  • fur - Natural or synthetic;
  • Natural or artificial leather;
  • Cotton and Biaz - Simple natural materials, often used in production;
  • yarn - represented by different density and composition of threads.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_18

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_19

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_20

Among the whole range Leather products are highlighted by plenty of benefits because they have a respectable appearance. Artificial varieties are distinguished by no less practicality and beauty. Leather pillows are perfectly combined with any sofas, perfectly complement the classic and modern interiors. The skin is practical and easy to care.

Knitted pillowcases It will not be a smaller decoration in the room, they can be quite possible independently or to acquire a model of manual manufacture, unique in its design. Such pillows have a positive effect on the creation of a coziness atmosphere in the room.

Very popular products With pile covers. As a rule, acrylic or fleece is used as a material for such pilloxes.

Artificial materials are capable of imitate natural wool, products are pleasant to the touch, well retain heat.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_21

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_22

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_23

In addition to the design of the top of the pillow, a different filler is used to create sofa pillows. Today, there are models of the following varieties:

  • polyester - The material is suitable for different in the form and size of sofa pillows;
  • Hollofiber - The practical filler, resistant to fire, has water-repellent properties;
  • Fileberlon - the material does not let air, quickly takes the initial form after mechanical exposure;
  • Comforter - new in the assortment of fillers, which is highlighted by a minimum mass and ease of care;
  • Hollowfan. - raw materials, which is a weave of fibers with maximum tension;
  • Syntheton - a proven pillow filler consisting of different kind of synthetic fibers;
  • feather - Available products with fillers in the form of a goose or duck fluff and pen, which will have a large mass, as well as low levels of hygienicness.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_24

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_25

Depending on the size, in addition to the case and filler, present in small sofa pillows, large varieties may have inside the additional core from the foam rubber.


As a rule, decorative furniture pillows are made in the form of a square with dimensions of 35x35 cm, 40x40 cm. As for rectangular products, their dimensional grid varies within 20x70 cm, 35x50 cm, 30x40 cm, 40x65 cm. Sizes will be directly dependent on the form.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_26

Design options

Today, the decor of the pillows amazes the variety used for the manufacture of techniques. You can find on sale Models with ties or clasps, buttons, imitating image of animals, In addition, products are often decorated with screeds and nodes, bows and ribbons of different colors.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_27

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_28

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_29

Original interior accessories often design In a popular retro style, Using photo printing on fabric. As a rule, the image is transferred to natural materials using straight printing techniques.

The resulting picture does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet, remains bright even after washing and active operation.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_30

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_31

Covers may be issued In the technique of Patchwork If necessary, you can purchase embroidered pillows decorated with multi-colored feathers. As a good decor for pillows, brushes and folds, colored or monophonic ruffles, frills, rhinestones or beads are used.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_32

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_33

How to choose?

Despite the fact that such an accessory is more closely selected on the basis of personal preferences, When studying the proposed assortment, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations.

  • Pillows whose covers will be made from the same fabric as the coupling of the sofa As a rule, merge in color with upholstered furniture, which is why the interior of the room becomes faceless and boring.

It is more correct to give preference to contrast products.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_34

  • Do not consider products, covers that will be similar to the material, which was used to sewing the curtains in the room.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_35

  • If several pillows are purchased for the sofa in a simple and concise style of registration, then it is necessary to take care of To at least one accessory diluted the created ensemble.

Such a recommendation will be relevant for street sofas in the garden plot, as well as for residential premises.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_36

  • Considering a suitable palette of furniture pillows, It is necessary to select the options that will be contrast with the upholstery of the sofa. . If products with a pattern or pattern are considered, then in a combination of colors it is necessary to rely on the rule relating to the number of pillows. One part of the accessories should be monophonic, the other is multicolored. You can also purchase several pillows with a geometric pattern, and the rest should be in the covers with vegetation decor, bright will fit brown and so on.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_37

  • Considering the proposed range, you can use the reception of the game with the textures of the tissues used. Matte sofas will be perfectly combined with two or three pillows containing a bulk decor, the effect of the letter, a pile, brilliance on the material and other expressive design.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_38

  • In terms of selecting the optimal amount, size and form of furniture accessories, It is worth navigating personal preferences. However, designers advise for the average for the size of direct upholstered furniture to take from 2 to 10 pillows, for deep angular varieties you can buy more accessories. Pillows standard sizes will be appropriate on any furniture. Small children's designs and non-painted sofas are best decorated with smaller products. The most sought-after form is the square.

However, rectangular and non-standard options, for example, in the form of a cat or polygon, are not less demand.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_39

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_40

  • Pay attention to Stylistic solutions prevailing in the interior It will also be possible to make the sofa pillows to the maximum harmoniously. The classic welcomes square or rectangular decorative accents. Case can be made of silk, brocade or velvet. For modern, it is appropriate to be products with photo printing made of burlap, blue and other bright shades, shiny fabrics. High-tech will decorate the pillows of the right shapes from brocade or skin. Rustic interiors usually complement pillows with a flower print, with cotton or wool covers.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_41

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_42

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_43

How to decompose?

There are several rules for the correct location of furniture pillows.

  • Designers recommend first putting the largest model on the sofa, Next lay out them to reduce. Such options will add the interior of the original notes.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_44

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_45

  • Pillow-roller It is more correct to use as armrests by placing them along the edges of the sofa.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_46

  • In the living room Pillows can lie on the sofa In deliberately chaotic order. Their size and quantity will be directly dependent on the area of ​​the room and the specifics of the interior. Forms of accessories must have a classic orientation.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_47

  • On deep sofas in the bedroom there may be 5-7 pillows laid in the center. For the bedroom it is more correct to choose square, rectangular or round models.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_48

  • On the sofa standing In the desktop , pillows best lay out At the edges . Preference should be given to square and flat species that will give presentability to the interior.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_49

  • For children's sofas You can use multiple pillows in the form of soft toys, planted in one row. The strength of such models will be in the first place among the criteria for choosing suitable accessories.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_50

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_51

Care rules

Most of the products on sale are quite possible to clean at home. Products with synthetic filler are amenable to machine washing. In particular, it will be relevant for pillows used for garden sofa - such products can be wrapped without expensive dry cleaning.

Special attention will require products with natural filler - pen. Such accessories that are in active exploitation will need to regularly process the quartz lamp, to be carried out on fresh air for drying.

Manufacturers recommend heating pillows On a delicate mode, with maximum water heating to +40 degrees.

Suede, woolen or velor covers should be cleaned with a special brush, as well as microfibers.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_52

Beautiful examples in the interior

A composition of bright pillows of various sizes with a print and without it will become a real decoration of the sofa. A color gamut, repeating the overall design of the furniture upholstery, will provide the perfect combination of accessories.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_53

Several pillows of an unusual form will be a highlight of the decoration of any bedroom or living room. And emerald color will add accessories of respectability and style.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_54

Patchwork pillows will bring bright colors to the interior, making the room cozy. At the same time, the furniture even in the most restrained color decoration will play new paints.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_55

The luxurious classic interior requires the appropriate accessories. Therefore, coupling sofas will be perfectly harmonized with a set of satin pillows, decorated in the form of gifts in a festive packaging with a bow.

Pillows for the sofa (56 photos): decorative large and small soft pillows on a deep sofa, standard sizes, rectangular and round 9016_56

About how to sew a pillow for the sofa with your own hands, you can find out below.

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