"Smart sofas": choose corner and direct models. Customer Reviews About Furniture Factory


To date, the "smart" houses received special distribution. Here you can see many functions that no one can see about which 20 years ago with various systems using a mobile phone, the host alert in case of danger and much more. However, not only the functionality is important, but also comfort. And to ensure it can be "smart" furniture, for example, a sofa. Features of such interesting furniture, as well as a number of its capabilities and we will analyze in this article.


Soft furniture with useful and unique features releases smart sofas factory, located in Russia. Production has been functioning since 1997, and during this time the company managed to release many wonderful models of sofas and chairs, satisfied with the needs of the most demanding buyers . The company is constantly improving, introducing new developments and using environmentally friendly, safe materials.

Each client can order the options you need, and the warranty on the goods is 18 months, during which the manufacturer undertakes to repair free or replace furniture in the event of a breakdown.

Furniture from the factory "Smart sofas" has a multitude of features that it is worth considering.

  • Anti-vandal stress-resistant fabrics. Such furniture is not terrible pets and spilled drinks.

  • Table transformers. Stylish "additive" with two minibars, which can be fixed in the desired position.

  • Different types of armrests. There are armrests with niches, shelves, they are all different sizes. Additionally, you can equip here and backlight. Included there is a remote control that you can change the color of the backlight.

  • Home Cinema. This option is suitable for those who love to watch movies in the family circle. The layout mechanism allows you to create a spectacular bed from the usual sofa with 4 positions.

  • Orthopedic mattress. If there are problems with the back, the orthopedic mattress becomes the subject of the need.

The manufacturer offers 4 types of mattresses.

  • Lane box. You can additionally order a linen box to any model, and then the question of storage of bed linen will be permanently resolved.

  • Coffee table. It is completely advanced either may be located between sofa armchairs.

  • Different types of transformer corners. There are 4 types of corners, each of which contains different sets. For example, in Corner No. 1 you can find a coffee table, shelf and linen box.

  • Music Center . You can order musical integrated columns to the sofa, as well as subwoofer. Agree, it is unlikely that someone from friends is.

  • Cooling holders. This option allows you to equip objects that will cool beverages. In addition, there is a backlight.

  • Wireless charger. Sometimes I really want to get rid of the wires and stop looking for them all over the apartment. Now, to charge the phone, you just need to put it on a special surface on the sofa.

  • Safe. The hidden embedded safe with the code will provide your money and jewels full safety.

  • Armrests in a large assortment. The company offers 10 species of absolutely different appearance and functionality of armrests.

By device, configuration and appearance to "smart" sofas cannot be made claims. The only minus of goods from the factory is Pretty high price, however, it is justified by quality and comfort.

Views and models

The most popular models are Corner sofas. They are beautiful, comfortable, occupy little space, suitable for large and small rooms. The main advantage of such a sofa is that more people will sit on him than on a straight line, and everything will be comfortable. Besides, The layout mechanisms are very simple here, and the sofa can easily turn into a comfortable bed. And the presence of boxes for linen and all sorts of little things is an extra plus.

Nevertheless, do not forget about luxurious direct models.

Double and triple options with a beautiful cup will take its rightful place in the interior of the room, and fill them with different functionality is not difficult.

Modular sofas are a novelty in the furniture industry, however, they are increasingly demanding every day. Such furniture consists of several modules that can be changed in places. They can be put over opposite each other, connect, rearrange. It is very convenient when there are several people in the family, and everyone wants his own.

In addition to the appearance, there are also different transformation mechanisms. The most common is the "book" and "Eurobook". Comfortable, strong and durable transformation systems, to cope with which any person can cope with. Another company can offer the mechanisms of Dolphin 3 in 1 and 5 in 1, "Accordion", "Hybrid", high-quality sleeping systems "Puma" and ideal.

How to choose?

To date, the smart sofas factory produces a variety of sofas with a variety of layout mechanisms. Choose from what.

The first thing to pay attention to is the sofa shape. If your room is large, you can choose any form, but for small apartments recommend buying angular and modular options.

G-shaped solutions are especially popular.

Absolutely, all models are equipped with a strong frame and comfortable mattresses, so you should not worry about this aspect.

As for the functions, the choice here will depend on the buyer itself. The more functions you choose, the more the model will be, and it must be taken into account. The most popular are laundry storage boxes, armrests with a bar, coffee tables, home theater. Choose what you need, but avoid excessiveness, because if you, for example, listen to music only on a trip to work, then the built-in speakers will need a couple of times a year.

An important criterion for choice is upholstery fabric.

Internally, it looks like genuine leather. She is very wear-resistant, comes to any interior design. Products made of genuine leather have a pleasant fragrance, which over the years does not destroy.

However, it must be remembered that such a material can be easily spoiled by the claws of domestic animals. If there are any at home, you can prefer ecocked Which looks no worse than natural, but according to the characteristics more durable.

In addition to the skin, in the upholstery of sofas, quite often use and the cloth. Very nice looks velor and velvet, They are pleasant to the touch, paste air, easily clean. But you need to be neat with drinks and food so that you do not have to take a sofa in dry cleaning. In addition, materials are afraid of feline curls.

Replace velor and velvet can Flock - This is an anti-vandal fabric that children and animals will not spoil. It is very soft, quickly and easily cleaned. And these are not all materials: in the catalog you can find different types Rozodi, Shenille, Jacquard, suede, even artificial fur.

As for coloring, they are more than 500, and therefore the choice is really serious . You need to choose a color based on your interior. For example, dark tones are not welcome in the classics, light and space are important here, so the bright models of leather or expensive fabric will be relevant. In modern destinations, there are not such strict requirements, and you can choose any color, the main thing is that it complements the design.

The last moment to be thought out, the transformation mechanism becomes. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. "Books" are easy to use, But the sofa should fit tightly to the wall. "Accordion" will give its owner a spacious bed , But on the carpet it is not too convenient to lay out. The most optimal, according to customer reviews is the mechanism "Dolphin" as well as a roll-out sofa.

Review of customer reviews

If we consider feedback on furniture from the company "Smart sofas", then you can see that Almost all of them are positive. Buyers like the fact that sofas are strong and wear-resistant, the upholstery for a long time does not deteriorate and long looks like a new one. Sleep on such a sofa will also be comfortable, because the models are equipped with orthopedic mattresses. But most of all the company's customers like the fact that the manufacturer provides them with a number of functions that many have not even guessed them. These functions make life more comfortable and easier, and for these buyers are grateful to the manufacturer.

The discontent occurs because of too high prices, because each ordered option will cost a decent amount. In addition, customers do not like what you can not buy a sofa in installments, as in most furniture stores. In view of the huge prices for sofas to immediately buy furniture not everyone affordably, and you have to give up its acquisition in favor of cheaper options.

Review of the Assortment of the Firm "Smart Sofas" See below.

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