Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple


The word "sofa-advertist" creates an impression of mysteriousness and unusualness. But in fact, nothing extremely complex here. To understand the features and types of such furniture, almost all people will be able to make the right choice.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_2

What it is?

It seems to be surprised by modern people in that the soft furniture has folding mechanisms, it is impossible. But the sofa-advertist challenges the usual ideas. Such structures were created at the end of the twentieth century. As it is not difficult to guess, their name comes from the English word Recline, literally translated as "fold back." This is an almost comprehensive description of the features of the device.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_3

However, it is not so easy to implement such an advantage. A powerful and carefully thought out mechanism significantly increases the product. Especially since its frame and external layers often try to do from the materials of the elite class. As a result, finding an advertisener among the sofas of the budget and even the average price category is almost impossible. But the principle of operation itself can be embodied in a different way.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_4

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_5

Constructive features

Mechanical advertiser is easier and cheaper than a model with an electric drive. It will have to transform it, applying a certain effort. Typically, the mechanism is driven by hand to the back. Sometimes additional levers are used that accelerate the process. This solution is not too convenient, but it provides a long service and resilient deformations.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_6

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_7

Models with electrical drive:

  • depend on the connection to the power grid;
  • can be controlled by both the console and buttons or the touch panel on the furniture itself;
  • slightly noise (buzz) when working;
  • Sometimes can massage users;
  • are equipped with batteries on a lithium-ion element base;
  • sometimes have a pair of drives (built into the back and footboard).

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_8

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_9

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_10

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_11

Something is completely original to come up in this form of devices difficult. Therefore, the constructive differences between the individual schemes are clear mainly engineers.

Much more diversity is manifested in the appearance of such furniture. Classic advertisers are large chairs with a soft head restraint and the same armrests.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_12

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_13

Important: High legs cannot be used.

Part of the classic type advertisers can have bright strong upholstery. This allows you to successfully adapt them to the modern interior. Sofa-advertisers are calculated on a specific number of users. There are double and triple structures. And now it is appropriate to talk about concrete species.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_14


First of all, the number of seats becomes important. For an ordinary family, there is enough two-seater sofa. But in the house of a large family, in the apartment type of studio, in the guest area and simply in the office is more suitable for triple furniture. It is only necessary to take into account yet, for which option is enough space, and for what - no.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_15

It should also be remembered that not all models can be with a sleeping place; Some are calculated purely on daytime.


This decision was proposed by the Italian furniture manufacturers in the mid-1980s. It immediately won great popularity. There are modular sofas and among those that have a recorder mechanism. Flexible design and the ability to vary composite nodes is very attracted by people. Sections are not fixed rigidly, they can always be separated and assembled by a different scheme, or even use separately.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_16

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_17

The advantages of the modular device are:

  • strict individuality sizes;
  • the ability to adjust the parameters of the protruding blocks;
  • the possibility of equipping individual modules by shelves;
  • Easy zoning large rooms.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_18

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_19

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_20

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_21

The modular sofa saves space using only those blocks without which it is impossible to do. The range of such structures is quite large. However, pick up a sofa-advertist from modules into a small room is difficult. To ensure the reliability of the design, manufacturers are forced to apply more expensive components and technical solutions than usual. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of customers still prefers ordinary monolithic furniture.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_22


As understandable already by name, such models are designed to set an angle for the most part. Overlapping those zones that are usually not activated, A similar solution saves space and improve its appearance at the same time.

The angular construction visually relieves the sleep area and rest from the permanent day activity zone. However, in some design interiors, this element gets a more intricate role. But almost independently of such recommendations of professional investors, you can give preference to M-shaped either by the P-shaped execution, focusing purely to your taste.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_23

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_24

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_25

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_26

It should be borne in mind that the angular sofa is a collective concept. This group includes both spacious products that make it possible to sit out 3-4 people and compact furniture for limited space. Large models are often composed of ready-made modules, although it is optional.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_27

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_28

IMPORTANT: The angular sofa seats are usually tougher than a direct version. But here there is already a lot depends on the materials used and their thickness.


It is the right structure that is advised to give preference when decorating spacious guest rooms. She looks a little more solid and respectable, and wins the interior as a whole. People appear in the ability to more flexibly choose the depth of the seat (it is much more diverse). No less important advantage is a slightly large capacity compared to angular modifications.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_29

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_30

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_31

It must be remembered that the comfort and size of the landing place depend not only on the geometry, but also from the nuances of the engineering plan. In each model, they are their own, and therefore select the sofa for these parameters will have individually. Direct advertisers fit perfectly into modern interior trends. In the bedroom, it should definitely put exactly the sofa.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_32

Important: If the layout of the house or a separate room is notpic, it is better not to rely on your taste, but to refer to the experienced designer.


Among German firms producing high-class sofas with an advertiser, a brand is especially highlighted. Koinor. Its products are known throughout the planet and are actively used even in solid offices, restaurants and exhibitions. Koinor attracts outstanding designers and experienced engineers to work on goods. The company strongly tries to guarantee the maximum service life and unsurpassed aesthetic qualities at the same time.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_33

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_34

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_35

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_36

No less attractive solution can be considered a sofa "Ridberg" With a pair of mechanisms advertiser.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_37

Products of the company also uses popularity BO-BOX. The company works for more than 15 years. Different types of upholstery and additional accessories are used, which greatly simplifies the choice. Special attention BO-BOX designers draw on their products to the latest turns of designer thought. Defined efficient and fast delivery of goods in all points of Russia.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_38

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_39

Products such as companies such as:

  • Etap Sofa;
  • Dim Format;
  • UnimeBel;
  • GALA;
  • Grand Family.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_40

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_41

Tips for choosing

Selecting the advertisener for home theater or just for the hallway, living room, you must first decide on the purchase budget. Cheaper than just simple mechanical samples. But they, with rare exceptions, do not allow vary the angle of fixing the elements. Almost all the perfect products are completed with electric motors. Even in the absence of stable power supply, it is possible to use those models that are equipped with a battery; Its resource is usually designed for 2-3 weeks of active application.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_42

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_43

If there is money, you can buy furniture with advanced functionality. Thus, the "Slider" option allows you to turn around around your axis. Sofas with "glands" can spin and swing. But For security reasons, such functions are blocked when layout.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_44

Important: regardless of the desired functionality, you need to pay attention primarily to the reputation of the manufacturer.

Capturing a large living room or home theater, you should give preference to massive straight furniture. As with the selection of a regular sofa, certificates of quality and safety should be required. The optimal rigidity and height of the back is important. Hollofiber, sintepon and latex are best suitable as fillers. The design is selected to your liking; The fabric must match the color scheme of the room and have sufficient strength.

Sofa with a mechanism Adverter: with a sleeping place of corner and straight, with electric advertiser, for home theater, double and triple 8996_45

Review of the leather sofa-advertist see the next video.

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