Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models


Compact mini-sofas are gaining popularity every year. The demand for small-sized furniture is growing due to its small size, versatility and multifunctionality. The range of compact sofas is rich - on sale products with different forms, transformation mechanisms, upholstery materials and design. Consider which models are offered by manufacturers, and how to make the right choice.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_2

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_3

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_4

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_5

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_6

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_7


Many people live in conditions of limited space - in "Khrushchev", "Stalinki", studios apartments. Few people boast spacious housing. With the arrangement of small rooms in the area, you have to make a choice in favor of compact furniture, such as small sofas.

In the folded position, they occupy a minimum of free space, due to which they do not clutter the already small room.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_8

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_9

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_10

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_11

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_12

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_13

Other features of mini-sofas include:

  • Multifunctionality - Most of the species have drawers and sections for storing various home belongings, as well as additional sleeping places;
  • Wide selection of models - from simple stationary variations to exclusive designer products;
  • Wear resistance of upholstery materials Since almost all furniture is designed for intensive operation;
  • the ability to withstand the maximum weight loads;
  • Extensive price range Due to which each buyer will be able to choose the optimal solution on the basis of taste preferences and financial capabilities.

The benefits of mini-sofas a lot, but there is a significant drawback. The main minus is in small amounts, due to which products are uncomfortable to accommodate people with high growth or large physique.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_14

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_15

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_16

Review of species

Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer compact sofas of various configurations with different transforming mechanisms. All of them are inherent in certain features.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_17

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_18

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_19

In form

The most popular small sofas have an angular configuration. They are intended for location in one of the corners of the room. Such furniture allows you to most effectively use every centimeter of free space. Due to its form, the product is characterized by a capacity and comfort.

Small sofas are also straight. These are universal models that differ in mobility. If necessary, they can easily move from one place to another. They are often located near the wall or used for zoning space. Straight sofas can be shortened variation of large products or look like a couch. The mini-sofas with a direct configuration are performed in the form of an inexpose bench. Such variations have a wide seat and a shortened back.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_20

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_21

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_22

For sale there are P-shaped models. Compared to previously, they are more cumbersome. They are installed along the walls or place in the middle of the room to distinguish between functional zones. Such solutions are most appropriate in the living rooms and halls. They successfully combine with decorative pillows and rollers.

Some compact sofas are made in the form of modules. These are soft mobile structures set up at the discretion of the owners. They can be located in one of the corners or place along the wall.

Thanks to the mobility of structures, you can quickly and without much physical effort to change the situation in the room.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_23

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_24

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_25

By layout mechanism

Compact sofas are classified for 2 large groups - stationary and folding. The first are not equipped with a transforming mechanism. Non-stable mini-sofas are more reliable. They are often choosing to arrange an entrance hall, living room or kitchen. Depending on the dimensions, it can accommodate 2 or more people. Such furniture is not suitable for comfortable night rest.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_26

Folding compact sofas are in great demand among consumers. The transforming mechanism is provided in their design. Due to such an element, the furniture can take various forms and positions. The transformation mechanism converts a sofa from an option for seating into a full-fledged bed for 1-2 people or allows you to "fold" the back.

The quality and reliability of the transforming element directly depends on how convenient it is a product, as well as its service life.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_27

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_28

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_29

Consider the most popular folding mechanisms.

  • "Book". Transformation is made when folding backing back. In the assembled position, it is a comfortable seat for seating, and in the unfolded - a bed for a night rest. By establishing such a model, it is necessary to leave the free space between the back of the sofa and the wall. The mechanism refers to one of the most reliable, durable and durable.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_30

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_31

  • "Click-klyak" or "Tango". This transform element is similar on the principle of working with the "book". His only difference is the ability to take an intermediate position of the back when laying (for example, half a litage or half-sidet). Lack of sofas with such a mechanism is the impossibility of their location close to the wall.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_32

  • "Eurobook". The transformation of furniture is made by turning out the seat forward and install the back in the resulting niche. As a result of such manipulations, it turns out a smooth surface without bugro for sleep. The advantages of such furniture include spacious storage space, reliable transformer mechanism, the ability to get a comfortable sleeping bed.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_33

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_34

  • French clamshell. The work of the mechanism is simple - to convert the sofa to a silent place you need to pull the edges of the seat forward. In the course of such actions, the 3 sections provided for in the design will be revealed and stand up for support. French clamshell is an unreliable mechanism. With intensive operation, it quickly fails. To another drawback refer to the absence of additional boxes for textile storage.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_35

  • Compact sofas with laying on the floor. These are compact products, the sleeping place of which includes 2 sections. In the folded position, they are inside the housing. To decompose the sofa, you should pull up the inner part of the seat, after which the movement forward to stretch 2 sections. Such furniture does not have legs or other supports for sleeping space - it is laid out directly on the floor. The advantages of sofas with such a mechanism include their compactness and low cost, to disadvantages - an uncomfortable sleeping place, no internal space for storage.

It is much less likely to sell products with such variants of the folding mechanism, like the Italian clamshell, "Accordion", Spartak, Dolphin and others.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_36

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_37


The durability of the sofa, its exterior aesthetics, practicality and comfort directly depend on the materials from which it is manufactured. Wherein It is important to take into account, from which the base of furniture is made, its covering and filler.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_38

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_39

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_40

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_41

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_42

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_43


This is the basis of all furniture items. It forms the appearance of the sofas, affects their strength tests during transportation and operation. The frame must be easy, but at the same time reliable. For the production of mini-sofas, grounds are used:

  • natural wood;
  • metal;
  • multilayer plywood;
  • MDF or chipboard.

Products with natural wood are attributed to the most expensive. They are made of natural environmentally friendly raw materials, are distinguished by elegance and reliability. Most often, frames for sofas are made of birch, walnut, ash, beech or oak. The bases are also performed from coniferous trees, but they do not have high strength.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_44

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_45

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_46

Metal frames are the most durable, reliable and inexpensive. They look aesthetically - the outer parts are often nickel-plated or chrome. Often, such furniture is chosen to arrange rooms decorated in modern style or minimalism. Products can serve not one dozen years, because when wearing a soft part it is easy to replace the new one. The only drawback of the base of metal is a lot of weight, due to which transportation and movement of furniture on the apartment can be difficult.

From multilayer plywood, durable and reliable frame bases are obtained. The material is not susceptible to cracking, has good flexibility and low weight. During operation, such a frame is not deformed, does not creak and does not distinguish the harmful evaporation into the environment. Material is available at a price, used in the production of budget furniture.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_47

MDF-slabs are made from pressed fine chip shavings. The binder is natural resins formed when heating and pressing raw materials. In the production of MDF, formaldehyde compounds are not used, making the material absolutely harmless to health. Frames of small sofas from MDF are practically not blocked. They are resistant to dryness, have high strength. The disadvantages include high weight.

Chipboard is the most budget and unreliable material. With its manufacture, formaldehyde resins are used, which evaporate into the environment and harm human health. The framework of sofas from chipboard is not long, they are "afraid" mechanical loads, intensive exploitation, high humidity and temperature surges. Manufacturers also offer furniture with combined bases.

For example, it can be a frame made of metal and natural wood, chipboard and wood, MDF and chipboard.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_48

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_49

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_50


Mini sofas belong to upholstered furniture. In its production, various fillers are used. Most often, several materials are used in the manufacture of compact sofas.

  • Dependent or independent spring blocks. They are used in the production of the overwhelming majority of soft sofas models. Products with such a filler are practically not prepedential. Spring blocks are distinguished by reliability, long operational period.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_51

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_52

  • Porolon. One of the budget materials. Most often used in the production of inexpensive sofas. The foam rubber quickly loses the shape, crushed, because of which the furniture becomes uncomfortable and loses aesthetics.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_53

  • Polyurethan (PPU). The filler obtained by mixing and foaming synthetic polymeric substances. It has high wear resistance, durability. The material is environmentally friendly and elastic. After the deformation, it quickly restores the form. The service life of PPU is at least 10 years.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_54

  • Hollofiber. The material is rapidly restored after deformation. It is distinguished by high hygienic compared to other varieties of fillers. Hollofiber provides elevated comfort with nighthood.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_55

  • Sintepon. Filler, resistant to damage to fungal microorganisms and light-outer aging. The material does not cause allergies. Does not accumulate moisture. Despite elasticity, it is pretty quickly remembered during daily operation.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_56

  • Felt or patch. These are natural hypoallergenic materials that greatly regulate heat. They are available at a price, possess high wear resistance. Such fillers absorb surplus moisture, which can be molded.

High-quality fillers with excellent operational qualities include Latex and Duraphil. Their only drawback is higher cost compared to other materials.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_57


In the production of sofas, several types of upholstery materials are used. The casing performs 2 functions at once - aesthetic and protective (protects furniture from external adverse factors). In the manufacture of mini-sofas, lightweight materials are used (for example, cotton), tissue with high density, natural skin and its substitutes.

There are many types of furniture fabrics. They differ in the operational properties, colors, are natural or synthetic.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_58

Here are the most popular types of trim.

  • Velours. Beautiful material with a pile. It is soft, possesses good breathability, not stretched during operation. His main disadvantages: predisposition to abrasion, attracting dust, demanding in care - the upholstery needs regular cleaning.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_59

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_60

  • Scotchgard. Fabric with high density. Due to the processing with special compositions, she repels pollution and moisture. Sheathing is durable, easy to leave, suitable for the production of children's furniture. Her minus includes a high price.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_61

  • Jacquard. Dense, durable and wear-resistant fabric, not blown apart under the influence of direct sunlight. This upholstery is one-photon, with different patterns or prints. Jacquard "is afraid of" high humidity, because of which it is recommended to be cleaned only with dry ways.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_62

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_63

  • Shenill. Visually, the fabric reminds velor. The material retains the brightness of colors, despite the intensive operation and frequent cleaning. It is durable and soft, does not absorb foreign smells. The cons of such upholstery is its high cost and inclination to the formation of tightenings.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_64

  • Flock. Velvety material made of cotton fibers and polyester. Produced in a wide range of colors. It is easy to care, can "repel" various pollution and dust, is durable. Flock covered sofas are not recommended to position in the kitchen, as it absorbs smells well.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_65

  • Artificial suede. The material looks luxurious, it will be combined with most interior styles. Its advantages include the ability to pass air, no fading, deformation. The fabric does not stick to the skin, it is pleasant to the touch. The main minuses of the upholstery from the suede substitute is an inhomogeneous color and an unpleasant synthetic smell.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_66

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_67

  • Leather. The most durable and durable material, personifying the luxury and good taste of the owners. It looks presentable, does not absorb smells, resistant to high humidity. Disadvantages - high cost, meager selection of colors, exposure to the formation of scratches, damage when sparking.

Demand also enjoy sofas with an upholstery of artificial leather. The leathesis is available at a price compared to the natural analogue. It has softness, easy to care. The disadvantages include "fear" fire and the ability to stick to the skin.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_68

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_69


Small sofas can have different dimensions. There are averages for the size of the model and very miniature products with a length of 140 cm and 1 m wide. As a rule, compact sofas possess the following dimensions:

  • Length from 150 to 200 cm;
  • width from 90 cm to 200 (in the unfolded position);
  • height from 30 to 60 cm;
  • Seat depth from 50 to 90 cm.

Sofas are considered the most popular. Double models with standard sizes have a length of 170 cm and a width of 90 to 110 cm. Small children's mini-sofas have a length of 150 cm and the width in the decomposed position is 170 cm. Babe models are also found on sale. Their length begins from 120 cm, and the width of 60 cm.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_70

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_71

Design options

Compact sofas have a different appearance - on sale are found both standard models for which simplicity and straight lines and more fashionable solutions are characterized. A separate group is designer products. Most of them are characterized by originality and unusual appearance. Stylish exclusive models are performed as:

  • luxury bowls;
  • interesting flower lawns;
  • lips;
  • seashells;
  • Clouds.

Designer furniture often has incorrect forms. Variations resembling a wave, products in the form of a semicircular or a polyhedron - they all look spectacular and original.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_72

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_73

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_74

Compact sofas are affixed by a variety of paints and design options. They are performed in various stylistic directions.

  • Classic. For the classics are characterized by white, beige and dark colors, natural materials, rounded and smooth lines. Such furniture, despite small dimensions, luxurious and comfortable. Classic sofas are most often represented by untransforming stationary models.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_75

  • In modern style. This furniture is characterized by high functionality. Products are often complemented by compact tables, shelves, minibar or other objects.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_76

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_77

  • High tech. Color contrasts are characteristic of these sofas (for example, black and white, white and red), chrome supports, sharp and clear lines.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_78

  • Provence. This style is characterized by simplicity, it personifies home comfort. Sofas stylized under Provence are performed in pastel colors with bright small color prints.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_79

  • Retro. Such sofas have an unusual form of the back and armrests. They are ideal for relaxing in a circle of friends and households.

Sofas of small sizes can be produced with armrests or without them, having legs or a variety of supports, complemented with decorative pillows and various accessories.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_80

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_81

How to choose?

Before buying a mini-sofa, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations. They will help not make a mistake and make the right choice.

  • Dimensions. The sofa dimensions are selected in accordance with the area of ​​the room. Before buying, you need to do measurements.
  • Purpose. The sofa can be purchased for kitchen, bedroom, living room, children's room. Furniture for sleep must be convenient, equipped with reliable and durable transforming mechanisms. The best models for intensive operation are Eurobook, "Click-Klyak", "Book". To improve the kitchen, it is recommended to look at the sofas with wear-resistant upholstery with a strength indicator of at least 200 g / m. To rest guests you need to choose comfortable furniture with medium rigidity.
  • Materials. In high-quality sofas, the base is made of MDF, natural wood or metal, polyurethane foam, latex or springs perform as a filler. Upholstery materials must have strength, color resistance, abrasion resistance and breathability.
  • Style and designer execution. It is important that the sofa acquires harmonize with the furnishing, decor, decor.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_82

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_83

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_84

When choosing a product, special attention should be paid to its convenience and quality. On the sofa you need to sit or even lie down to feel the comfort of furniture. It is necessary to listen to the sounds that make up the furniture when moving. The presence of squeaks will indicate a poorly glued frame basis.

It is important to pay close attention to the quality of the firmware - lines, like rows of brackets, should be smooth. These are small nuances that may indicate the blessings of the manufacturer.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_85

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_86

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_87

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_88

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_89

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_90

Beautiful examples in the interior

Small cozy sofas are appropriate in kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, hallways. The taste of selected furniture is capable of successfully fit into the interior. On the photographs presented below, it is clearly shown, as compact sofas in rooms with different stylistic design are harmoniously.

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_91

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_92

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_93

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_94

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_95

Little sofas (96 photos): sizes of mini-sofas, small-sized stylish double sofas for small rooms and other models 8913_96

How to choose a sofa competently, see the following video.

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