IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options


Candles are the perfect piece of decor that will decorate any interior. IKEA offers a wide range of a variety of products that are in great demand. Your attention is offered an overview of aromatic, LED and other types of decor objects that can brighten any everyday life.

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_2

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_3

Overview of aromatic candles

If you do not imagine your life without candles, IKEA offers a rich variety of these products. In the assortment you can find flavored models in beautiful glasses, glass, decorative solutions with a large choice of smells. If you like candles that will create a comfort in the room, you can safely consider the combination of green tea and verbena, currants and freesia, mint and basilica. Flower smells in candles are especially beautiful. They are unobtrusive, besides are offered in beautiful tanks that fit into the interior of the residential room or office.

If you are looking for aromasters for winter holidays, you can choose a gyrinth version or vanilla that give comfort and leave a pleasant train.

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_4

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_5

The company works together with Ben Gorhem, and this cooperation made it possible to create a variety of accessories for the house, which will not leave indifferent anyone. Special attention was paid to the containers, so the designers created copyright ceramic glasses, which are difficult to confuse with other firms. The buyer has the opportunity to choose the desired size depending on the wishes and financial capabilities.

Colors for color They were selected by real experts, so the candle can become an ideal gift to any connoisseur of such accessories. Products are not only wild wax. Dyes also add in them, so green, red and other options are presented in the catalog. Many are wondering what products make products from. It is safe to say that paraffin with vegetation wax is used as the main ingredient.

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_6

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_7

If necessary, producing flavors with dyes are added to create different shades. The main advantages of the natural composition include the absence of unpleasant odor and aesthetic appearance.

To burn the candle for a long time, natural wax is added to it, but in smaller quantity, since its price is too high.

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_8

The main purpose of Aromasvech, of course, is to create a romantic atmosphere. In the line you can find several different collections, each of which has its own characteristics. . In the set "Lugga" There are three copies of different colors, and a decorative candle "Phenomenon" 20 cm high will look beautifully on the bedside end. Original are products "BLODDORF" In white, pink and blue colors. A distinctive feature was the embossed surface of the tank. Models are burning for 30 hours.

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_9

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_10

The product of the pink shade smells a sweet peas, but the aroma barely catch, so it is unobtrusive, and this suits many. It is safe to say that such an accessory will be an excellent addition to a gift to everyone who loves such things. The candle will fit perfectly into the bedroom and create a romantic mood. In beautiful glasses from glass that are packed in cardboard boxes, a series called a series "Newting" . Here the manufacturer used a combination of basil, mint and fresh coriander. All this creates a harmonious gamut.

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_11

Greasing candles have gained great popularity that are located in the sleeve. Usually they are called "tablets". Such products are supplied in sets of 30 units, which are offered in three shades. Of course, the accessory is burning for a long time, but it is an alternative for those who want to organize an evening with candlelight. The company also suggests Candle "Syllig", which is capable of burning a day, but there is another accessory with a duration of 40 hours - "Frischet".

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_12

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_13

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_14

Successful acquisition can be a candle with three wicks - "Knekka". Thus, in the assortment there is a huge variety of products that are not only the subject of decor, but also give a pleasant glow, and can also make a pleasant gentle fragrance. A big advantage is that glass glasses can be used as candlesticks when the wax is over.

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_15

Wax and floating candles

Wax products can be used not only as decoration. They can also be Useful . Especially small tea candles: such a device is often installed under a special ass with a hot drink to maintain the temperature. These are the same "tablets", but without fragrance, they are practical and offered at an affordable price. In addition, a small metal container is well heated, and still perfectly holds on the water, so you can arrange a photo session in the bathroom to get stunning pictures.

Thanks to such products, unusual compositions are created, so you can experiment and show creativity . It is impossible not to mark long candles that are intended for installation in candlesticks. Such accessories emphasize the style of the interior, besides, they are durable and burned not as fast as in the sleeves.

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_16

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_17

LED products

Some people may have an allergic reaction to burning paraffin with wax, but should not deny himself the pleasure of enjoying such beautiful accessories. That's why IKEA has created electrical products which work exclusively on batteries. Candle will work as much as you need, just enough to charge it from time to time.

The assortment offers artificial accessories of different colors, and numerous consumer feedback confirm excellent product quality.

Diode candles give a beautiful glow, which you can make sure your personal experience. Some artificial products work from batteries, but you can find electrical. Such products can be divided into two categories.

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_18

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_19


This accessory is practically no different from the present candles with its flickering pleasant light. If there are children in the house, but you don't want to deprive themselves romantics, you can safely choose this option, because it is installed everywhere due to fire safety. Operation of the device occurs using an integrated timer, so the backlight turns on automatically for 6 hours. Such LEDs are much economted with electricity, and serve longer incandescent lamps.

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_20

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_21


The main features of such accessories include the maximum similarity with paraffin candle. It is important to note that the batteries should be purchased separately. The timer will turn on the product for 6 hours, and then will turn off 18 to the next time. Charging is enough for two weeks, the LED integrated. Light from such a device will be warm.

Candles are an excellent addition to any interior, and thanks to such a wide variety, everyone can choose a solution for their own preferences..

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_22

IKEA candles: aromatic in a glass and led candles on batteries, tea candle sets, red flavored candles and other options 8897_23

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