How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer


How beautiful to arrange the courtyard - such a question arises from the owners of private houses not only on holidays. Often, you just want to see your site attractive and cozy at any time, so that he pleased every day the owners and guests. It is worth considering that every time of year allows you to create a new decor and diversify the decoration of the adjacent territory.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_2

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_3

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_4

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_5

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_6

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_7

How to make ice jewelry?

To decorate the courtyard of the private house with their own hands in winter is not so difficult. It is not necessary to immediately puzzled by the curly ice figures, without having any skills for this - you can create very original decorations that your yard is really unique. Especially the process itself is extremely simple. Everyone knows well how to freeze ice cubes for drinks - for this you need special molds. For decorations that can be placed in the courtyard on trees, shops and just on Earth will also need forms. It is enough to find the usual container. If you plan to hang the decoration (for example, on the Christmas tree in the yard), it means that you need to establish a plastic object in the form of a tube.

In the selected container, we pour water and send to the freezing chamber. When the water turns into a lot, we leave the container in the room literally for five minutes. And as soon as the ice fell slightly, take it out of the form. If we installed the tube in the container, we should get an icy circle with a hole in the middle. This is the principle of making the basis. But you can do and simple rope. To do this, the water is placed in advance (two ends).

Thus, in the frozen form, then there will be a loop, with which you can hang the decoration in any place, decorating trees, fences, facades of buildings.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_8

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_9

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_10

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_11

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_12

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_13

You can add dyes into the water, placing berries, flowers, coniferous sprigs. All this will freeze, and it will be very original ice decoration. And in the water, you can put everything anything, the flight of fantasy does not limit nothing. To make small ice figures, you can use molds (at least for cookies). There is simply poured water, and the forms go to the freezer. It is possible to plant multiple blocks in plastic rectangular containers and build a castle from them. Blocks will need quite a lot. They can also be made colored by adding dyes. During the construction of a wall of such blocks, one layer is laid out and watering water. This will help make the cubes among themselves.

Another simple option: Pour colored water into the balloons and leave to freeze on the street. When the water is frozen, we clean the upper sheath, and it turns out a colored ball from ice. If one of these balls lay tracks throughout the territory of the yard or even scatter chaotic, it will be unusually beautiful. If you want to place the balls on the branches of the trees, you need to put two end of the rope in advance in advance. When the ball will freeze, it will already be with a loop, with which you can hang an ice ball on the tree in the courtyard.

But if all this seems too long and difficult, you can simply build a beautiful snowman in the courtyard, build a slide and pour with water.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_14

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_15

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_16

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_17

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_18

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_19

It is recommended to look at the ready-made examples to understand how beautiful the winter plot looks beautiful, it is worth only to show a little fantasy.

  • Apple slices, sprigs of needles and berries frozen in water Allow the creation of very original decorations for trees. You just need not to overdo it. For powerful trees, you can make large forms, small trees to decorate the miniature toys of our own manufacture.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_20

  • Colored icy balls on the snow look amazing. They bring bright colors in the winter landscape and raise the mood. Good decorations for any holiday and especially in the New Year.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_21

  • Color palms are also the original option. And it is necessary for this to just pour water into ordinary rubber gloves, pre-painting it in any color with the help of paints.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_22

Outlet of the courtyard

To issue a plot in the summer, as well as in the offseason is absolutely not difficult. And the most beautiful decor is flowers. It is only important to choose those that bloom for a very long time - there are a lot of such species that bloom in the spring and delight with their beauty up to the most frosts. Such, for example, include petunias, agrators, velvets, roses. It is only necessary to think about which flower beds to place, how to arrange them, and for this it is better to make a preliminary plan for the garden, so that the composition looks organically, and has not been chaos. Flowers can be made from any submitted means: old tires are suitable, unnecessary boards, stones are large and small. Variants are set.

  • If you make a flowerbed from the board (it, by the way, can be multi-tier), you can paint them, apply patterns, handle varnish.
  • When making flower clubs from tires there is a wonderful option: you need to dilute the cement, to deceive the bus with a thick layer and shallow pebbles on it. It is necessary to work quickly until the cement froze.
  • Share the flowerbed from large stones is also easy. You can leave them and so, but if you want greater strength, it will help again cement mortar. Collect them or leave an original form - to solve you.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_23

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_24

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_25

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_26

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_27

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_28

From a cement solution or gypsum mass, with their own hands, you can make figurines for the garden. If the sculptor skills are not enough, you can simply find a suitable form and use it. So, to create a bug, an old basique will suit, head and legs to cut out is already easy. You can decorate with paints and top cover with protective varnish.

Large multicolored stones look very beautifully. If you find the right forms and volumes, each stone with fantasy and paints is easy to turn into a little animal. Well, you can make ladybugs and bugs. You can find how much you like: it is enough to find the pebbles of the circular shape and apply the corresponding drawing on them.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_29

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_30

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_31

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_32

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_33

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_34

Consider several ready-made examples that will help you understand what the courtyard may be if you put in his soul.

  • It is absolutely not difficult to create such a composition, and just stones, skias and flowers are needed, there will also be needed any fabric for bags and cement to corrupt the stone construction.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_35

  • Merry teapot and mug easily created from tires: they only need to put on each other, paint and apply patterns. After that, it is recommended to plant flowers - and bright flower beds are ready.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_36

  • From simple tin cans stained in any shade, and colors can create an excellent composition for decorating the fence.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_37

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_38

Other ideas

The territory near the house can be made well-groomed and beautiful in different ways. At the cottage you can do just with flowers, but there is always a chance to come up with something more unusual. For example, if there is a tree in the country area, you can decorate it with LED garlands. In the evening it will be a cozy corner for friendly gatherings.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_39

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_40

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_41

Trimming shrubs

Street decorations are very often created using plants. Any shrubs look very beautiful if they regularly take care and cut off. At the same time, if you specify a definite goal, you can create both the necessary figures.

This is, of course, troublesome and unprecedented, but the result is worth it. However, blooming and green shrubs are beautiful themselves. They successfully fulfill the role of alive hedges, will become part of the composition and even in a single option will be decorated.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_42

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_43

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_44

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_45

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_46

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_47

Garden from stones

Stones attract very many. And indeed, they look very natural and harmoniously on the plot. It is only necessary to choose different stones in size, think over the compositions, add their herbs, perennials, coniferous plants. It is suitable in this case and juniper, and heather, and lavender.

A very good addition will be an artificial reservoir, a rod or even a waterfall flowing along the stones of different quantities and configuration. Through mini-reservoir, you can cross the bridge, run fish there.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_48

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_49

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_50

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_51

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_52

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_53

For birthday

In the garden should be beautiful always so that it was pleasant to be there. But a birthday is, of course, a special reason to add an additional decor. And here as a time will suit a variety of options:

  • The decoration of the territory by balloons: you can make the arches for a photo shoot, some of the balls fill the helium and fasten somewhere to let go into the sky;
  • Bouquets of living flowers in large vases will also serve good decorations;
  • Stretching with inscriptions for a birthday boy can be placed where the zone for games or a picnic will be equipped;
  • If you have to get together in the evening, the entire courtyard can be turned into a fabulous forest and rave glowing garlands on the trees - it is worth only to do it extremely gently to damage the trees.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_54

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_55

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_56

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_57

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_58

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_59

By the New Year

New Year is another wonderful reason to transform the courtyard. The lights can be fixed on the facade of the house and trees. If pine, fir or spruce grows in the yard, is just a chic chance to dress the New Year's tree, without firing it. Even a small juniper will serve his service, miniature lights and balls for him are quite suitable. Winter decorations from ice will complement the picture. To be beautiful, in the ice houses of a small size made from blocks, you can put garlands, and then light will appear inside.

If you want a grand holiday right in my yard, you can purchase a projector: The laser will help to recreate a picture of the winter fairy tale, stars and snowflakes of various colors can fly around the yard. Any ideas to arrange your yard on weekdays and on holidays can be implemented.

By the way, if you attract all family members, including children, the process will turn out even more fascinating, then it will be doubly pleasant to enjoy the fruits of his work during the rest.

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_60

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_61

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_62

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_63

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_64

How to make a beautiful courtyard? 65 Photo Ice decorations for the street with your own hands, decorate the territory near the private house in winter and summer 8835_65

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