All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you?


Swimming pool is a great opportunity to maintain your body in shape. Training data benefit for the body by increasing immunity and endurance. However, the purchase of a subscription to the pool is not enough to visit the institution, a visitor will need to take a certain list of things.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_2

What clothes and shoes need to take?

Important attributes for swimming in the pool are clothing and shoes. Attending training is standing in a swimming costume of a sports cut, which should not fade human movements. It is better to pick a swimsuit on which there are no strings, as they can interfere and unleash when swimming. Do not buy swimsuit with all sorts of decorations, frills. The best option for women is considered Bathing suit solid cut.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_3

Male half of humanity in order to swim in the pool, it is worth buying Melting on the type of boxers or slips. In the slim men will move freely and more comfortable. In the institution where the pool is located, it is worth walking in shale, slippers. That is why without removable shoes, when visiting swimming training, it is not necessary. Special shoes are a guarantee of protection against fungal diseases, as well as injuries that can be obtained by slipping on the tile floor.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_4

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_5

Choosing a cap and glasses

For swimming in the pool, a person will need to get a hat. When immersing in the water, each visitor should have this accessory on the head. Currently, the most popular materials for the manufacture of a swimming cap are considered Silicone and Latex.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_6

The headdress is required to choose according to the size of your head, so buying this product, it is worth performing fitting.

As well as choosing a hat for the pool, you need to be guided by your own taste, since A wide range of models allows everyone to emphasize its individual style. Children, girls, women and men will not be difficult to choose the accessory who will have to do and suit the cost. The headdress should close the ears, do not put on the head, and also comfortably dress and removed.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_7

For a hike to the pool, people can be secured Special glasses. Of course, the presence of this attribute is optional, but for personal comfort it is better to purchase them. A person should be acquired by swimming glasses, diving, if the eyes will tears during class, there is a feeling of discomfort. With such an accessory, swimming will be much more convenient, the swimmer can avoid reddening of visual organs, as well as reducing visual acuity.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_8

Wanting to buy glasses for swimming in the pool, it is worth a preference to a soft, hypoallergenic product. Their fastening is carried out with the help of a special strap - gum, so it is quite convenient to swim in glasses, as they will not subscribe.

This type of swimming accessory may be the following varieties:

  • children;
  • adult;
  • starting;
  • professional;
  • with diopters;
  • With a dedicated and fixed type bridge.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_9

Personal hygiene

In addition to all the above attributes, to go to the pool to the visitor is required with soap, washcloth and towel. Before you go for swimming in the public pool, you should take a shower . Such a procedure is provided for by the rules of the institution, which is aimed at compliance with hygiene.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_10


The use of soap in the soul is considered a requirement, and not by the personal wish of everyone. In this case, it is recommended to use solid soap Since the shower gel forms a film on human skin.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_11


The urine is also considered to be a necessary accessory for the adoption of water procedures before immersion in the water of the basin. This item should be selected. In accordance with personal preferences.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_12


After taking the soul, each person will need to suffer something, respectively, without a towel can not do. The material of this product must absorb moisture well, as well as to be characterized by medium density. The optimal option in this case is the product from microfiber, mahry . You can also take a robe with you, this moment is especially important for mothers with young children.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_13

What else to take with you?

In addition to the list of supplies, as well as personal hygiene, towels, accessories for swimming a child, masks, blades, taking and a lot of other, an adult and child will need a doctor's note. Of course, this document is not required in each center of this appointment, but safer to go to the pool, where all visitors are healthy. In some such institutions there is its own medical worker, who after inspecting visitors issues a document on the possibility of using the public pool.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_14

Contraindications for swimming in the public pool are:

  • chronic diseases in the aggravation stage;
  • dermatitis and skin diseases;
  • eye disease;
  • availability of open-type wounds;
  • heartlessness and vascular system;
  • The presence of malignant formations.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_15

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_16

Issue a certificate that resolve swimming training can state and commercial medical licensed organizations. Children can be visited the pool in the presence of a certificate from a pediatrician.

If the doctor has a suspicion of a dubious state of human health, then it should not give a certificate. Otherwise, infection from one person can get to the rest of the pool visitors through water.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_17

In order to receive a certificate, you will need to pass tests at the therapist, dermatologist and venereologist. In addition, the future swimmer needs to be made fluorography, pass tests for HIV, helminths and others.

Masks for swimming in the pool are considered an excellent addition to submersible training and outdoor water. They are equipped with a wide obturator, thanks to which the load on the organs of vision is minimized. Some models have large lenses, which make it possible to improve the review.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_18

Individual Beroshi For the pool are designed to maximize the closure of the aisle, they are characterized by good noise reduction. Due to the large area of ​​contact with the hearing body, the waterproofing contributes to the hearing. Convenient reusable accessories for the pool are simply necessary for people who often sick otitis.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_19

The popular swimmer simulator in the pool is Bathing blade. Thanks to this accessory, you can develop high swimming velocities, increase the load on the muscle system. And if a person visits the pool to train the muscles of the upper half of the body, he does not do without a blade.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_20

You can also go to the pool with some right trifles. We list them.

  • Moisturizing cream. Since water with chlorine content is able to cut the skin, the latter is better to moisten after water procedures.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_21

  • Hair accessories . Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are difficult to do without combs, rubber bands - thanks to them, the hair does not look out of the hats. And also without them it is difficult to put yourself in order after bathing.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_22

  • Hairdryer. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to take this type of technology with you, since usually in establishments with a public swimming pool are busy or paid or at all.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_23

  • Sport type inventory. It is worth attributing to the blade, flippers, a board, a destroyer. However, the visitor should be clarified in advance in the administration of the institution, whether such attributes can be brought with them. Sometimes in the pools this inventory is available, in others - it is completely prohibited.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_24

  • Water, food. As you know, after playing swimming, there is always a feeling of hunger, so it is desirable to take something with you for a snack. You can also restore the forces in the cafe of the institution.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_25

  • Waterproof watch . This accessory will allow not only to monitor the time, but also to track the exact distance and the number of calorie spent. Examples of high-quality waterproof clocks can be called Garmin Swim and Misfit Shine.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_26

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_27

  • Turban. This thing is considered simply indispensable for representatives of the beautiful floor - it can save from droplets of water, which fall on clothes with wet hair.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_28

  • Replacement clothes, linen . After swimming in the pool and the taking of the soul it is worth putting on clean linen.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_29

  • Underwater player. When swimming for long distances, the swimmer may not be bored and listen to his favorite music.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_30

  • Antiph. This is an excellent remedy for glasses that prevents fogging.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_31

  • Beroshi . This device can be made of silicone. As well as for swimming lovers, which are prone to frequent colds, the relevant accessory will be hosted for nose.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_32

  • Plastic bags, In which you can fold the wet things after swimming.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_33

  • Sports bag . It should be selected initially before visiting the pool. The bag can constantly fold all the necessary things and accessories.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_34

There is a list of things that do not necessarily be in the bag when visiting the pool, but they will never interfere:

  • antihistamine drug, which can be useful in the occurrence of an allergic reaction to chlorinated water;
  • means for the prevention of fungal illness on the legs in the form of spray, ointment;
  • cosmetics, which does not floss;
  • Antiseptic substance, bandage, plaster.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_35

People who love to swim or do this at a professional level, do not forget about the necessary things as a pass or subscription to the pool. And also to documents worth putting a certificate from the doctor and passport.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_36

They will not be superfluous and money, since at any time the swimmer may want to use the additional services of the center.

Swimming is a useful sport that should be engaged not only to adults, but also for children, as classes strengthen the muscular system, immunity. Before visiting this institution, you should visit the doctor and get a certificate from it, allowing you to swim in the public pool.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_37

And also do not forget about the necessary attributes for training, which were listed above. Due to the presence of all the people you need for swimming will feel more comfortable, and the occupation will bring more fun.

All for swimming in the pool: selection of takes, blades and masks. What other accessories need to take with you? 8807_38

Experts advise not to wash each time accessories for swimming, normal rinsing will be enough for their cleansing.

About what you need to take with you to the pool, see the next video.

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