The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina?


More and more people today are inclined to a healthy lifestyle, therefore, the popularization of water sports has its explanation. The pool is loved to visit both adults and children of different ages. However, classes will be comfortable only if the conditions correspond to all states on GOST and the requirements.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_2

What should be the temperature?

Any classes must be enjoyed. If we are talking about the swimming pool, it is necessary to provide norms corresponding to SanPine regarding water and air temperature. It is very important, since people are located in the room weed, respectively, they need to feel comfortable.

Failure to comply with these requirements can lead to different diseases.

It should be noted that The temperature of water has a huge effect on the temperature of the room. . If the indicators are identical, there is a risk of cooling in water. As for the standards, for the swimming pool They are within 22-24 degrees. If the lower boundary is unattainable, convulsions may occur. If we are talking, for example, about therapeutic gymnastics or water therapy, this temperature is not enough, it should be from 26 to 28 degrees.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_3

Standard water temperature should be maintained not only in adults, but also in children's pools . In this case, the average is the average from 28 to 30 degrees . If we are talking about very small swimsters, the temperature level should be constant to avoid the risk of supercooling. In addition, it should be said that in the premises of the pool always increased humidity due to the accumulation of a large amount of water. Also increases the level of evaporation and frequent work of shower rooms.

If the water temperature, the pair density, pressure and moisture content are within the normal range, then the humidity will also be supported at the required level. Also, moisture intensity depends on temperature indicators.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_4

In sports

Standards in relation to the sports pool are beginning to be taken into account at the construction stage. They are all spelled out in the international FINA organization, What makes it possible to lay financial costs and installing the necessary equipment at the design stage. In comparison with the private pool, there are significant differences in the preparation of water.

First of all, restrictions relate to the form. It can be exclusively rectangular.

Water must be subjected High-quality cleaning. After preheating to the achievement of the necessary temperature indicators, it enters the pool. For such a tank The norm is 25-28 degrees. Also in standards is prescribed the length of the basin, which can be equal to 25 or 50 meters. The water level should not change throughout the time of the competition. Water can be supplied additionally, however, there should be no flow.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_5

In childhood

Separate attention deserve pools designed for swimming children or their school classes. It must be said that currently gaining popularity of babies of babies from babies age. A very small enough common home bathroom, classes in which can be started after a month after birth.

The pool visit usually begins after 2 months.

The water temperature in the bathroom for infants should hold at the level of 37 degrees during the several first lessons, however, over time it gradually reduce . By the 20th procedure, the indicator should be 35 degrees. After that, the water should also be done more cooler while the baby does not start feel comfortable at 28 degrees.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_6

If we are talking about the pool, in the case when it is intended for swimming 2-month kids, the temperature in it holds at 37 degrees. Children over six months have enough indicators 32-34 degrees. Carefully follow in this case and behind the temperature indoors, it should be about 26 degrees.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_7

Parents give children to swim predominantly For the purpose of hardening. Water training is also a beneficial effect on immunity, help growing organism more actively. For these purposes, pools are equipped even in educational institutions. Experts believe that This factor helps not only to teach schoolchildren to swim, but also puts them the love of sports and a healthy lifestyle. However, it should be borne in mind that heat exchange processes in the body of children are not stable, for this reason too cold water can significantly harm their health.

Sanitary standards prescribe the temperature of both water and air in school pools.

In such a situation, it is necessary to take into account Not only age, but also the level of physical training of a schoolboy. Children aged 6-8 years will feel comfortable in the pool with a temperature of from 30 to 32 degrees. If a schoolboy from 8 to 12 years old, averages must be from 29 to 30 degrees. For adolescents who have reached 12 years of age, the water temperature should be from 27 to 29 degrees.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_8

In healthy

Standards for such a basin are similar to indicators for sports. However, more massives are held here. It is possible to swim and just lovers. Wellness and sports can be called, for example, swimming pools in fitness clubs. The water temperature in them should hold within 26-29 degrees. She is great both for active swimming and a relaxing holiday. It is such a water most often awaits our tourists at sea resorts.

Separate attention deserve thermal pools. On average, the temperature in them ranges from 37 to 42 degrees.

More hotn the name "Hypertermal". The temperature of the temperature also affects both the chemical composition of water and its balneological properties. It is from this indicator that the therapeutic properties of such baths depend. According to experts, the greatest concentration of nutrients is present in hot sources.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_9

Indicators for outdoor pools

Temperature standard for street pools has its own characteristics. It is significantly different from those who follow the organizers of indoor complexes. Such tanks are used mainly in the summer, therefore The indicators have a direct impact of the weather. . And if for adults the difference in temperatures for several degrees is permissible, then for children this question is very important.

Adjust the air temperature is impossible, therefore, to predict, which indications will be on the sensor in the outdoor pool, is quite problematic if it is not heated.

If the day is clear and sunny, under the influence of direct sunlight heating will occur much stronger than in cloudy weather. An increase in heat loss occurs with significant differences in water and air temperatures. If the pool is located on the street, Experts do not recommend taking water treatments at water temperature below 21 degrees. Even without heating in particularly hot days she can warm up up to 28-30 degrees. This is considered the norm.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_10

In the case when there is no desire to depend on weather conditions, it makes sense to establish a special pavilion over the outdoor pool, made of polycarbonate. It will help protect the reservoir from any environment surprises. Created inside the microclimate will achieve the values ​​that SanPiN indicates. If you set a number of heating appliances, you can swim until the autumn occurs.

Experts recommend maintaining the temperature in an open reservoir at 23-25 ​​degrees.

If it is lower, it can create discomfort for swimsuits. At higher values, evaporation will increase, which threatens with natural cooling. Also, the temperature of the soil has a significant effect, which will also take part of the heat. If it is assumed that the pool is intended for children, the water temperature can be enhanced up to 28 degrees.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_11

Air temperature standards

If the pool is located indoors, it is also necessary to maintain the optimal air temperature. If inside it is too hot or cold, it will also affect the comfort of engaged. In this situation, a checked rule was set. The air temperature in the room should be 1-2 degrees to exceed the temperature of the water. Accordingly, it will be quite comfortable to go to the land. If the institution assumes the presence of a special hall where preparatory classes are held, there must be a little cooler, up to +18 degrees.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_12

As for shower rooms and locker rooms, there should also be warm, about 25 degrees. Comfortable temperature in massage rooms is 22 degrees. If the sauna is expected, the air in it should be heated to 100-120 degrees maximum. The presence of drafts is also spelled out in Sanpin. The maximum air movement speed is 0.2 m / s. Accordingly, any drafts must be excluded.

The rate of water and air temperature in the pool: What should be the optimal air temperature and water for sailing in Sanmpina? 8802_13

In the next video, you will learn how to warm the water in the frame pool to the optimum temperature.

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