What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose?


Skateboarding is engaged in young guys and girls who love extreme. Beginners athletes are interested in choosing - skateboard or cruiser. Consider further than they differ in, which represent these devices and much more.

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_2

What is a cruiser?

The cruiser is a symbiosis of such boards for skating, like skateboard and longboards. Skateboard is a standard board made of wood and supplemented with wheels, and Longboards - an improved riding agent which is characterized by an improved speed set and good running characteristics.

The cruiseer is also similar and with the Longboards, and with a skateboard. It is intended for calm urban riding, more suitable For riding children due to high stability. It has soft and wide wheels with medium rigidity.

Dec (platform for legs) The cruiser is made of Canadian or Chinese maple. Some of them are created from plastic. Wooden boards are more colorful, and plastic most often are one-photon, but withstand more weight athlete.

The length is about 77.5 centimeters. The tail part of the deck bent.

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_3

Cruisers are distinguished by excellent maneuverability, stability and ease of control. The design was created according to Russian realities: takes into account possible irregularities of roads and gives the effect of soft riding, which has become possible due to the increased wheelbase and maneuverability of decks. In addition to the usual ride, everyone can perform various tricks and jumps on it.

It is worth noting that Skate cruiser is less than a smaller. The mini board has a shorter deck, which can be attached to a backpack or use a standard case for it. This is the same cruiser, but in the reduced version. He wins in maneuverability, but loses in stability and stability. This is the difference of the mini board from the standard option. The reduced model is more suitable for experienced riders.

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_4

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_5

Difference from Skateboard and Longboat

Skateboard is suitable for performing various tricks in the parks due to the shape and rigidity of the wheelbase. It has special bearings and a narrow hard suspension, allowing you to take jumps and turns.

The main differences in the skateboard from the cruiser are as follows.

  • It is only wooden. In size, the board cannot be greater than 80 cm in length and 20 cm in width.
  • Has a bend on both sides and a special sandpaper for better clutch with shoes . The cruiser has a relief surface, which is why you can get bosome legs.
  • It has a lot of weight and small wheels. The wheel cruiser is much larger.

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_6

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_7

Skateboard cruiser is characterized by improved maneuverability and more interesting design. In addition, thanks to the small bearings, it is possible to accelerate the faster, while large wheels are calm and freely roll on asphalt and any other coatings.

The cruiser has increased patency and stability, develops rapid speed. The curved rear of the deck allows you to perform OLLI type tricks with reversals, jumps and accelerations. Because of its constructive features with a sharp turn of the wheels, do not come into contact with the board. Reliable sleeves with resistant suspension and propulsions made of polyurethane provide excellent acceleration and high speed during a smooth course.

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_8

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_9

From the Longboard Cruiser is characterized by a shorter deck length. Longboards by its design resembles a surfboard. Deca has an elongated surface to 1 meter. It is made of wooden or vinyl material. Differs softness and compliance . Special deck bends contribute to a rapid speed set and cope well with various obstacles to. Longboard is wider and softer the suspension, the wheelbase is more maneuverable.

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_10

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_11

How to choose?

The choice of a good cruiser will help to carry out a professional rider or an experienced manager, pushing out from the buyer's experience in skateboarding, foot size and age. For example, the length of the board is selected in the size of the foot and growth.

In the width of the deck can be any. When choosing wheels should be headed by rule: what they are more, the slower the board will accelerate, but will reach higher speed. As for the deck - than it is shorter, the smaller the turning radius. The coating should be high-quality, without irregularities and peeling. Otherwise, marriage is possible.

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_12

When choosing a cruiser, it is necessary to look at the design, the presence of a protective coating of the rear, the reliability of the manufacturer and the price. And also should be asked in demand for a specific model of device and reviews that leave experienced riders on social networks or target sites. It is worth noting that A good alternative to the cruiser will be surfshot. It has a standard rear suspension, but the rotating front, thanks to which the board is obtained very maneuverable. When skating on asphalt, you can feel like on the waves. Interestingly, you can turn on such devices by 360 degrees.

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_13

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_14

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_15

Choice for a child

Before going to the store, it is necessary to determine what boards will be purchased. If the purpose of the child is to master the different tricks in the form of flip and sharp turns, then the usual skateboard should be purchased. For walking and easy riding, you can take a long board or miniature cruiser. For riding around the city, the cruiser is best suited, as a 4-year-old child can master it. The main thing is to learn to confidently hold on to the deck and ride in a straight line.

Tricky boards serve much less. Sharp braking, falls, blows and other nuances of aggressive ride contribute to the rapid destruction of the body, abrasion of the wheels. Thus, the wooden deck of medium quality will have to be changed every 1-2 weeks at regular load, or even more often. Wood simply does not withstand and breaks.

In this case, buying wheels and other components do not need if they do not need to be replaced. They are simply transferred to a new board with old.

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_16

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_17

It is worth noting that Skateboarding refers to high-speed sports. When there is a drop on the asphalt, the child slows down with all the body. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to protection. Be sure to buy a helmet, knee pads and elbows, and special gloves will protect the palms. Protective gear will save the child from serious injury, although it is unlikely to protect against small abrasions and bruises. Tensions of the ankles and dislocations are the most common injuries.

The cruiser in this regard is safer for riding, since there is an increased stability compared to conventional longboards and skateboard. It is important to understand that in any case a large number of workouts will be required. At the same time, the cruiser is not recommended for children under 5, since they have no sufficient coordination for confident board management. In any case, the presence of an adult in all workouts.

In general, the cruiser is simultaneously similar to Skateboard and Longboards. But has a powerful wheelbase and increased stability. It is divided into two varieties (depending on the length). Suitable for children from 5 years while complying with all necessary safety recommendations, such as riding with helmet and other means of protection.

What does skate differ from the cruiser? Differences of the wooden and other skateboard from the cruiser. What is better to choose? 8779_18

About how Skate is different from the cruiser, see the next video.

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