How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it?


Today, the gyroscutor meets as often as a bike with a scooter. Many people are fascinated by an unusual vehicle, but refuse to buy, fearing that Sigwem's control will be too complicated.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_2

Fundamental rules

In fact, learning to ride a gyroscuter is not so difficult, as it might seem. The task is simplified if the skating skateboard skills or roller skates already have. Very often, a quarter of an hour is enough to learn how to keep balance, and a couple of hours later, a person without any support moves for short distances.

The gyroscur works due to the presence of sensors that respond to changing the position of the body. Thus, the balance is maintained when driving, and a special program synchronizes all occurring processes.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_3

One of the main rules of using Sigwe has Compliance with the compliance of the selected model and roads for movement.

  • First-class gyroscurists have small wheels with a diameter of just 4.6 inches. It is allowed to use only on absolutely smooth surfaces, since the slightest swelling or a sharp rise will lead to the appearance of scratches and even breakage of the case.
  • The second-class models are equipped with a 6.5-inch diameter wheels. They are also used on smooth surfaces to avoid reducing the service life. Despite the gap between the device itself and expensive, the presence of rubber tubeless wheels creates certain limitations.
  • The third-class sigvela is equipped with 8-inch tires. This allows you to exploit the device not only on asphalt roads, but also on the lawn, land and even in the puddles. Nevertheless, on bad roads, the device is better not to use - the occurrence of a strong vibration will lead to a deterioration in the state of the gyro.
  • Finally, fourth-class devices with 10 inches wheel diameter And also an inflatable chamber system can be used on completely any surfaces.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_4

As for the winter season of the year, the use of a sigway at that time is not rebiring, but only under the observance of a number of conditions. It is important to ensure that the platform level is higher than the snow level, otherwise the device will quickly get stuck . The speed of movement will have to withstand moderate and be prepared for the fact that after one and a half hours of operation, the battery will fail.

Plastic models will not be able to be in the cold for a long time in contrast to carbon. The operation of the vehicle should always be completed by drying and rubbing the gyro.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_5

For novice owners, Sigwe is recommended not to immediately move to riding without a steering wheel, and first purchase a model equipped with a handle or steering post. Such a device is much easier to control, in addition, it appears to learn how to keep balance in more comfortable conditions.

An important question is what time a gyroscutor can move, since the device requires periodic charging. Usually, No sigve stops are able to overcome 25 kilometers, but the exact data is always indicated in the vehicle instructions and depend on the selected model. . When the device is discharged, it is better to remove it into a special carrying bag.

Planning the route, you must remember this aspect And do not visit there, from where the footing will turn out to be difficult to get back . In addition, it is important to remember that the gyroscur will not be able to accelerate more than 20 kilometers per hour and, of course, at such a speed should not go where many people.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_6

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_7

How to get up?

A simple instruction allows even a child to quickly teach to get up on a gyroscuter. First of all, it is necessary to find a perfectly smooth horizontal surface without any dents, drops and damage. If possible, training is even worth spending at home. A good recommendation is to study everything either independently or with a professional, since the public in this situation will be superfluous.

Before climbing the gyroscur, it should be enabled and check if the existing sensors are fine. The easiest way to do this, putting hands on the footrest and shaking them back and forth.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_8

Next, you can climb the sigway. The device is installed before the helper or in front of the wall, for which you can stay. The first foot is made very neatly on the stand so as not to create a slope. The device must depend in response, feeding the signal that is ready to start. As soon as the balance will be felt, you can also put a second leg.

The final position should be clear and stable, and the body is located exactly in the center. The look is directed only forward, the eyes are not lowered. There are no knees a little, and there are no extra movements and swinging with their hands.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_9

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_10

Learning to manage

As already mentioned above, for beginners it is better to purchase a gyroscur with a handle. Having learned how to ride it, it will be much easier to use the device without a steering. The ride process begins with the correct installation of its body on the platform. Next, it is necessary to understand the following: If the body leans forward, the cigve is moving forward, and if the body is tilted back, then the cigve either bends or stops. Turns occur thanks to a slight slope in the right or left side.

First of all, the newcomer needs to try to tilt the whole body forward, but not too intense. The vehicle will go, and as soon as the balance is reached, you can try to lean back and stop the device. When such a procedure is performed for the first time, it is better if someone will keep the hand or just to protect the chairs. At the next stage, the movement of back with a neat and fast stop occurs. In the first time, the tilts back to perform in the helmet and with additional protection, as it is likely to fall.

It is important to remember that the stronger the slope, the higher the speed turns out. Lightly bent legs legs allow you to maintain balance. Hands can be kept either in pockets or on the belt, since in motion they are not involved. If things are taken with you, their weight should not exceed 5 kilograms.

For braking, it is important not easy to lean back, but also try to translate weight on the heels. First, of course, the gyroscur will start moving back, but then the device will stop.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_11

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_12

How to turn?

Turns on Sigwe require pre-training, but in general they also do not cause special difficulties. When you need to turn on the left side, the weight is transferred to the right foot, and when it is necessary to turn right, the weight is transferred to the left foot.

As a rule, the confusion arises first, but several workouts will solve this problem. For a turn of 360 degrees, it will be necessary to do otherwise. The heel of the right leg is pressed against the surface of the gyro and deflects a little back, and the left leg sock, also pressing to the platform, presses forward.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_13

A variety of tricks

Before switching to the tricks, it is important to memorize safety regulations. It is better not to move without protection, since the device develops speed up to 25 kilometers per hour, and in the emergency situation will turn out to be very painful. At first, the gyroscur will clearly crash into asphalt sides or fall, therefore, it is also necessary to take care of protection from plastic or silicone.

In no case is not recommended to ride a vehicle, drinking alcohol, as well as allow to ride it to children without additional protection.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_14

One of the simplest tricks is the rotation in one place. If you have to spin to the left, then you need to lean left and a little forward, and the second foot should remain in the original position. A gyroscur, thanks to this, will turn around that foot, which carries out pressure. To increase the speed, it is necessary to press the surface towards the surface towards the surface.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_15

Another interesting trick is considered "Snake," looking extremely impressive. Sigway is located sideways so that the drive of the drive wheel watched in the direction of movement. To change the direction it is necessary to create a foot movement back and forth, which requires a small workout.

"Snake" is carried out due to the fact that the center of gravity falls on one leg, and the other foot is responsible for movement and pressure, just the one that corresponds to the direction of movement. That is, if the gyroscur goes to the right, then the right foot is responsible for the move, and if it goes left, then, respectively, the left.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_16

Borders are already available for those people who have been well trained to move to Sigwee and mastered such qualities as the collaboration and coordination of movements. To begin with, it should be moved only on wide wheels and master the height that does not exceed 3-4 centimeters. In the future, this level is allowed to raise up to 5-7 centimeters. You can learn to overcome borders in two ways. In the first embodiment, sufficient speed is recruited to create a pulse required to overcome the barrier.

In the second version, one wheel starts to the border with the help of that leg that the riding is leading. Next, a turn is made to 180 degrees, as a result of which the second leg along with the gyro itself turns out to be on the border.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_17

Having mastered the usual rotation, you can go and To rotate on one leg exerted by equilibrium. To do this, it is necessary to press the gyroscuter with an exceptionally driven foot, which determines which direction to be rotated. Reliably addressed on the platform, it is necessary to sit down, rely on the opposite hand of the body, and stretch your free leg parallel to him. Next, the working foot initiates movement in the desired side.

How to ride a gyroscuter? How to learn to manage a gyroscur? How to get up and do tricks? How to ride a gyroscuter without a handle and with it? 8764_18

Further watching video with tips on how to learn to ride a gyroscuter.

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