Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without?


Off-road gyroscurists have already conquered the world due to the enthusiasm of brazers who do not want to put up with insulation in the asphalt "jungle." More and more famous brands produces their versions of mini-sigveev for riding on uneven coatings, winter ride.

The best SUV models are equipped with wheels with a diameter of 9 "and receive really powerful protectors, at first glance, declaring their status.

Which of them really deserve attention? How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without it?

Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_2

Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_3


The very concept of an off-road gyroscur provides opportunities for traveling beyond the limits of asphalt roads. For this, the familiar mini-sigwei is equipped with:

  • large wheels at least 9-10 "in diameter;
  • wide tires with a deep tread;
  • a powerful motor from 300 W per part of the platform;
  • enlarged clearance;
  • chamber or pneumatic;
  • Full protection against moisture, dirt and dust according to the IP54-IP65 standard.

Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_4

    All these moments and make a gyroscur off-road. In addition, for winter riding it is better to choose models with a metal - aluminum - platform, plastic when freezing becomes fragile. It matters and the security of the battery is not all batteries are adapted to operate a gyro-SUV at reduced temperatures.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_5

    Where you can ride

    Gyroscur format all-terrain vehicle must overcome not only a classic primer or gravel road - It is necessary that it is adapted to other goals.

    • Snow skating. For these purposes, gyroscures with wheel diameter of more than 10 "and batteries of class 4C, 5C are used. They will withstand frost to -15-20 degrees. But it is worth being prepared for the fact that energy spending will be faster.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_6

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_7

    • Riding in the rain. Here are the basic requirements - large wheels, high ground clearance and full hull moisture protection. Most premium models it has. IP56 class is already enough to get under the ocean wave, the device does not lose performance.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_8

    • Skating dirt and sand. Viscous coatings are dangerous for wheeled bearings and contacts. Optimally, if a gyro is a hermetic case that excludes the penetration of any external threats. Plus there will also be wide wheels with a powerful protector or inflatable tires on which pressure can be reset.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_9

    Given the preferences in Catania, choose the optimal model of the off-road gyro will be much easier.



    The manufacturer of electronic technology of budget class POLARIS offers extremals to try out its version of the off-road gyro. Model PBS 1010L. Equipped with a pair of engines of 300 W, pneumatic diameter of 10 ", with bulk wings that protect against splashes of dirt when riding. With a price of less than 20,000 rubles, the gyroscur has a good stroke, up to 20 km, accelerates to 15 km / h, has a moisture protection according to IP65 standard. The technique is adapted to riding a full off-road, has a high ground clearance, demonstrates the softness of the stroke.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_10

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_11

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_12


    Kiwano Ko-X - Easy, compact gyroscur with wheel diameter 8.5 ", which provide increased permeability on any coatings. The model withstands the load up to 120 kg, accelerates to 25 km / h, differs by maneuverability.

    This gyroscur is considered to be winter all-terrain - at temperatures -15 it keeps the road as confident as with +50 degrees of heat.

    The power of 2 motors in the amount is 800 W.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_13

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_14

    Smart Balance

    Especially for off-road Smart Balance released Offroad model with wide wheels 9 "and a powerful protector capable of equally easy to overcome snow drifts, dirt, crushed stone, sand and puddles. Bluetooth, support for the Taotao application, fully moisture-proof housing and remote control. 800 W engine allows you to accelerate up to 15 km / h, drive 20 km without stopping. The platform withstands the weight of 120 kg, the aluminum case is not afraid of shocks and frost, the overall lights allow you to ride in the evening.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_15

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_16

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_17

    Smart Balance Wheel SUV 10 is another brand SUV with chamber wheels on a 10 ", built-in column, remote control. The body from the model is made of shockproof plastic, in the kit - the SAMSUNG battery, 2 motor 500 W. The technique easily copes with a slope of up to 15%, suitable for riding for not very snow-covered surface, rough terrain, grass and soil. This mini sigve has a high sensitivity of sensors, it may seem too complex in development.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_18

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_19

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_20


    The leader of the mini-sigveev market releases the Ninebot mini model with a handle, with which you can ride off the road with confidence and comfort.

    Driving a platform with such a type of construction is much simpler, in addition, it supports remote commands, control from the smartphone.

    The equipment includes 2 motor 350 W, 8 cm clien platform, 10.5 tires. Handle steering wheel can be dismantled or choose a model without it.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_21

    Xiaomi Ninebot Mini Pro N3M320 is a gyro model with a more powerful battery and 2 motor 400 watts. High chassis (90 mm) is complemented by a wheel with a diameter of 10.5 ". The load capacity of the model reaches 100 kg, on 1 charging it is able to drive up to 30 km, the speed limit is set at 18 km. The wheel steering wheel makes this mini-sigway truly manageable and comfortable to use. Stylish corporate design is also a significant advantage in the brand piggy bank.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_22

    Recommendations for choosing

    The best models of off-road gyroscurists are practically not inferior to their compact analogues in maneuverability, but noticeably exceed them in the passability. When selecting equipment, it is worth considering a number of important points.

    1. Ground clearance. It is clearance, and not the wheel diameter determines the off-road status of the model. In the market, full cheap gyrosters with large wheels that are not able to overcome even a small curb or a branch on the road. The minimum values ​​of the road lumen for models of all-terrain vehicles start from 8 cm.
    2. Type of wheel . The optimal solution is inflatable tires that allow you to adjust the pressure in them depending on the coating. The diameter should be at least 9. "
    3. Availability of handle. It is optional, but facilitates maneuvering, which is important for beginners.
    4. Battery class. For SUVs, they choose akb class not lower than 4C. Weaker batteries simply will not stand excessive loads.
    5. Speed ​​mode . Powerful SUV gyroscurists accelerate to 18-20 km / h, allowing you to get a maximum pleasure from skiing.

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_23

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_24

    Off-road gyroscurists: the best models of SUVs. How to choose a gyroscur-all-terrainage for off-road with a handle and without? 8753_25

      Given all the recommendations, make the final decision on the choice of the SUV model of the off-road gyro will be completely simple.

      The following video compares three gyroscoters with 10-inch wheels.

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