SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews


Hangobard Smart Balance is a new device that first was intended for recreation and entertainment of people. In a plan, this is a very original type of toy, the ride can diversify the leisure of people, and a completely modern means of fast movement.

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_2

Brand description

In reality, Smart Balance is not a company and not a firm that would produce this product. The fact is that today the hrobords of various brands are produced almost on the same Chinese factories, the main difference between them is only in their characteristics that proceed from the specified customer's instructions.

In 2014, when the very first models of these devices appeared on sale, no one knew why they are needed. And therefore, the main task of the leadership of the future brand began to convey the idea of ​​operating this product in ordinary life.

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_3

At first, the name of "Smart" began to use the name, which was translated as "smart", as a special control board is used in the gyroskuter, which can understand the human television and which will help him when managing the device itself. A little later, the name "Balance" began to use the name, as if specifying, what exactly is the device. "Smart Balance" - this was the name of the new invention.

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_4

But the impetus to his popularization gave Tian Shaoven - the founder of Miberi. This man was hardly the first to believe in the success of the new technology.

I first encountered this product, Tian immediately liked his concept, although then no one knew anything about them, and no one could predict whether the investments in Smart Balance would be highly bare. But Tian realized that The gyroscur will not become just a new modern toy, - he sincerely believed that the guidelines would help all humanity in general.

He believed that this adaptation should be made as accessible as possible for any person and dreamed that all people would once be free to ride, and not move on foot. And in 2015, Tian decided to invest in the mass release of Smart Balance, so it is quite confident that it can be argued that Today, Smart Balance is the "brainchild" of Miberi.

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_5

Main characteristics

Many models of modern gyroscurists are distinguished by the unique design, convenient dimensions and not the greatest weight - about 10 kg, although there are options and stena - they are called "SUVs". The manufacturer also studied Ability to compact product folding To make it most convenient for storage in the house, and for transportation.

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_6

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_7

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_8

The case of this device has a display. which allows you to control the many points in detail, for example, at what level the battery is located, as the trajectory of movement is located, it is possible to control the front light and stop signals.

You can even ride such a product even in the dark, which is perfect for extreme vendors.

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_9

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_10

Advantages and disadvantages

Ease of study is the first plus of the product. There are other advantages.

  • Inflatable wheels . They are made from the highest quality rubber.
  • The manufacturer in many models is provided Pretty high suspension - This will allow Riding beware boldly go to the roads and even without any special problems to move through low borders.
  • Smooth move fixtures.
  • Many gyro models can safely move not only on a flat surface of the road. But even on gravel, tiles, low grass and well-rolled snow cover.
  • System of acoustics Let me listen to your favorite music from the smartphone while moving.
  • Good maneuverability.

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_11

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_12

SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_13

    Without minuses, unfortunately, and here it did not cost.

    Models with large wheels will cost much more expensive. But such devices will be less maneuverable and pretty heavy, which does not like consumers very much, since the device is hard to transport and not too conveniently stored. Sometimes too, loud sounds, which is issued at the beginning of the product, are also not praised by users.

    Some gyroscurists are not quite suitable for use by children, as the sensors will fully calculate the weight and growth of adult rider.

    Inflatable wheels are simultaneously and good, because thanks to them you will not feel the irregularities of asphalt, and bad, because such wheels will need to often pump up, and there is always a risk of accidentally damage.

    But minuses Smart Balance are completely forgotten when you start riding it, experiencing stunning impressions.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_14

    The lineup

    The first official model was Wheel - at that time no one was accurately confident in the success of the production and sale of gyroscurists.

    It was really the first test product having small sizes, a low suspension and not very large wheels.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_15

    After successful sales of the first batches of fixtures, a number of main types of Smart Balance were released, which differed from each other with dimensions of their wheels, as well as engine power. By the size of the wheels, modern guillers are divided into:

    • Products with 6-inch wheels , even children will be able to ride them on high-quality asphalt;
    • with 8-inch wheels which will greatly cope with most irregularities of domestic roads;
    • with 10 inches wheels - Practically SUVs.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_16

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_17

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_18


    This fixture is canceled for operation on completely even roads and indoors. This model is very mobile, it is distinguished by amazing ease, as well as a low suspension, which will not allow this device to overcome high obstacles.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_19


    There are 8 inches wheels and powerful engines. With the help of the product, you can overcome not very large obstacles, as the housing and this gyro model is still placed too low to the ground surface.

    It has casting design and low weight.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_20

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_21

    Smart Balance SUV 10

    A powerful fixture exceeds all previous models. At the expense of large wheels, the user will not need to go from a gyroscutor and transfer it in the hands if they are taught and other irregularities. The main characteristic of this model is enclosed in chamber wheels - they significantly reduce the weight of the product and make shocks from trips to the irregularities softer.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_22

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_23


    One of the most sought-after models. A very large device with cast 10.5 inches wheels. Excellent permeability compared to other Smart Balance products - on such a device you can safely drive almost everywhere. The weight of the rider can be from 20 to almost 130 kg.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_24


    An exclusive product for movement along any surface. This modern "SUV". Characteristic feature - excellent grip with any surface of the road.

    It features stylish and recognizable design.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_25

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_26

    Smart Balance A8.

    It is one of the most recent developments. It has inflatable wheels with a size of 10.5 inches from the best rubber, and this, in turn, will allow you to calmly pass any irregularities on modern roads. Powerful type motors make it possible to dispersed this device up to 20 km per hour. Thanks to the built-in speakers and bluetooth, your favorite music will accompany you while driving. And the catchy design of anyone from the surrounding will not leave indifferent.

    In addition, all management in this product is on a special handle. Control sensors are placed closer to the wheels. The process of movement and control is made by inclination of the handle in the desired side.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_27

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_28

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_29

    Also, this gyroscur has high-quality protection from different types of moisture and is not afraid of low temperatures.

    How to distinguish from fake?

    Any real product Smart Balance has its own series number - this is a special code that is specified on a special sticker with a warranty. Check, the original in front of you or not, you can on the site of the official dealer.

    This completely reliable method will allow in a few minutes to reliably make sure that the selected device is authenticated.

    Fake fixtures can often be disconnected without visible reasons. , very slowly responding to the team-feedable team, cause difficulties when controlling and even sometimes can reset inexperienced users from the platform. On These devices are difficult to keep the balance, so the ride is completely tightened . Rubber on wheels Even the quality fakes will quickly worry, it will instantly crack in frosty weather.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_30

    The battery will be weak to keep even 100% charge, and the available characteristics will be significantly instructed by the declared. There are many methods that will allow to evaluate the originality of the device and without a serial number.

    • With careful inspection, you need to pay attention to the quality of the color, on the visual tire density - visible defects should not be present on the product.
    • When assembling the original SMART BALANCE gyroscope, screws from steel with a semicircular hat are used. They have high quality performance and do not break if you start disassemble the product.
    • The mass of this gyroscutor must be exactly what the manufacturer said it.
    • From fake products there is an unpleasant smell, and the original devices smell like a new rubber.

    SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_31

    Instructions for use and maintenance

      To make a new device as long as possible with its trouble-free job, you just need to buy an original device and accurately comply with all the rules for its daily use.

      How to restart?

      Sometimes the adaptation under consideration suddenly begins to behave somehow quite strangely: twitching while driving, very slowly or too quickly begins to accelerate, gives unreliable information. The problem sometimes lies in the failure of the available programs.

      You can start a restart on a gyroscuter only after you are attentive to familiarize yourself with its instructions. Next should act like this:

      • The gyro is placed on the table - it is necessary that the device processor remembers this position as "0";
      • Next, the button is neatly clamped, which is responsible for turning on the device, the product controller is loudly squeaked;
      • The button is released, you should wait until all the light bulbs flashes flashing;
      • Disconnect the device with a slight press button;
      • After all these actions, the gyroscutor turns on, and can be checked, was it successful to reboot and whether everything works normally in the product.

      SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_32

      Quickly reset all the existing guideline settings can be at home, but it is better to still handle a problem in a specialized workshop.

        Remotely restart the gyro can both independently. Only instead of the power button, it is necessary to hold the icon in the form of a bell and in the form of an open lock on the existing console. As soon as the beep sounds, the device is turned off, and then turns on again, and its operation is checked.

        How to charge?

        From the correctness of the recharge of this product will directly depend on the duration of the service of its battery and travel distance.

        SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_33

        Typically, the guilrobes have a certain reserve of the course - approximately 18-20 km on one recharge. But the battery begins to be discharged pretty quickly, if you ride on this device in the frost, if you climb it into a slide for a long time or move only on the road with obstacles. To constantly monitor the level of charge, a number of indicators are on the product. At 20%, these indicators immediately light up in red, and if the level of critical discharge (up to 10%) is reached - the red signal flashes sharply and is complemented by the audio signal.

        Thus 10%, which remains, is enough only to correctly turn off the gyro - should stop moving, turn off the device and charge it as soon as possible.

        SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_34

        If you, with such a low charge, continue the movement on the product, the protection system will automatically turn it off and put the block on the wheels. For unlocking will have to be fully charged.

        For high-quality recharging, adaptation should:

        • Apply only a "native" charging device;
        • At first, connect the power supply to the outlet, and after the green indicator appears, the charger itself can be connected, and the red light should appear on the sensor;
        • At the end of the process, you need to get a plug from charging and turn off the power supply itself;
        • In the process of storing the gyroscuturs, they also need to be periodically recharged (about once in 2-3 months) in order to prevent the accumulator soon, it is better not to bring a gyro to deep discharge - below 30%.

        How to make calibration?

        Calibration is pretty easy manipulations on balancing the device, meaning the competent setting of all sensors. The simplicity of management of this means, as well as safety and comfort, will be directly dependent on their quality of full-fledged work.

        SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_35

        Balancing will help the control panel, if it is included in the product kit. You should click here a button with the settings that is located in the middle, and after simultaneously pressing the bottom button. As a result, the device will reset the password set by you to primary factory settings.

        Also configure the correct gyro can and manually.

        • First you should make sure that the battery is 100% charged - in this case, the indicator glows with a green light.
        • The device is turned off.
        • It is placed on a regular table.
        • All existing sensors should be placed in parallel. The most common cause of incorrect calibration can be the irregularities of the surface where the guide is worth it.
        • Second button plugs on 5.
        • After the signal with the sound or light of the motion sensor - this button is released.
        • After 10 seconds, the gyro must be turned off.
        • Immediately it turns on, and you can try to ride it.

        About how to calibrate a gyroscur, look next.

        Review reviews

        Owners of these funds believe that their purchase is a profitable acquisition, noting the high quality of manufacture and functionality. Many people like a huge selection of all sorts of coloring, as well as the fact that these devices can be used for work, and for entertainment.

        SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_36

        However, the disadvantages of Sigveev are also called, for example, the fact that the recharge of the battery lasts only a couple of hours, instead of the three instructions. Also, many strains a loud sound from the speakers and noise of the charger.

        Also, I do not like the users that on the device you can not ride the puddles and in heavy rain, since the water through the holes for the wheels can get on the fees, and this can lead to the death of the scooter.

        SMART BALANCE gyro: How to change the battery? How to charge a gyroscope charger? How to restart and set up a gyro? Reviews 8750_37

        SMART BALANCE PREMIUM 10.5 inches gyroscope review Looking below.

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