Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks


Experts assure that almost all tricks performed on scooters take their origin from extreme sports. And in fact, most of the riders comes to scooter only after several years of classes on the board. The tricks help to feel freedom, develop fearlessness and agility. This sport is very popular in America, as well as in many European countries. To our Russia, this trend has come relatively recently, but is already actively gaining momentum.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_2

List of tricks with names


  • Hop - This is one of the main elements for beginners, so called the usual jump on the scooter in place without any reversal.
  • X-Up. - Pretty simple trick available to beginners. Its essence is elementary: you jump, and during the flight turn the steering wheel 180 degrees.
  • Manual - Riding on the rear wheel.
  • Fakie. - Movement back forward.
  • 180 and 360 degrees - A more complex trick, but nevertheless accessible to beginners, in this technique in flight an athlete turns over 180 or 360 degrees.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_3


  • Barspin. - sharp turn by 360 degrees.
  • Tailwhip. - Rotate decks around the steering axis.
  • Wallride - Riding on the inclined surface.
  • Grab. - Capture of decks with hand in the process of movement.
  • Boneless - In flight, the jump one leg is given away from the deck, then repelled from the horizontal surface and returns back.
  • Wallplant. - The same boneless, but the leg is pushed from the vertical surface.
  • Cancan. - throwing out both feet of the Welcome and return back during the flight.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_4

The most difficult

  • Wrap Around - Scroll legs around the steering installation at high speed.
  • Tap - Jump on the support with a simultaneous landing on the rear wheel.
  • One-Footer. - Removal in the jump of one legs from the scooter and the discharge of her female with a further return to the original position.
  • NO-FOOTER - In this case, in the jump, you remove two legs from the scooter to remove the lobby and put back.
  • Superman. - In the jump, Rider leads the body into a horizontal position, the legs fold back, while the hands lowers their scooter down and a little further.
  • Backflip and FrontFlip. - Salto, respectively, back and forth.
  • Barhop. - One of the most difficult tricks in which both legs are pulled above the steering wheel.
  • Bluenase. - The most complex trick for the pros, when the rider in the jump turns the body around its own axis.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_5

What scooter do?

When buying a model of a scooter to study tricks, you must consider a number of key factors:

  • ride style;
  • wheel dimensions and the type of material from which they are completed;
  • compression type;
  • Mass;
  • total number of disks;
  • price.

Experts recommend to give preference to products with a steel or aluminum frame and necessarily a solid dece. For beginners, an ordinary scooter is optimal, and for professionals - BMX, each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_6

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_7

Among the benefits of scooters can be allocated:

  • optimal for newbies;
  • compact;
  • has an affordable cost;
  • Low risk of injury;
  • high quality design;
  • The ability to perform complex tricks.

The disadvantages include:

  • The absence of large wheels does not allow to develop high speed;
  • lack of ability to adjust the height of the steering
  • Not folded.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_8

The advantages of BMX include:

  • low weight;
  • compactness and convenience;
  • high maneuverability;
  • High speed parameters.

From minuses allocate:

  • High risk of injury;
  • High cost.

If possible, try to purchase scooters with metal discs and the degree of rigidity of wheels more than 84a.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_9

We offer you the ranking of the best and most popular products for beginners and professionals.


Scooter, optimal for training with basic ride elements, can be studied by the technique of performing jumps, twisting, as well as sliding. The deck is made of aluminum, the rigidity of the wheels at 88a. The steering wheel of the Y-shaped form with steel feathers. The mass of the model is 3.7 kg, the deck width is 10.8 cm, the height of the steering element is 55 cm.


  • the convenience of use;
  • catchy design;
  • security;
  • Democratic value;
  • Easy to operate;
  • The highest quality design.

Cons were not identified.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_10


The optimal trick model for those who plan to explore the basic elements of the tricks. Scooter is suitable for use by rudies with a rise from 160 to 170 cm and a body weight, not exceeding 100 kg. The scooter allows you to quickly develop the speed even at a short distance, while long retains it due to small wheels with a diameter of 110 mm.

Dec 350 mm, made of aluminum, has a relief coverage of the platform, due to which the limit stability of the stop is achieved.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_11

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_12

Oxelo MF One.

Another tricky scooter, which is very popular with lovers of tricks. A feature is rubber wheels, hardness level - 88a. The mass of 3.7 kg design, the steering stand has a height of 77 cm. Users notice that on such a scooter it is not terrible to do a variety of tricks, because it is stable, and the steering wheel is freely scrolled around its own axis. After a few months of active use on the case, the appearance of scratches, it is not observed in any other breakdowns. Professionals advise to wear gloves Otherwise, damage to the palms is not excluded.


  • structural strength;
  • long term use;
  • Bright design.


  • low class bearings;
  • rubbing corns.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_13

Tech Team TT DUKE 202

This scooter is very popular with riders. It is focused on the most comfortable and safe riding, has a strong plug and a durable steel steering wheel. The wheels are made of unique artificial material with a polymer structure. Scooter can instantly accelerate the speed and holds it for a long time. Designed for users older than 8 years. Mass design - 3.5 kg.


  • low cost;
  • stylish design view;
  • good speed acceleration;
  • High maneuverability.

Minus - brake weakness on wet land.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_14

Blitz v3.

This model is distinguished by a durable wheel and aluminum wheels, the diameter of which is 110 mm. The design is designed for riders older than 8 years old, the maximum load should not exceed 100 kg, the optimal growth of man 125-140 cm. The weight of the scooter - 3, 8 kg.


  • non-slip rubber flu with corrugated coating;
  • Flexible rear brake;
  • Light balancing;
  • Durable metal;
  • Stylish appearance.

Minus - it is not recommended to perform complex tricks and off-road riding, as well as during precipitation.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_15

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_16

Preparatory exercises

Before learning to make tricks on the scooter, First, you need to learn how to quickly and quickly ride and at the same time learn all the styles of skiing on the scooter. In addition, it is imperative to learn how to slow down and turn. The fact is that the scooter in a straight line is quite simple, but problems often arise on turns.

The main thing is to remember that the user should not turn sharply. Before each turn should be slowed down, and then carefully deploy the steering wheel and continue moving.

Only after the skills of riding, braking and turn will be mastered and brought to perfection can be processed to the study of basic tricks.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_17

Technique implementation

Let us dwell on the technique of performing the most popular exercises.


This trick is a ride on the rear wheel. In theory, it's all easy enough, however, in fact you will need some time to teach it. The fact is that If you press too much - it is not excluded the risk that you will fall to the ground, and if you click too weakly - the front wheel is simply not raised, and the trick will not work. Very important Find balance.

Execution technique looks fairly easy: in the process of driving, you must step over two legs on the back of the deck. When you set there - a strong movement you need to reject the housing a little back and shoot a little on your feet. The steering wheel at this moment should go beyond his arms back. During the first workout, it seems that it is unrealistic, but believe me - a little patience and you will master the trick.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_18

180 HOP.

In this case, the athlete performs a jump with a parallel scooter turn in the opposite direction. Performing is as follows: You move and carefully take a jump, in the jump you need to turn 180 degrees, for this you should turn your head and shoulders. In essence, you should see for yourself by my shoulders, in this case the legs and transport will spin after the body of the body. When the ground is slightly relaxed and slightly adjust the knees to mitigate the landing.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_19

One Hander / No Hander

When you master the tricks on the basis of jumps, you can try to learn how to control the scooter only with one hand or without any hands, especially spectacularly, this trick looks in bundles with jumps, especially if they are performed in the ramp. It is easy to do this: in the process, the jump should move as close as possible to the steering wheel, slightly bend the knees and at this moment let go of the hands.

It is very important to have time to return them back to the steering wheel before you land.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_20

Safety regulations

Even the most experienced athletes are not insured against sudden falls, what can we talk about those who only make their first steps in performing tricks. That is why it is necessary to cook a protective kit, the standard execution of roller is usually used.

  • Eligas and kneaders - They allow you to protect elbows and knees from injury. The shell must be plastic, and the inner surface is covered with a soft cloth. Eligas and knee pads should be applied only on clothing, otherwise the equipment will be fixed enough.
  • Shootless finger gloves or special protection for the wrist area - This is the most important attribute of the protection of the rider. The fact is that during the fall, any person instinctively puts his arms forward, which is why the strokes are so common to the wrist injuries.
  • And, of course, you can not do without a helmet that serves to protect the head. Unfortunately, many athletes, especially adolescent age neglected them and completely in vain. Therefore, try to turn it on it into your equipment.

Tricks on the scooter (21 photos): the names of the tricks for beginners. How to learn to do the most complex tricks? Types of light tricks 8729_21


In conclusion, give some tips, which will allow you to master the sports tricks on the scooter as quickly as possible.

  • Train as often as possible. Some people think that they can learn to perform all the tricks quickly, but in fact it is impossible without practicing. Performing even the most elementary trick requires time and effort.
  • If something does not work for you from the first time - do not worry, in any situation do not lose confidence in yourself and your abilities.
  • For the very first training, it is better to choose specially equipped areas in Skate Park, it is better to study all new tricks there.
  • Never travel during rain or damp land.

How to make complex tricks on the scooter from the first time, you will learn from the following video.

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