Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters?


Recently, the popularity of scooters of different types is gaining momentum. Consequently, the need for the acquisition of accessories that create comfort when driving in urban and extreme conditions increases.

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_2

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_3

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_4


Manufacturers taking into account categories of citizens and types of scooters and released suitable accessories for sale:

  • for adult models of scooters;
  • For children;
  • For electrical sinks.

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_5

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_6

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_7

For adults

Adults, for the convenience of movement with children, can purchase a playground. When buying should be taken into account the reliability of fixtures to the deck, safety and possibility of installation without interference in the main design. The pump is useful for the owners of scooters with pneumatic wheels. It is worth considering compactness, performance, the presence of a built-in pressure gauge and good fastening for installation on the aggregate. If long distances are overcome, then the need to buy a bottle holder will be quite by the way. There are different models in stores.

It should be paid to the good density of the tissue, the presence of fastening and the volume of fluid placed in it.

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_8

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_9

Mobile phone holder is simply indispensable to study new routes using navigation or simply to control speed. It must have an ergonomic clamp and is easy to attach an anchor of the steering column, consist of a good durable alloy and be resistant to corrosion and mechanical damage. It is also necessary to have a foamed substrate of different thickness, convenience when charging, conducting a video in motion. The holder must hold the phone firmly both in the vertical and horizontal position.

The universal belt for transportation will be indispensable in cases where the road coating leaves much to be desired. You should pay attention to the length of the belt adjustment under short and long steering racks. Suitable for all types of scooters where it is possible to fasten it.

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_10

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_11

For kids

Children's accessories are produced in a small assortment, but they can be supplemented from a set for adults, taking into account the needs and age of a child. Colored ribbons are usually acquired to decorate a scooter. They are very simply installed and are suitable for all models. The product should be from a high-quality, weather-resistant material. The length of the tape is usually 21 cm. Sticker on the side, if available, wear-resistant.

To please your child, you can purchase a fantasy claxon: in the form of a unicorn, horse, dragon. Some species must first collect. Claxon is fixed mainly on the steering wheel using the buttons. Must be protected from moisture.

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_12

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_13

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_14

For electrosamocata

This type of scooters includes the same equipment intended for adult and children's category, but taking into account additional components. Computers entered our daily life and touched everything that was possible. Now they are found on scooters embedded in a handle to alerts about speed, battery charge level, trip time. You can also purchase a separate on-board computer with the same features.

Extra batteries exist for long-distance ride. In many cases, manufacturers sell them separately. It should be borne in mind that the quality defines the brand, so it is important to abandon the purchase of batteries of unknown manufacturers. The weight of the product is no more than 3 kg, while the mileage increases twice, and it is very convenient if the recharging is not possible else.

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_15

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_16

Purchase Czech

For the convenience of self-transfer of the scooter, you can purchase a special bag. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the material, the simplicity of mounting to the steering wheel in the cooler state. For each view there are different bags, so It is necessary to pre-make measurements of length, widths and gripping products.

The species of them are caused by the side strap, fine and wide straps, a narrow case with one strap.

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_17

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_18

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_19

Safety on the road

One of the most important components that each owner should be like is a lantern. Moving around the city, a person is not the only participant in the road, and the light bulb will provide additional safety and illumination of the road, indicating it as a moving object. There are rear and front lights. The rear is installed on a foot brake or other place where the design allows. The front is fastened in the center of the steering wheel or above the wheel and power should be enough for 3-5 meters. For good lighting, 4 LEDs are enough.

With the acquisition of the lantern, you should not forget about calls and classes required to serve the signal in cases where it is necessary. If you wish, you can purchase a beep-lantern (two in one). Among the adult population is popular with the off-road view of scooters, for which manufacturers drew attention to, creating wings protecting from stones and dirt from under the wheels. A roomy bag will allow you to carry with you, besides different trifles, a set of hexagons for installing accessories or a small repair, bike, preventing theft of your property.

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_20

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_21

Accessories for scooter: types of accessories for electrical sinks. How to choose the best accessories for children and adult scooters? 8675_22

About what else accessories for a scooter, see the next video.

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