Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents


Star One Scooter trunks is one of the most unusual models available to modern parents. It is less like a classic bike without pedals and more resembles futuristic transport of the future. Description of the children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED illumination and bluetooth, as well as parental reviews make it possible to understand that such a device is able to take a kid for a long time.

Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_2

Exclusive design for Velobega

The world-famous Disney license was defended by Star One Scooter, a miniature version of the transport of the future from Tron's film. Futuristic motifs in the design of its corps are embodied in smooth streamlined lines. Each detail here is thought out to the smallest detail and harmoniously complements the general design.

On the Tron Bike case there are no pointed or protruding elements capable of pose a threat to child safety. Its steering wheel is carefully thought out and designed to meet all the requirements of ergonomics.

This running is completely unique and has an exclusive design. The spectacular backlight is well combined with black, and with white body. Model is universal, suitable for boys and girls.

Bright colored inserts on the main background look really spectacular and attractive. But this device produces the greatest impression in motion - he admires and attracts attention at first glance.

Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_3

Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_4

Advantages and disadvantages

Star One Scooter - defeated, the pros and cons of which are discussed by their parents endlessly. What advantages do this model do you really have? A number of obvious advantages can be noted.

  1. Reliable design. This runoff is one of the most stable, provides good adhesion with different types of surfaces.
  2. High quality materials . The manufacturer did not shake on high-tech solutions. And the tactile sensations from touching the housing hipged, and its strength will be at height.
  3. Accurate engineering calculations. Restating the legendary model of transport from the film, the brand took into account the features of its adaptation for children aged from 1 to 4 years. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the landing in the saddle in the child in this case turns out to be the most correct and safe for the health of the spine.
  4. Ability to use indoors.

Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_5

    Does not do without minuses. These include a rather high cost of the model - even against the background of top versions from leading brands. But if you consider that this is an exclusive design, fully reproducing the appearance of the legendary bike from Tron's film, such a price will no longer seem excessive.

    Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_6

    Technical features

    The original children's truncade Star One Scooter has the following specifications:

    • Overall dimensions (82 × 32 × 42 cm) Convenient in storage and transportation, suitable for transportation in the trunk or cabin;
    • Weight of 6 kg - this is a rather impressive indicator, but the model does not require a child carrying;
    • Wheels size 27 × 9 cm - Large and wide, they convert fluently in a mini-scooter, steady and having good streaming;
    • Built-in rechargeable battery Allows you to play your favorite baby melodies in non-stop mode, on average charging enough for 1 week daily walks.

    Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_7

    Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_8

    The housing was performed from practical impact-resistant plastic, which will easily withstand even a collision with a border. Pens, seat coating have a non-slip structure, provide additional safety.

      Low landing prevents the ability to fall, anatomically correct seat allows you to form a beautiful posture.

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_9

      Original options

      Extensive set of useful additional options - distinctive features of the beggrel Star One Scooter . The model is equipped with a built-in column with "bluetooth", which can be connected to the smartphone, and play any musical tracks over the walk. The quality of the playing sound series is truly impressive, the music is well audible even in the noise of the playground.

      The Bluetooth module does not consume a lot of energy, makes it possible to maintain a signal at a distance of 15 m without a wired connection.

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_10

      I. LED backlight, with which the moving part is framed . It is she who provides the attraction of the attention of others, especially at dusk or indoors. The backlight has 4 different flicker modes, and when playing music, she creates a very harmonious duet with her, blinking in the beat. The work of economical LED lamps allows you to maintain the desired brightness continuously for 4 hours, feeds from the built-in battery.

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_11

      Use for children

      Star One Scooter is one of the few models suitable for kids who barely fulfilled 1 year. Due to the increased stability with this, the beggar learn to confidently hold on in the saddle, balancing, the speed will be able to choke with any level of physical training. With this device, even preschoolers are even easily fun. But the main audience is the kids of 1-3 years, for which the coordination, balance and dexterity training is of great importance.

      Pediatricians recommend defenders for those who have already started walking on their own. Baby, having a support under their feet, begin to show great activity, feel much more confident and gradually strengthen the power of the muscles of the legs.

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_12

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_13

      Walking in the park or in the courtyard at the house does not always cause positive emotions, especially if parents try to encourage the child to move their legs. With the original begging Star One Scooter, the baby will be difficult to lead from the site. The device develops independence, allows the child to feel more confident. In addition, moderate exercise with such a device can be obtained even at home if the weather is bad on the street.

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_14

      Choice rules

      In order for defeating the child, it is necessary to take into account a number of rules. Star One Scooter - a model designed for age from 1 to 4 years old, and it is for this age category of children that its dimensional parameters are calculated. . The ergonomic shape of the saddle is an important component, because it determines how convenient will the time to spend a little Sedoka. In addition, and sitting, and standing the baby must get his feet to the earth, feeling complete confidence in his actions.

      Plastic frame fade is a great solution for those children that love to demonstrate independence. The polymer design is not terrible pollution and moisture, they are the easiest, easy to care.

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_15

      If you need a runoff for home and walks, this option will definitely be the best.

      Wheel width determines the stability of the equipment. In most models, it is no more than 2 cm. In Star One Scooter - 9 cm. In addition, when choosing it is worth paying attention to the design of Welbag - children vividly react to bright toys. So, with the help of an unusual device, it will be quite easy to instill love for active entertainment even the most young houses.

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_16

      Review reviews

      Studying parental reviews, it can be noted that almost all of them are positive. Those who spend their time for walks with a child It is noted that Star One Scooter is an optimal simulator for use at an early age. Many parents note that at first after the purchase, children are literally not parting with this device for a minute. An unusual appearance of such equipment admires even those children who have a huge number of diverse toys.

      The kids come delight from the original design of a new means of movement, and their moms and dads are able to evaluate the advanced functionality of the model and its compact dimensions.

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_17

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_18

      Especially spectacularly such a hopovil with backlit looks in the evening. Of course, walking with the child in the dark is not worth it. But on the fenced selection area at dusk or at home, all this looks incredibly attractive. Even adults are impressed with such special effects. True, there is a large number of fakes, which the market was flooded - The original technique should have a quality certificate.

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_19

      Begovil Star One Scooter: Description of children's beggrel tron ​​bike with LED-illumination and bluetooth. Reviews of parents 8634_20

      Review Beggovel Star One Scooter Looking below.

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