Bicycles from 3 to 5 years old: Selection of lightweight bike for boys and girls


Parents try to make the life of their baby as comfortable as possible and fill it with everything necessary for its active development. And when the child reaches the age of 3, think about the new acquisition - bicycle. This is a mandatory sports attribute that should be in the life of every little man. Of course, for him, he is primarily a toy and a way to entertain, but for parents - one of the opportunities to develop a baby properly, improve its physical and emotional state. In the article we will talk about how to choose the right bike for a child, from 3 to 5 years.

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Primary requirements

Choosing a children's bike for parents who are faced with this for the first time, is quite complicated. And it is not surprising at all, because in the modern sports equipment market there is a large range of this product. And there are also many manufacturers, each of which assures the consumer in the fact that its products are the best. But you do not need to succumb to various provocations and keep on advertising. First of all, you need to know what the requirements must match the children's bike.

Children's bike should be characterized by the following parameters:

  • light and simple frame;
  • using high-quality materials for the manufacture of all parts and components of the elements;
  • a little weight so that the child can be controlled independently;
  • the ability to adjust the steering and seating in height;
  • The performance of the brake system.

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These are the basic requirements for which a children's bike, designed to a child from 3 to 5 years old. In addition, it is important that transportation is safe.

Description of species

Today, the market is overflowing with all sorts of offers from various manufacturers. And before proceeding to choosing a children's bike, I would like to tell us separately about the types of this vehicle.

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This is exactly the first "iron horse" of each child, everything begins with it. On such a bike, the baby learns to go - twist pedals, keep and guided the steering wheel, control the trip and save the balance. And already in the future, the acquired skills will apply in the process of driving on other bikes.

Often three-wheeled bike are also called tricycle. This is a lightweight, high-quality and sustainable device that has a number of benefits:

  • reliability;
  • Low weight;
  • a wide choice of color scheme;
  • stability;
  • The possibility of using additional attributes is baskets for things, a gaming module, parental control handle and other practical additions.

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Benefits can also be attributed Available cost. Of course, it all depends on the manufacturer and model, but if necessary, you can find a budget option.

If we talk about the disadvantages of a three-wheeled design, then it is worth noting the following:

  • rigid and noisy wheels;
  • Dimensions that limit the number of places to store this device in the apartment, as the bike does not understand and does not fold.

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Bicycles from 3 to 5 years old: Selection of lightweight bike for boys and girls 8601_7


This bike is bought for children by age from 4 years, Growth of which from 105 to 130 centimeters. It is a lightweight option equipped with additional safety wheels. They can be removed when the crumb will confidently feel behind the wheel and will be able to ride independently.

The advantages of four-wheeled children's bike include:

  • a wide choice of color design and design;
  • the ability to adjust the height of the seat and steering;
  • the presence of auxiliary wheels;
  • Many models are equipped with a parental control handle that can be removed.

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Bicycles from 3 to 5 years old: Selection of lightweight bike for boys and girls 8601_9


  • Bad stability - in case the kid will turn sharply, there is a danger that the bike will drop the side;
  • The need to replace rollers on safety wheels.

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The model calculated on more adult children, but there are cases when they are bought for five years. Two-wheeled children's bike can be mountainous, sporty or just pleasure. The latter is considered the most optimal option for a child of this age.

The advantages of this type of bicycle are:

  • a huge selection;
  • big functionality;
  • Excellent appearance.

If we talk about disadvantages, it should be noted that it is able to develop a sufficiently large speed, and this is fraught with consequences. Therefore, a child who sits behind the wheel of two-wheeled vehicles should be an experienced ride.

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Bicycles from 3 to 5 years old: Selection of lightweight bike for boys and girls 8601_12

Tips for choosing

Having understood in the types of bikes for children, you can proceed to the selection criteria. It is necessary to take into account, because they are step-by-step instructions and guidance for parents in the search for exactly that inventory that is ideal for the child.

Choosing a bike for your children, you need to take into account the following criteria.

Age and child growth

Growth is the main aspect. If you buy a product in the store along with the child, then use the point and put the baby on the bike. The back of the child in the sitting position should be smooth, the hands behind the wheel are straight, and the level of their height is not higher than the chest. As for the legs, in the process of turning the pedals, they fully extend in the knee.

If the purchase is carried out in the online store and see the product is not possible, you need to focus on the wheel diameter:

  • 12 inch Suitable for a child whose growth does not exceed 100 cm;
  • 14-16 inches - This is the perfect option for the growth of 115-120 cm;
  • If the growth of the future owner is within 130-140 cm, The bike is suitable, the wheel diameter of which is 18-20 inches.

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Material of manufacture

For bicycle frame manufacturers use:

  • aluminum;
  • steel;
  • composite materials.

Buying a bike for the baby, best to give the preference of the model, The frame of which is made of aluminum or composite material. And for the child at the age of 4 or 5, you can buy a bike with a steel frame.

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Wheels of a children's bike can be made of various materials:

  • plastic;
  • rubber;
  • Poporezine.

Plastic is used in the process of producing three-wheeled bicycles, but the rubber and pennoresine is used for the manufacture of four-wheeled and two-wheeled devices.

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The material from which the pedals are made are also important. It can be:

  • plastic;
  • metal.

Metal pedals are safer and durable, plastic, on the contrary, do not withstand heavy loads and mechanical exposure.

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Quality and type of brake system

One thing is known exactly - the brakes must be. But what type is the case of the choice and preferences of the parents. Brakes on children's bike can be:

  • manual;
  • foot;
  • mixed.

From the title, you can understand howver and what part of the body will need to work to use the brake.

Experts claim that the perfect version is the brake system of mixed type - the child can choose how and how to slow down.

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Security level

Finding out and determining the level of bicycle security, it is necessary to pay attention even on, it would seem, minor and low-job details. For example, for the following items:

  • soft inserts on the steering wheel;
  • rubber lining on pedals;
  • protective panel on the front asterisk and chains;
  • Light reflectors who are the key to the fact that the child on the bike will be noticeable for other road users.

There are models of bicycles that are equipped with an additional protective functionality: seat belt, transverse limiters and an in-depth seat.

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Bicycles from 3 to 5 years old: Selection of lightweight bike for boys and girls 8601_19


A wide selection and assortment makes it possible to choose a bike for both a girl and a boy. Color, design and additional accessories provide easy recognition of the model belonging in this sense.


It is also worth noting that the manufacturer is an important selection criterion. It is he who gives a guarantee and controls the safety of its products at the stage of production.

Among all manufacturers, companies are most popular among consumers:

  • PUKY;
  • Stels;
  • S'Cool;
  • Merida;
  • Giant.

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Bicycles from 3 to 5 years old: Selection of lightweight bike for boys and girls 8601_21

Bicycles from 3 to 5 years old: Selection of lightweight bike for boys and girls 8601_22

Each of the listed brands makes its goods according to all the rules and requirements, using exceptionally high-quality and safe methods and materials.

How to choose a children's bike from 3 years old, look in the video.

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