Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models


Bicycles give pleasure to active children and in addition are very useful in everyday life. But the choice of a children's bike for a child is quite difficult for a child - this is already a "turning" age. Fortunately, the record of the simplest principles will significantly simplify the case.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_2


Key nuances when choosing bicycles for such "adults" children are:

  • Accounting anatomical traits;
  • accounting of personal growth;
  • Body Mass Rice;
  • Comfortable bike.

The ten-year-old age is conditionally referred to as "semi-contemporary" - such children have features, usually characteristic of both children of older age and adolescents. Emotionality, irrepressible initiative and energy, beating over the edge, rather brings closer to children. But produced (with normal mental development, of course) responsibility skills. The feeling of self-preservation is strengthened. That's why The bicycle security level may well be less than in absolutely children's models.

However, this is a very individual thing. After all, temperament and manner of behavior, the tendency to risk differ in everyone. As for the anatomical features, the usual children's bike for 10 years is calculated on an increase of 1.3-1.43 m. The body weight is usually assumed at 26-35 kg. But no one bothers to choose a bike, designed for other parameters - let it be classified formally, as suitable for another age group.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_3

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_4

How to choose?

A very important parameter, about which, however, is not written, the exact ratio:

  • frame lengths;
  • wheel dimensions;
  • Growth rice.

Usually for 10-year-old children - it doesn't matter, for boys or girls - the diameter of the wheels of the bike is 20-24 inches, and the length of the frame reaches 13 inches. But the niche is firmly occupied and designs with a higher landing. In them, the rim of the wheels is equal to 26 inches, and the frame length is 14 inches. Most often, such bikes are suitable for children with an increase of 1.35-1.6 m.

Important: For the 10 years of age, you can safely choose bicycles with both foot and hand brake.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_5

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_6

It is by this time that the muscular power of the brush increases and reaches. Moreover, if the growth exceeds 1.4 m, it's time to move on purely manual brakes. What is curious, the number of gears is also binding to growth. If this indicator is less than 1.4 m, it is worth limited to 6 transmissions. Higher cyclists are physiologically ready for driving on a 21-speed bike.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_7

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_8

The need for safety wheels disappears. But if the child first never rolled independently, the model is suitable with the possibility of installing additional removable wheels. Of course, they are cleaned immediately after mastering the first skills of a full-fledged ride. A more important point is the design of the pedals. The best metal pedal, or made from another durable material.

Important: regardless of strength, it is worth measing and size of this part. Only when the feet falls on the surface conveniently, you can guarantee fun of skiing.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_9

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_10

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_11

As for the seats, they are for 10-year-old rides have universal execution of unisex. This may even relate to the design. But there is an alternative approach - the choice only for the consumer.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_12

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_13

There are some more subtleties that allow you to choose the most suitable bike. The gap from the edge of the seat to the steering wheel should ideally correspond to the distance from the tip of the index finger to the elbow (with a straightened hand). When a child is sitting on the seat, then with a flat landing, his back should touch the saddle. In this case, a distance of 0.07-0.1 m should be from the surface of the seat to the upper tube.

No less important to Both straightened and bent legs got to the pedals. It is unacceptable clinging with his knees behind the wheel. Since the size of the leg is all individual, then if it is impossible to go to the store with a child, you should take accurate measurements. Of course, go for the purchase to specialized stores is much better than markets or hypermarkets. There are much more experienced and qualified sellers, and there is a lot of reputation.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_14

Other things being equal It is necessary to give preference to bicycles known firms. This applies not only to the bikes in general, but also to individual details. It is absolutely impossible to take a bike for increased. Although such a recommendation may seem somewhat template, in fact its importance is often underestimated. Acquire a bicycle re-every 1-2 years, and can not be done about it.

At the 10th age, it is too early to use advanced sports models of bikes. Anyway to make tricks and dizzying maneuvers, children are not yet ready, and most of the functional will be paid in vain.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_15

Girls advise to buy products from aluminum, which are relatively easy and mobile. But even boys are unlikely to like steel bicycles. Drops at riding are almost inevitable, but to deliver heavy transport home not to all.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_16

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_17

Continuing to talk about security, it appropriate to say that Skating will be more comfortable if the chain is protected by a special body or a casing from the penetration of foreign objects and dirt. Of course, together with the bicycle it is necessary to immediately acquire all auxiliary equipment. We are primarily about:

  • Wings for wheels;
  • headlights;
  • flickers;
  • catathots;
  • elbows and knee pads;
  • gloves;
  • helmets;
  • Cycling glasses.

Ideally, when all these goods released the same company as the bike. Then absolute style compatibility and execution is ensured.

In a small apartment, it is definitely much more correct to keep the folding bike. He will be the best choice when the places seem to have enough at home, but I want to go away, where you have to ride a car or bus.

It is necessary to learn the reviews, but, except what is said, think, whether the bike is purely externally.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_18

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_19

The lineup

Rating The best bikes for children by age 10 years deservedly opens "Desna Meteor 24." This bike looks beautiful and stylish. The design is optimized for skating both in the city and beyond. This task is solved with 24-inch wheels with Wanda tires. A strong steel frame is reliable, but a little bit of hard.

Even at first glance, it is noticeable that the design of the model is very interesting. Of the advantages note also:

  • brightness of paints;
  • comfortable seats;
  • availability of double rim;
  • Easy to switch speeds.

However, the bike is pretty heavy, and it is difficult to overcome steep slopes.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_20

Another good model turns out to be Stinger Defender 24. This bike is praised for:

  • affordable price;
  • optimal performance for riding in the city and suburbs;
  • ease of configuration;
  • Exchange design.

Steel frame is relatively durable. But still, for skating truly off-road, the model is hardly suitable. Design provides for the use of the SHIMANO switch switches. Since they are tough, there is no depreciation. Wise brakes V-Brake justify expectations.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_21

If it comes to a mountain bike for students of junior classes, one of the best "candidates" becomes STELS PILOT 260 20 V020 . The model has a varied color gamut that will suit boys and girls equally. On 20-inch wheels it is convenient to conquer the difficult places (steep slopes, river shores, bunoan). Switching between six speeds is implemented with a spinning handle. Two-living amortization makes driving comfortable even with ambiguous terrain.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_22

Very good position occupies Forward Unit 1.0. This unisex bike has a black or purple color. On large wheels there is an excellent rush, which allows you to accept the only high-speed regime. Stop at any time help the brakes of the rim type PROMAX TX-107L. It is also worth noting the presence of a footboard and wheeled wings. The mass of the bike is only a bit exceeding 12 kg.

Children's bicycles for a child are 10 years old: how to choose a bike for a teenager boy and girls? How to choose the wheel diameter? Rating models 8589_23

Next, watch videos with advice of doctors on how to choose the right bike for a child.

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