Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose?


To grow a healthy and happy child, you must constantly give him the opportunity to actively relax. Full development and health promotion is the most important care for parents about their children. But to grow active, you need to pay more time to walks in the fresh air. The best and most correct option will be the purchase of a bicycle

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_2

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_3

New models of bicycles

Manufacturers offer all parents new product: three-wheeled lexus trike bike. This bike is suitable for children from six months. The firm that makes this 3-wheel bike collects its products in China, while saving on consumables. But from this children's bikes Lexus Trike do not get worse. On the contrary, they are equipped with everything necessary, including sun visor and seat belts.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_4

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_5


This type of transport offers a wide range for the most young travelers.

Designers and designers attached their experienced hand to this product so that the product satisfies the desires of not only children, but also their parents.

The Lexus Trike bike is a new generation of comfortable and comfortable transport for the smallest.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_6

Lexus Trike children's bike, in addition to stylish design, there are a number of distinctive features:

  • The manufacturer firm makes bikes from environmentally friendly materials;
  • A strong visor protects well from the Sun;
  • Foot stands removable and quite practical;
  • Bicycle wheels are wide and do not create noise when moving;
  • Each model has a plastic seat, exactly repeating the anatomical forms of the child.
  • The seat has three positions: "horizontal", "face to the road", "face to lead."
  • The bicycle frame can withstand up to 120 kilograms of the load and is covered with a special tool protecting against rust.
  • Removable handle has three height positions, which allows you to adapt to parental growth.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_7

Different models differ from each other, but the above qualifications have any bike of this company.

Many parents note that This three-wheeled bike is quiet and practically does not produce noise that is optimal for young children. The child can not only have fun walk, but also a little nice in the fresh air. The main model is designed for children from 1 to 5 years, but there are also special models for semi-annual kids.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_8

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_9


Consider the options for bicycles Lexus Trike in more detail on the example of individual models.


This model is a good option for economical parents.

The benefit is that one bike can be purchased for up to 5 years. Children aged from 1 to 5 years will be convenient to ride it.

Ergonomic design allows long and comfortable to travel on this bike on any kind of roads.

Main characteristics:

  • convenience handle;
  • seat belts (three point);
  • 3 seats;
  • The mattress for seating is removed with a slight movement of the arm due to the fasteners of the velcro;
  • footrest;
  • Dense visor from the sun;
  • Removable fencing sides;
  • silent rubber wheels;
  • Luggage handbag made of fabric.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_10

This bike has collected those properties that parents appreciate: Quality, environmental friendliness of materials and convenient anatomical seat shape. There are also models with inflatable wheels and even with a pilot for later walks.

The most common variant of coloring is black, but there are also pink, brown and gray coloring. Therefore, even the most picky baby can be selected in the shower.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_11

Lexus Original Comfort.

Just this bike is a model for semi-annual kids. This is not only a bike, it is a full-fledged stroller. This model has inflatable wheels that contribute to soft movement along the road. This model allows you to adjust the position of the seat to the midway and the underlying state.

This bike has a great and deep visor, repeating the look of the wheelchair visor. Another feature of this transport is a moving seat.

It moves relative to the steering wheel back and forth. Also, the seat turns back to the road and vice versa.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_12

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_13

Customer Reviews

Parents who bought Lexus Trike say that The bike is really durable. Even after 2 years off-road driving, the bike remains almost in perfect condition.

But many notice that soft linings on a protective rim Small children are burned. Toddles, especially those whose teeth are cut, I want to nourish something new and soft bicycle pad - the most.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_14

The bike management is not difficult, quite comfortable and easily manifested by maneuvers, with the exception of absolute off-road.

By the cons transport, you can take a visor: it practically does not close the child from the Sun, although the manufacturer speaks about the opposite. This thing is created more for beauty and harmonious design.

Many noted that for a bicycle, which will be replaced in a couple of years (such models are also present), the price of 6 thousand rubles is a little overestimated.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_15

Tips for choosing

When choosing a bike, if the parents have not yet decided on the model, you need to look at many characteristics and transport parameters. It is important to carefully read the description of the models in order not to encounter surprises.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_16

A pen

A bicycle with a handle must be able to remove it. When the child becomes enough adults to twist the pedals on their own, the handle will be a big noise, so Removable handle - a mandatory parameter for those who want to save and not spend money on a new bike when the kid will grow up.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_17

The handle should approach the growth of the one who will carry the child. Ideal if the handle is adjusted in height. Then it will be comfortable walking with both parents or grandparents and grandparents.

It should be comfortable, so that during a walk the parent did not feel discomfort and was not in a hurry to go home because of the uncomfortable position of the handle. The perfect option is a rubberized material. The hand will not slide, which will allow parents comfortably walking with the child. Management must be associated with wheels and with a wheel to ensure an easy transport.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_18


Selection selection is an important point to pay attention to. Any child seat must have a tough back, protecting the child from falling back and supporting the right posture, preventing scoliosis in a child in the future. There are several seats options: Plastic and metal. Plastic is the most convenient option because it will not be exposed to serious temperature drops.

In summer, the baby will not be afraid to sit on the seat due to cold metal.

Seat must have protective sides and seat belts Before buying you need to check for strength. The main thing is that neither one nor the other create discomfort to the child, because transport is bought precisely for him.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_19

Foot stands

This element needs children who have not reached the age of 2 years. Stand is needed so that the baby can put his legs on it and relax. The rubberized stands should be chosen so that the legs do not slip and the more they did not get into the wheels. If the bike is purchased for a more adult child or "on the grown", then Stand must be removable.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_20

Bike frame

There are two material options: plastic and metal. The first has a smaller weight and is not subject to corrosion, the second is more stable and reliable.

Sun visor

Each bike has this thing, but not every visor performs its function as it should. It is necessary to choose a deep and volumetric awning, which will hide not only from the thermal impact, but also protects from small rain.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_21

Basket for things and toys

This is a very convenient and functional thing. Having it on the bike will help bring a small purchase to the house, take a favorite to the favorite children's toy or fold things if it is hot.

It is best that the basket is located behind and was made of plastic, since it does not create excess weight.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_22


To bike for a long time served and was in proper condition, you need to choose the wheels for the type of road on which it will ride. For asphalt tracks should not be selected plastic wheels. Since the asphalt is a rather solid surface, plastic wheels will be very cozy and bring discomfort to the child.

It is best to choose rubber, wide wheels with a rough surface. This will give transport additional sustainability on the road. High-quality bicycles have a lever that disables pedals. Before buying it is necessary to check its presence. You also need to check the brake pedals. They are located on the rear wheels and must be working.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_23

It is important that the wheel diameter corresponds to the age of the future owner:

  • 1-3 years - diameter less than 12 inches;
  • 3-4 years - diameter of 12 inches;
  • 4-6 years old - 16 inches.

This is a very important parameter, since the weight and growth of the child create a certain pressure on the wheels, and they must withstand this load.

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_24

Children's bicycles Lexus Trike: a description of three-wheeled bikes for children. How to choose? 8572_25

Before buying, it is necessary to ask where to purchase spare parts in case of breakdown and ask about spare parts that sometimes come in the kit.

When buying a bicycle you need to take into account many things. But first of all, transport should like his future owner. It is worth considering his preferences, favorite colors, and that, whether he will be comfortable in it. Perhaps the child wants to have fun on his new transport, then you should choose a bike with musical accompaniment. Perhaps he will want a bike in the form of animals, but this is the choice of a child. Parents, like more sensible people, prefer comfort, quality and safety. Therefore, most of them choose bicycles that combine all these important parameters.

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