Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company


A bike can drive where there is not a different car - this is a fact. But completely and nearby there is a need to transport the bike itself to a more or less distant distance. It's time to figure out how to do it, and what you need to consider the owners of the bikes to avoid problems.

Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_2

Urban transport

If cyclists cannot go straight from home (for example, they are going to train on the distant stadium or in the suburbs), the bike has to be transported. And the easiest way is it to make personal car owners. Separate models of machines (for example, from Opel) are equipped with even special fasteners. Placing on the roof is not only the most "old", but also the safest option. Mounts are equipped with locks that allow you to avoid theft.

Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_3

Some machine manufacturers even offer to mount a bike on the back door. But the cost of such devices begins from 4000 rubles. As for the bike transport in the trunk or salon, it minimizes the danger of theft. However, the bike will then work out only to carry in a disassembled form, otherwise it will not fit there. In addition, many people can't carry a bike by car.

Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_4

You can do it on the bus. However, it must be borne in mind that Regulatory rules of carriers almost always bypass the sideways of the bike. At best, dimensions and luggage are usually mentioned. In addition, an attempt to enter the bus in the rush hour is unlikely to be successful. If the passage is allowed, then you will "get ready" what you need to pay.

Passengers usually pay for the bike as much as for 1 adult person.

Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_5

At the same time it is necessary to remember the restriction: In length, height and width in the amount of the bike should be of no more than 1.8 m. If you do not buy a ticket or disrupt baggage requirements, you will have to pay a fine when meeting with controllers. Similar rules cyclists can travel in the tram in trolleybus. But from experiments with a trip to the route taxi is better to refrain. There are not so much formal rules, how many considerations of the convenience of the driver and other passengers; Yes, and itselves ride with the bike is not too convenient.

Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_6

Completing an overview of the travel destination in public transport, it is worth indicating that you can only take a children's or folding bike in the subway. Full highway "horse" will not miss. "Disassembled and packed" by the criteria of the metro bicycle is considered when:

  • removed the front wheel;
  • turned the steering wheel for a straight angle;
  • Put accessories or optional parts in the bag or case.

Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_7

Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_8

    In the subway, the limiting total dimensions for all three axes are 1.5 m.

    If they are more, free travel is not possible. You have to buy an additional ticket. In the car it is better to put a bike closer to the doors, but so that there is no interference to the opening and closure, the passage of people. At the metro stations and monorail roads, as well as in the car, it is impossible to ride a bike.

    Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_9

    Long-distance transport

    Many people have to go with the bike very far. And that's why It is important to know the rules of transport on a long-distance bus. Usually, the rules of travel by the transport company clarify at the checkout when buying a ticket. Promotive passengers visit sites in advance or clarify the necessary information on the phone.

    Usually the bike is recognized as a luggage, and will carry out, respectively, in the luggage compartment.

    But when landing at the stop (if, of course, the bus does stop along the path), the places in the luggage compartment may not be enough.

    Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_10

    According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation The volume of luggage transported in the long-distance message is strictly limited.

    The maximum permissible size of the bike for all three axes is 1.8 m.

    Delivery of all luggage is performed when the receipt is made. Its sample and main details are established officially. It is necessarily written by the announced value and the tariff for the transportation of baggage with a specific value announced.

    Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_11

    It should be borne in mind that carriers establish additional own rules.

    Firm Ecolines. , for example, allows you to take 3 units of baggage up to 30 kg each; The carrier is responsible for shipping shipping, but not for its health or safety of basic qualities. Wheel breakdown and handles, the appearance of scratches and dents are considered minor damage and as a basis for complaints is not recognized. Additional baggage (over the usual mass) may not even be taken for fee.

    Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_12

    But in the long road, people can go on the train. Disassembled bicycles in the package are equated with 1 luggage place weighing 10 kg. The duty of passengers is such a storage of a bike on the way, Which will not cause problems to other people. Permitted by bikes in the luggage coupe. From 1 passenger there will be 3 luggage positions with a total weight of up to 200 kg, and 1 place can weigh a maximum of 75 kg.

    Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_13

    It happens at all "extreme" case: when you need to fly somewhere along with the bike. All airlines include such a luggage to the category of oversized cargo. You can only transport it for free only when weighing the weight limit set by the carrier. Packaging bike is needed separately from other things. The tag is set where non-standard cargo register. Approximate tariffs of leading companies are as follows:

    • "Aeroflot" - 50 euros;
    • Qatar Airways and Emirates - up to 30 kg for free;
    • Air France - 75 euros;
    • KLM - 55 EUR;
    • Lufthansa - for free within the limits for each service class;
    • Ryanair - 80 euros when flying "There and back."

    Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_14

      Separate attention deserves such a topic as a bicycle and water transport.

      On the river and maritime courts, the prosecution of the bikes does not represent any problems.

      Almost any ferry and a walk, the cruise liner has specially designated place. In small courts, where there are few spaces, you have to negotiate directly with the team. Anyway It is better to take a case and mount the bike so that it does not fall when swing or storm.

      Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_15


      Regardless of the specific type of transport, the bike is better packaged. Very reliable way - Purchase special coffer. True, it costs not at all cheaply, and directly in the campaign does not suit this packaging. You can prepare yourself using:

      • plastic ties for wires;
      • Packaging film Stretch;
      • Luggage gum;
      • nippers;
      • knife;
      • A pair of wide scotch rolls.

      Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_16

        Pre-from the bicycle is removed all too much, shoot pedals, front wheel and saddle. Then dismantle the steering wheel and rear wheel. The switch is grabbed by a plastic clamp inside the rear triangle, the pedals are fixed there. They put a bike on the karem and fix it with a scotch, so that the rug does not disappear.

        Bicycle transportation: Bicycle transport rules on the bus. Is it possible to transport free? Packaging and volume of bike for transportation by transport company 8563_17

        In the next video, you will learn the features of the bike transportation in the aircraft of Aeroflot.

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