Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase?


A healthy lifestyle throughout the world attracts more and more fans. Being healthy in many circles of the population was "fashionable", and it is considered a bad tone about their diseases. Hobbating cycling today is becoming more widespread. The bike can master almost everyone, and old and young. But in winter it is rarely some of the lovers will die of leaving the bikerogulk. Most use the bike only in the snowless time of the year. Seasonal storage of this slightly convenient vehicle becomes an important task.

Fundamental rules

All the well-known sayings about Santochki can be rephrased in relation to the bike as follows: "You love to ride - love and bike into the apartment." It is in the apartment, since no other way to store the "iron horse" in the conditions of our realities will not allow 100 percent essential. Well, when there is a spacious housing where you can select a comfortable room for a bicycle without any problems. But in many families there is not one bike, but small apartments without any storage room set.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_2

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_3

There are general rules that, if possible, must adhere to.

  • Defining factors - air humidity and temperature. Raw premises are the most favorable metal rust environment, this moment when choosing a storage site must certainly be taken into account. Significant temperature differences also affect the "iron horse" in the best way. Condensate is formed on the details, microcracks appear on protective coatings, the process of corrosion begins, rubber and plastic spawns.
  • Do not allow the appearance of rust. It is extremely difficult to get rid of it, it will sharply reduce the service life of the two-wheeled machine.
  • Straight sunlight should not penetrate the storage. Under their impact, rubber and plastic parts are destroyed, varnishes and protective coatings are fused.
  • The storage location should not be near the heating devices, as it hurts the tires of the wheels and the glands of the fork.

In order for a two-wheeled friend to successfully "overwhelmingly" and was ready to please the owner with an easy course next season, it is necessary every year with the onset of cold weather to prepare a favorite transport to winter storage, and not just remove him "from the eye."

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_4

Bicycle preparation

If you carefully perform simple preparation, you can safely send the unit to "wintering". The bike is not bad to survive until spring even in non-ideal, but acceptable conditions, if the owner has no other storage option. Preparation is carried out in stages.

  • Washing. First, we need to be cleaned with a tassel with dust and dirt hollows, speed switches, brake levers, erase with soft winds old lubricant with mechanical nodes, thoroughly wash the car, wipe dry and put for final drying. Then rinse with any solvent chain with tensioner and "asterisks".

For convenience and in order to save the solvent, it is better to spray from the sprayer and then wipe the surface, and not water the solvent is a spacer fabric.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_5

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_6

  • Inspection. A detailed inspection of the vehicle will allow you to identify minor malfunctions and worn items. It is necessary to eliminate malfunctions at once, rather than postpone from spring. For the winter you can forget something, and the malfunction will remain, and the cost of repairs is always more expensive than in the fall.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_7

  • Lubrication. You need to lubricate the washed nodes and parts, chain, cables of switches and brakes. It is not bad to change the lubricant in the sleeves of the wheel, the steering column, pedals. At another time, it still has to do - so why not do it before storage? If it is planned to store indoors without heating, the chrome-plated surfaces are important, and if possible, the frame, to coat with silicone lubricant to protect against corrosion and cracking paint.

If the model is expensive, then the tires must be additionally lubricating glycerin to protect against cracks in the cold.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_8

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_9

  • Reduced pressure in cameras. It is enough to remove the pressure up to 1.0-1.5 atm and maintain during storage, when decreasing, pump the wheels.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_10

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_11

  • Dismantle from bike navigator, cycle computer (if any), removable lights. Get the batteries from the remaining fixed luminaires so that the destructive electrolyte is not spread in winter.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_12

  • Loosen the clamps of the fastening of the seat and removal of the steering wheel, reduce the tension of the brake springs of the brakes, lay the lubricated chain on the smallest stars.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_13

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_14

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_15

Suitable places

For bicycles, "lucky" owners find a place in the apartment. This is the best option from possible with optimal conditions. The only problem is how to arrange the bike as compact as possible so that it does not interfere. You can simply put the bike at the free wall in the hallway, if you can allow space, but this option is suitable only for a small family without children. You can secure transport on a special hanger on the wall.

The correct suspension is per frame, and not behind the saddle, steering wheel or wheels. If the apartment is very small, there is no balcony and garage, you can partially disassemble the bike, fold into the tarp case and put under the bed, to the mezzanine or in the sofa box for storing things - there it does not hurt anyone.

Owners of expensive models and professional athletes acquire special storage cabinets.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_16

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_17

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_18

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_19

In addition to the apartment, the appropriate and most common storage places are the Glazed Balcony, Loggia and Garage. These are good options for leave there for the winter bike. Straight rays fall on the balcony or loggia in sunny days, so the bike prepared for storage should be covered (the dark film is suitable, fabric, tarpaulin, dense paper). It is unacceptable that water flowed to the car to the car is a direct path to corrosion.

In the garages of the free space a little, if there is already putting a car. The bike is most often broadcast on the wall. The hanger can be done by himself, better wooden or plastic, so as not to scratch the paint when hanging. In "Sportrs" you can find ready-made inexpensive Hook hangers. The design in the form of a rack is more expensive, but the space is well saved, resistant due to reliable mounting to the wall and support on the floor. On the rack you can place 2 bikes.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_20

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_21

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_22

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_23

other methods

Original ideas about the ways of seasonal storage of bicycles will be interesting to any owner. In online stores for sale non-standard suspended Fastening "Cyclos", which has already had many positive feedback. Its compactness is noted (reminds a small flower pot).

Allows you to secure the bike in different positions - horizontally, at an angle, vertically, as possible in a particular room.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_24

If there is a closed yard or free space in some room (free storage room, a big loggia, a non-busy vestibule), where to save the area is not necessary, you can build a wooden stand or a rack of plastic pipes and adapters for several two-wheeled machines. In small-sides, as an option, it is possible to fix greatly in the ceiling in a horizontal position if the ceiling is high. So he will not significantly reduce the housing space. Special attention should be paid to the safety of such mounting. The suspension should be durable and reliable.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_25

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_26

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_27

If you allow financial opportunities, in a major city You can pass the transport for the winter to the specialized parking lot where it will be stored in a warm box until spring. Unfortunately, such sites with velokoxami in Russia are a bit. Some Bicycle Repair Service, fully loaded in the summer, in winter, offer services for the seasonal storage of industrial transport, as in winter in rooms there is a lot of free space.

There are those who are for a reasonable fee will take a bike themselves, will be offered to conduct inspection, repair, lubricate and store until spring, and in the spring will deliver it to the client home.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_28

Where does not store?

It is categorically not recommended to store bike transport in the entrance. According to statistics, this is the most common area of ​​theft, so do not risk. Store in the general corridor and on the landing is also not an option, Since it inevitably reduces the overall free space, often causes dissatisfaction with neighbors, and when checking, it may bring a penalty at all, as it complicates the unobstructed exit from the premises.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_29

Hang over the side of the open balcony or on the outer wall of the building is also impossible, It is equivalent to the fact that the transport was thrown into the street. With such storage, the bike will be in a deplorable state. Do not put in a basement, where vegetables are stored. Permanent evaporation and humidity will not be saved in such conditions from corrosion even a carefully prepared car.

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_30

Bicycle storage: How to store in the stairwell and garage? Features of seasonal storage in winter. Is it possible to store in the overall corridor and on the staircase? 8551_31

About how to prepare a bike to winter storage, see the next video.

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