City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain


It will not seem obvious to beginners, but bicycles are fundamentally different, and one of the most common varieties is the so-called urban bike. By the name it is already clear that such transport is ideally adapted for riding in settlements, but it remains to understand what it looks like and so on.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_2

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_3

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_4

General characteristics

The bike for the city was "born" not yesterday - his concept was developed by decades of operation in conditions of the city or similar (relatively smooth) locality. This is not transport for serious tests, The emphasis in production is done on practicality and comfort, while efficiency and speed are somewhat neglected - they are not needed in the conditions of a comfortable road and permanent traffic lights.

A typical urban type bike is distinguished by high and straight fit - the back of the cyclist keeps smoothly, as if he sits on a chair. This position is convenient thanks to a high adjustable steering wheel and a spacious soft seat.

Switching speeds if it is provided, offers less modes than at mountain and sports analogs.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_5

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_6

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_7

The top tube in the frame of the city bike is either located very low, either absent at all - there is no sharp necessity in it, since the load on the frame in conditions of smooth asphalt roads is reduced, but the landing is simplified with such a configuration. Shock absorbers are also often absent, but there is enough typical "urban" filling: trunk and call. Many models for convenience are also equipped with a housing for a chain and front lights.

The transportation described is extremely convenient for short trips in urban conditions, it does not require any preliminary training or special clothing, equally effective in any weather conditions. Such models are widely used in the cities of Western Europe, which massively switch to cycling movement, for example: in Copenhagen or Amsterdam. The urban bike is completely impractical if it is planned to use for off-road driving, at least relative. That's why Such models are often not applicable in suburban conditions and are not suitable as tourist or sports vehicles.

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City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_9

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_10

What are there?

Each person may have their own idea of ​​what characteristics are inherent in a city bike, and although in general the list is repeated all the time, each individual features it is optional. In this regard, it is worth explaining what they mean certain common characteristics of bicycles.

Traditional urban bike assumed large wheels, but today enjoyed in great demand Models with small wheels . The significant diameter is needed in order to easily overcome any obstacles, but in the city with a developed bicycle infrastructure and the abundance of the tracks there is no need for this. Compact models with a small frame enjoy in high demand, because mini-transport becomes portable, and it is no longer so difficult to raise it on any floor, even if there is no elevator in the building.

In addition, when transporting a bicycle in a train or bus, modest dimensions are an additional advantage for the owner.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_11

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_12

The frame is important, or rather, the material from which it is made. Carbon bike It is highly appreciated due to the fact that the main raw material for the production of a frame is inexpensive. Recently, popularity is also acquired Varieties with a frame from chromolibden alloy - This is the choice of those who intend to exploit their transport in the conditions of non-ideal roads or simply wishes their bike for a longer life.

The features of the frame have already mentioned above - usually its top plank is low or generally absent to simplify the ride as a landing and disembarking task. On perfectly smooth tracks it is not needed because Transport does not experience a significant load due to jumping, which means there is no reason to further strengthen the design. Moreover, no additional plank is not in compact folding models, where it would only interfere.

At the same time, according to the top bar, it is often judged about the "sexual belt" of the bicycle, believing that the straight line fits more men, and inclined - women. However, recently it is irrelevant.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_13

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_14

As in the case of any other bikes, urban models are adults and children. This classification is understandable - the convenience of driving largely depends on how much transport corresponds to the growth of the rider, so Children's options are always a bit less adults. However, the gradation of this type is not always relevant, because the best manufacturers always produce bicycles with the possibility of regulating the height of the seat and steering wheel, which means that the same copy after short manipulations can be convenient to man a completely different warehouse than the owner.

The urban bike must be safe, falling from it can cause not only injury or bad mood, but also broken work if you are obliged to be in the workplace in a suit, and fell and blurred clothes on the way to the office. For this reason, three-wheeled models are very popular, for a long time considered the death of children. Two rear wheels are placed non-Ukraoco - thanks to this, the bike is still the yurik and very compact, while keeping the ability to squeeze into any gap, but the fall will not happen, even if the cyclist disperses or he will have to stop.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_15

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_16

For urban bike, quite typical phenomenon turns out Equipment of the trunk or basket. In many ways it is convenient - if you constantly carry with you small objects or some things, such an accessory will be very relevant.

At the same time, the presence of the trunk creates certain problems for folding models, since it is noticeably limited to their compactness, because many cyclists prefer to acquire models without a basket, instead of using an ordinary rebound backpack. At the same time, for the transport of small children, adult design can be additionally equipped with a special place for a child.

Finally, when creating urban bikes, much attention is paid to the comfort of the rider, and it is expressed at least in protecting the chain and the planetary sleeve - accidental contact with them is impossible.

In addition, in many modern models, the protection of the spokes from entering them is appropriate, it is appropriate if the weather is bad and you need to wear a raincoat.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_17

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_18

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_19

Comparison with other species

The diversity of cycling varieties is no coincidence - the city model differs from any of the alternatives. Over rare exceptions you will not have the opportunity or do not want to limit yourself for purely urban conditions, therefore it is worth thinking whether in your situation is the city (pleasure) option with the best choice. To understand this, we will conduct a brief comparison of this type of transport with all other bikes.

The road bike in terms of popularity will easily be competing urban, and it is possible that exactly such a kind of you have seen most often. At first glance, he has little benefits: he, unlike urban, and bad, and hard, and not too comfortable. If the city model is made for convenience in short trips, then its road fellow is not about comfort, but about the reliability due to the limiting ease of construction. In this unit there is nothing superfluous, therefore it costs it cheaper, and this is the main transport for countryside or cottage, but you suffer it in the steps.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_20

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_21

The mountain bike family is intended specifically for rough terrain, which means their main advantages are not disclosed in the city. At the same time, they, of course, are able to cope with an ordinary asphalt road, but then it makes no sense to overpay for the most expensive samples - enough and elementary level models. More serious varieties are intended for trips through the forest, crabcany on the slopes and rapid descent from them, they are designed for a permanent shaking, therefore they have a much stronger (and because heavier and less comfortable) frame.

Landing is lower in order to at least partially level the very shaking, there is no speech about a comfortable soft seat, and all sorts of baskets are meaningless - when using transport for its intended purpose, they will only grate.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_22

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_23

The highway bike is designed to quickly overcome considerable distances. It is very light and thin, landing is low in it, and the movement is provided at maximum speed with minimal efforts, because it could be the best option for a major city, if it were not for one important "but": this unit was created purely for smooth trails. Going from the city to the city - then it is an excellent choice, but permanent curbs will quickly spoil such a bike, and in this he loses to his urban analogue.

Universal bike combines the best benefits of other popular species: walking, highway and mountain. He is inferior in comfort and convenience, the second - in speed, the third - in the simplicity of cross-country crossing, but at the same time he is not bad in all the names of the characteristics at the same time, which means that can be a certain competition to urban models, even if used only in the city.

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City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_25

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_26


The bike must be reliable, because the safety of the rider has often depends on the integrity and durability of the vehicle. With this you do not guess in advance, but some manufacturers have proven for decades of existence that they know their business and relate to it. For this reason, it is worth considering as potentially the most reliable products of the brands below.

  • Schwinn. The American brand is largely considered prestigious, although the cost of its products cannot be called transcendental. Such bicycles are highly appreciated not only thanks to high reliability, but by virtue of an attractive design - at one time, many celebrities ride on them: from Elvis and Marilyn to the pair of Jolie Pitt.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_27

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_28

  • Trek. The US-Taiwan firm makes a significant focus on the quality of its products - its leading models are equipped with a durable frame from chromolibdden alloy. With all the convenience and lightweight movement around the city, such a bike will like those who used to keep themselves in the form - he allows you to raise the load on the usual route, so as not to waste time also at the gym.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_29

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_30

  • Strida. An inipically looking folding bike is extremely compact, having a British origin, today enjoys great demand in cities. With the limit ease of design, the unit requires minimal maintenance and is distinguished by durability.

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City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_32

Criterias of choice

Even urban models are different, and the task of the future owner is to determine exactly what kind of bike he needs. Consider the main criteria for which you need to pay attention to when buying.

  • Easy design. In theory, moving on asphalt is the minimum load on the bike, and therefore you can safely cut out the models with a bunch of "frills" that cost money and never need in "concrete jungle". The more simpler design, the less it will break, because any additional accessories (like the same basket or trunk) are appropriate only in a situation when you are confident in their daily use.
  • Speed. Urban models are multi-speed or singlespid (without switching speeds). Theoretically for the city, where there should be no problems with good roads, it is also suitable for the last, simpler version, but much depends on the area - if your typical route suggests constant lifts and descents, the presence of a multi-speed mode does not prevent.
  • Full-size or foldable. If the frame is solid and the bike does not imply folding, it is usually plus to the reliability of the unit - it does not have weaknesses, because it is unlikely to break. At the same time, full-size models are traditionally large, and they need to somehow stored in the apartment, and in public transport it is extremely difficult to place them. If at home there is no space for storage, and it is planned to regularly transport bike in buses, trains or cars, it is better to pay attention to the folding model, but then at least make sure that the flexible connection is as strong as possible.
  • Price. It should always be paid attention to the last place, but it is worth knowing what factors affect the pricing. For example, Singlespid is always cheaper than completely similar high-speed transport, and the planetary bushing increases even more value. Steel frame costs the manufacturer (and the buyer, of course) cheaper than aluminum, and foreign models are always more expensive than domestic, even if there is no objective difference. Finally, do not perceive the price tag as an axioma - check the same model in other stores, maybe it costs less there.
  • Rama size . There is a direct dependence of the size of the frame from the growth of the main owner, and it is not necessary to fully rely on the adjustable seat and the steering wheel - for the sake of your comfort and security correctly select the frame. There are tables that allow you to understand how the frame size is suitable for you.
  • Bicycle status assessment . All of the above is the theory, and the practical test is also needed. Try ride on the bike you like and stand still, appreciate how holistic and reliable the frame looks, whether all the details are well held, whether they are uninterrupted.

Make sure that a specific instance is deprived of any defects, be it factory flaws or inaccurability of transportation, and only then buy.

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_33

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_34

City bikes (35 photos): compact bicycles with planetary sleeve and trunk for the city and rough terrain 8535_35

On how to choose the right city bike, see the next video.

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