Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road?


Few of us can perceive the bike with high-speed vehicles. Intrusion, if you ask a question about the maximum speed of the prepared cyclist, you can call the figure of about 60 km / h. And then, most likely, imply athletes on any prestigious cycling competitions. Is it so - learn from the following article.

What does the speed affect?

You can call quite a lot of different factors that influence the speed of the cyclist ride. But the main ones, according to experts, are The preparedness and physical possibilities of a person sitting behind the wheel of a bicycle.

And even such an important factor, as the type of vehicle itself, does not have a greater value at the same time than the experience and endurance of the cyclist.

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_2

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_3

In addition to those mentioned (human factor and type of bicycle), other conditions affecting the conditions should be called. List and briefly describe them.

  • Type of terrain on which cyclist is moving. Plain, crossed terrain (solid descents, lifting, steep turns), mountainous area, rural or city conditions - all these factors affect the average cycling speed. In urban environments on asphalt roads, the average speed of movement will not be able to be higher than that can be developed even on a soil plain road in rural areas. Traffic lights, pedestrians, cars in the conditions of the city rarely give the middle speed above 10-12 km / h.
  • Road covering. This factor is clear and without words - on the highway can be accelerated even by an ordinary person to a speed of 20 km / h and staying it for a long time, and it is almost impossible to do this on a sandy or crushed stone road.
  • Technical condition of the vehicle. Of course, a new bicycle with fresh lubricant and depreciation is much faster than its counterpart from the last century with a periodically decaying with the stars with a chain and creaking from dryness by a pedal mechanism.
  • The degree of pumped and wear of wheel tires. The clutch with the road surface also affects the average speed of the bike. High-quality and optimally pumped tires make it easier and provide faster acceleration of the vehicle both from the place and in the course of the movement, if you need to increase the speed. In addition, it is spent less forces from a cyclist, it is less tired and therefore can keep good speed longer.
  • Matching tires road surface. On solid coverage, it is best to ride on wheels with narrow tires, and on a soft ground - with wide.
  • Windage. With an increase in speed of more than 10 km / hour, the air resistance increases and the degree of its resistance increases sharply with each subsequent kilometer of speed. And if there is also a counter wind, then the cyclist has to spend a lot of physical strength to a speed movement.
  • Diameter of wheels. The smaller the wheels, the weaker the bike accelerates with the same physical stress of a person on riding as a bike with large wheels.

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_4

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_5

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_6

Opportunities of an unprepared cyclist

An unprepared cyclist can be called a person who is not as often chosen on cycling, or uses it only as a vehicle for short trips, for example, for the city in the garden plot, to work, to the distant store and so on. That is, this is a person who does not use the bicycle regularly to maintain itself in physical form.

The possibilities of such a person having a highway bike, for the development of speed are usually limited to 15-18 kilometers per hour They can hold for a long time on a straight road. If necessary, on the highway, it is subject to a short-term speed of about 22-25 km / h, especially on the slope down.

It should be noted that in urban environments, the highway and mountain bikes are equivalent to speed, but the latter is safer both from the best viewing of the surrounding ground and in relation to the speed of braking if the emergency stop is necessary.

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_7

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_8

If an unprepared person is sitting on a sports bike, even in the most favorable to overclock the terms, it is unlikely to even briefly reach a speed of 40 km / h, maximum - 32-35. He simply does not have enough knowledge of the technique of high-speed ride on the cycle transport. At the same time, a sports highway under an experienced biker develops a speed of about 80 km / h.


People are typical of attraction to achieving records in the beloved lesson, especially if this occupation is sport. So in high-speed ride on bicycles, the athletes-cyclists are primarily the record holders. Speed ​​records were most likely, at all stages of the history of the development of cycling technology, but they became registered either on official sports, or were issued as part of individual events with a special purpose of establishing a record.

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_9

Consider what kind of bicycle speed records are known today.

  1. Charles Murphy (California, USA) in 1899 Put the record of maximum speed by bike. The achievement was the mark at the level of 100.2 km / h. The cyclist at the same time moved by the train, which ensured a decrease in the effect of air resistance to the result.
  2. In Los Angeles in 1937 A record of a cycling movement was raised at a speed of 139 km / h. The author became Albert Mark. He moved after a car having a special awning (also saved from the effect of air resistance).
  3. After 5 years (in 1942) After the last record, in the same State of California, a new record of the highest speed by the record holder Alfa Lettern, moving on an improved bike behind a racing car. He developed a speed of 175 km / h.
  4. The fastest cyclist - the Netherlands Fred Rompelberg who managed to develop a speed of bike equal to 268.83 km / h. At the same time, he was behind a racing car with a fairing, which provided a particular airless space of a record holder moving behind it. In addition, the bike was redesigned and in ordinary life hardly found application. This happened in 1995.
  5. In 2005, the Czech athlete O. Pine Developed the speed at cyclose in Krylatsky to 59.7 km / h and the speed reached was held for 1 hour (international record for retention of speed). As you can see, along with the achievement of maximum speed, there are also records for its deduction. From this record it becomes clear that for 1 hour no one has yet been able to keep the cycling speed above 59.7 km / h.
  6. Dutchman Sebastian Baouyer in 2013 Installed a speed record of 133.78 km / hour by bike with a fairing. True, the bike was also not entirely ordinary, as in the case of the Fred Ruspelberg record.

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_10

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_11

How to improve speed indicator?

To gain the highest possible speed by bike, you should follow the recommendations, Based on the elementary rules for the content of industrial transport and councils of specialists.

  • Conduct timely maintenance of your vehicle: lubricant, cleaning from dirt, replacement of worn items and so on.
  • Before each departure to check the tire pressure and give this parameter to the norm specified in the technical service on the product.
  • Change tires depending on the degree of their wear.
  • Brakes should always be adjusted.
  • Adjust the optimal landing by bike due to the height of the seat and steering wheel.
  • With a high-speed ride to improve the aerodynamics due to the maximum inclination of the housing forward and lower the height of the steering wheel.
  • Regularly train your own physical strength and endurance. For this you need daily trips at a distance of at least 20 km in one direction.
  • Examine a speed cycling technique and apply it in practice.

Maximum speed of the bicycle: the greatest speed of cyclists. What speed can be developed on the highway and mountain biking? How many km / h can be acceded on a straight road? 8528_12

    If everything is recommended above, per month or two, you can feel the first significant changes in both your body and in the speed of speed by cycling. And it will be your first personal record.

    Looking for bike speeds for bicycles later.

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