Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot?


Bicycle theft can occur anywhere: in the entrance or in the crowded parking lot. If the thief decided to steal, the locks and alarms will not be an obstacle to it. What if the hijack happened, is there a chance to return the favorite bike?

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_2

What is responsible?

Homes of vehicles, unfortunately, are found, but it is bikes less protected legally. A special article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for theft of a bike is not provided. Responsibility can be attributed to Articles 7.27; 158; 161 and 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provide for the punishment for the minor theft of property worth more than 2500 rubles, robbery or robbery. Punishments for such crimes are administrative or criminal, it all depends on the amount of the amount in which the bike is estimated, and the actions of the violators themselves:

  • kidnapped a bike without the knowledge of the owner - theft;
  • selected violent path - robbery;
  • If during robbery the victim got injury - robbery.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_3

In order for the expert to determine the cost of stolen, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the market and the official price of the bicycle at the time of theft, as well as a check confirming the initial amount of purchase. To understand the difference in responsibility for such a crime, you need to know what theft is different from theft:

  • Purpose of hijacking - to take possession of an alien movement without the consent of the owner;
  • Purpose of theft - Saw and resell the bike for profit.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_4

Based on the qualification of the crime and the estimated expert value of the bicycle, the intruder may threaten the following punishments.

  1. If the cost of the bike does not exceed 1000 rubles, According to Article 7.27, the penalty can be from 100 rubles to the size of the five vehicle costs. Or the kidnapper threatens the detention from 10 to 15 days, forced work is possible.
  2. If the damage is estimated from 1000 to 2500 thousand rubles, Punishment can be in the form of a fine of 3000 rubles to 5 worth of stolen, arrest up to 15 days or 120 hours of public works.
  3. With the amount of stolen, exceeding 2500 thousand rubles may threaten criminal liability (Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and the real period of conclusion (depending on the circumstances) from 2 or more years. Punishments are appointed as follows:
    • a fine in the size of a six-month salary, or up to 80 thousand rubles;
    • Public work up to 350 hours;
    • arrest (arrest for 4 months);
    • imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_5

The aggressive factors are considered to be the abduction of transport for an amount exceeding 5,000 rubles by a organized group by a secret conspiracy, with penetration into the dwelling. In such cases, punishment is tougher:

  • The penalty may be 200,000 rubles;
  • Forced work - 450 hours;
  • Depending on various reinforcing factors, the punishment can be up to 5 years in prison.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_6

Criminal liability for legislation comes from 16 years, but adolescents of 14 years may respond according to Russian laws for theft. If the age of the violator is less than this period, the penalty must pay the parents.

Collect material evidence

In most cases, bicycles steal from the entrances and halls, Many of which the owners do not even fasten with cables, Naively believing that the public door with a lock or intercom could protect it. In second place - theft in crowded places, in the parking lots, in supermarkets. The criminal just cuts off the cable from the castle. There are cases of hijacking from garages, basements, balconies. Sometimes the violators are aggressively, against the will of the owners, take a bike "ride" and do not return. If the owner does not find a bike in place, where he left him, It is necessary to immediately cause the police. 90% of all crimes are revealed "on hot wakes".

Before the arrival of the police, you can conduct the following actions.

  1. Integrity, perhaps someone noticed, in which direction the cyclist was put forward, and as he looked. If eyewitnesses are found, coordinate should be taken from them, they may be needed for further legal activities.
  2. Inspect the alarm, the thief could drop the receipts, tickets, personal things that would help to go to the trail of the criminal.
  3. Next, you need to pay attention to the cars parked around, to identify those from which the record from the DVRs are being conducted, wait for the owners of the machines and look at the recorded material with them. If the hosts are missing for a long time, you can try to leave a note with your phone number and a description of the situation.
  4. Inspect nearby buildings and other objects on which video cameras can be located. Subsequently, it is possible to find out who they belong to and persuade the owners to show the filmed material. Worse, if video cameras belong to municipal organizations, they will need a special permission to view them, and it will take a lot of time.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_7

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_8

The bike, kidnapped from the entrance, is more difficult, the yards are small and rarely equipped with video surveillance cameras. But the search still should be carried out according to the scheme described above. To facilitate the search for a missing vehicle, you need to try to provide police as much as possible data about it: Check about buying, passport, frame number, photos, if any.

Many owners know every scratch, loss and other features of their favorite and easily recognize it among thousands of bikes.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_9

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_10

How to apply?

Submitting a statement to the police about theft of a bicycle, many do not believe that they will find it, but still need to do it. If independent searches will give the result, the presence of a statement and other legal documents will help to remove the bike from the criminal. The most difficult when submitting a statement, to persuade him to accept him in the police station. Employees will refer to unavailability of the problem and greater loading. But it should be perseverance, refer to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from O1. O3.2012 No. 140, to introduce yourself to an informed person, ready to fight for his rights.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_11

You can record the name of the duty officer who refuses to accept an application, treat him a complaint. If it is refused again, You should send a statement by mail, with description and notification. In the site, all letters are registered and it will be impossible to change anything. The sample application can be found on the Internet, or receive a blank at the police station. Documents are drawn up as follows: in the left corner is drawn up "cap", where the name of the name of the site and the data of the head is indicated. The center is written in the center. Next are reported:

  • Full description of the stolen bike with the application of documents and photographs;
  • The circumstances under which he was abducted;
  • the time when crimes and address are committed, where everything happened;
  • eyewitness evidence indicating their contact data;
  • At the end, the number and signature are affixed.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_12

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_13

Distribution of information about theft

Not long ago, the announcement of the disappearance was given in the newspaper. Today the availability of the Internet allows you to convey information about theft of a bike to each other. You can use the following resources:

  • databases accumulating information about the embezzlement and search of bikes ("bought hijacking", "Velo Search");
  • social networks;
  • Thematic sites (led clubs, forums, ads).

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_14

In the information submitted, you need to clearly describe the incident, specify the place and time, add photos and, if there is a video from surveillance cameras, use fragments on which the hijacker is visible most clearly. The material must be concise, but at the same time, the capacious, contain all the necessary information. Too long texts are not finished to the end, so you should not overload them with emotions and excessive details.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_15

The task of sites consists not only in placing information. They attract the public to the problem, give valuable thematic information, constantly update the data. There are also telephone mobile applications that have the opportunity to receive information about their bike.

Did there be thorough bikes?

According to statistics, cycling thefts frequent, because they are the most affordable vehicles available. The owners are often their naive and irresponsibility themselves provoke offenders to the hijacking. Leave the bikes "for a minute", which is enough to say goodbye to his property. In the legislation of the Russian Federation, although indirect, but there are articles with which it is possible to suffer responsibility for theft of a bicycle. But in fact it happens extremely rarely.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_16

Forum materials and statistics are talking about a low percentage of such cases.

It turns out that "the salvation of drowning is the work of the hands of immersing." Browsing the ads for the sale of used bicycles and visiting such markets can be stumbled upon the missing bike and, learn violence, select your good. But then the victim becomes a criminal. In this case, it is better to contact the police and relying on the previously left statement, insisted about the withdrawal of the vehicle. It is sad that the stolen bikes are sold quite easily. They are bought by the ads for a quarter from the initial value than the thieves enjoy.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_17

Criminals may be chosen by any bike, from the children's or old Soviet to the expensive sports inventory. But preference is given to mining bikes worth 20-30 thousand rubles, they can easily rescue from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. The victims themselves behave incorrectly, turn to the police too late, and after all, finding the bike is the easiest all in the first hours after theft.

Stolen bike (18 photos): What to do after theft of a bicycle from the entrance? How to find a threw bike after hijacking from the parking lot? 8504_18

A little less chance to find it in the first two months, and in the future there is little for what will have to count on.

About what to do if the bike was stolen, see the next video.

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