Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands


Today, children presents a huge number of bicycle models, allowing to exploit such transport from an early age. Among such products it is worth highlighting bicycles from the year with a pen for parents represented by several functional varieties.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_2

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_3


Baby model for beginner cyclists, equipped with a handle, are a convenient and functional option for walking with the baby. A distinctive feature of such bicycles is some similarity with a carriage, in which the child spends most of the time after birth in the street and up to 1 year. That is why there are several names for such devices to drive, the gradation of which depends on the differences in the design, the presence of additional accessories and components.

But in general, the design of a bicycle with a handle, a bicycle-rental, cycling or transformer remains unchanged, assuming The presence of one wheel ahead, and the two from behind, as well as high handles for the parent going behind.

The feature of the models for the smallest is the ability to exploit it as a full-fledged substitute for a lightweight stroller in the warm season.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_4

Bicycles with handle for kids are made in such a way that A novice cyclist will be able to sit on the wheel independently, and in the management he will contribute to the elders, reaching nearby. All three-wheeled bikes are equipped with not only pedals, but also the adjustable footrest, providing comfort of movement at an early age. Over time, when the child is mastered and grows up, it will be possible to remove it. This possibility of transformation of the structure is considered the main feature of three-wheeled bicycles with the parent pen.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_5

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_6

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_7

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_8

Today, products of this kind are represented in various colors and designs, in addition, cycles have additional accessories in the form of an unfawable bag, a special hood, which can protect the child from the sun or rain and wind, having a slight overview window.

A similar transitional version from a stroller to a bike gives the baby much more freedom, but at the same time provides no less comfort in the process of movement. And the presence of additional important components and the possibility of modernizing the structure under the age demands of the baby cause the demand for such a category of children's vehicles.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_9

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_10

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_11

Advantages and disadvantages

Such bikes are pretty in demand among families with young children.

However, before buying each consumer, it is necessary to study the strengths and weaknesses of similar products.

So, the advantages of bicycles with a handle should include the following points.

  • In the process of testing and operation, high passability of such bicycles on complex roads with a minimum of even coating was noted. At the same time, good indicators demonstrate the depreciation system of vehicles, which is a huge advantage of the comfortable movement of the kid. These characteristics are directly affected by the wheel diameter, which usually greatly exceeds similar parameters of the usual walking wheelchairs.
  • In the bike to the growing and inquisitive child to move on a walk will be many times more interesting than in the wheelchair. With age, this moment will be relevant. In addition, the models for the smallest can be equipped with a gaming panel or other no less interesting for leisure and developing a small cyclist device.
  • Separate attention deserves the multifunctionality of such products due to the possibility of quickly alteration of the model for the needs of the kid and its age. Such a feature will allow you to purchase one bicycle model, and to exploit it together with the child several seasons, which will be significant savings.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_12

However, such varieties of some shortcomings are not deprived.

  • Among the available models there are bicycles, in which the parent handle is not related to the wheel, so maneuvering can be quite uncomfortable to the device.
  • Also, despite all the available possibilities for transforming cyclers and cycalokatok, they are not intended to sleep in them. It is due to this inability to regulate the seat back to the lying position. Therefore, sleep in a similar fitting on a walk is possible for a child only in a sitting condition.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_13

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_14


The cycling of a similar category is divided by manufacturers into several categories. The differences in the model range consist in some features of the design, the presence or absence of components of the bicycle, as well as the recommendations of the manufacturers relative to the age group and the growth of the child.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_15


Such options are intended for the joint movement of parents and babies that one year has already been fulfilled. However, in some cases, such children's vehicles are used by children at an earlier age, if the child is physically ready for driving in such a model. Usually, Celocoles are enough for another few seasons. Due to the possibility of upgrading the design, children can use it up to 3 years

Initially, the device is controlled exclusively for adults, with a handle. A feature of such cycle salvations is a deep and soft ergonomic seat.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_16

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_17

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_18

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_19

For safe cycling, there are reliable safety belts and a soft bumper, in the light of which the model becomes very similar to the walking stroller. You can mount toys on the bumper, some manufacturers offer products with their set of entertainment accessories.

In addition, there is a large hood on a cycle tape, or a visor that can perform similar protective functions from adverse weather conditions. The main emphasis in the models of this line is given to increased security measures when driving with a small child. In the future, as the baby grows, the device can be simply altered into the lightweight version of the children's bike. Such products are notable for a bright design. Average Three-wheeled cycles will weigh about 6-7 kilograms, the frame is made of durable metal alloys.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_20


By the next category of bicycles with a handle for parents include transformers, recommended for the older age group of children from 2 to 5 years. The model will have large dimensions in comparison with the previous option, in addition, the seat is no longer equipped with a high back.

Such options are more reminiscent of three-wheeled bikes. Among the advantages of the models, it is worth noting the possibility of adjusting the seat and steering wheel, adjusting them to the particular child.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_21

However, transformation capabilities are reflected on the mass of the device, which can reach up to 10 kilograms. As a rule, such bicycles can "heat" to full-fledged children's tricycles. Similar features are also reflected in the cost of products. Among the possibilities of the transformer is worth highlighting:

  • the possibility of disconnecting the footboard;
  • Removing a visor or hood;
  • adjustment of the height and tilt of the planting and steering wheel;
  • The possibility of turning the chairs towards the movement of the bike or from it.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_22

Classic bike

If the border and differences in previous versions are quite blurred, then the last category of vehicles with the parent pen will significantly differ and stand out against the background of other modifications.

Recommended products by the manufacturer for kids from 2 years, which have already mastered the skills of working on pedals. Such a bicycle will be stable, so it is suitable for self-movement as it is impossible.

Design models are represented by variations for boys and girls.

The handle behind for the most part will be necessary only for the easier launch of the child or to help in complex areas of the road, when the starting cyclist is tired.

As a rule, the handle can be removed if desired. As for security, the seat is still equipped with belts, the weight of the bicycle is minimal. Often, similar products are made of lightweight polymer.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_23

Folding bikes

In a separate category allocate Models that can be folded, which facilitates their storage and transportation. Such cycleballs are notable for a more complex device, in addition, have a high cost compared to the options where the possibility of folding is missing.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_24


In the market, children's bikes with a handle are represented by different manufacturers.

Lamborghini L3 egoist.

The popularity of this model is due to an attractive design, as well as high quality assembly. The bike is equipped with inflatable wheels that provide him with good shock absorption, as well as the ability to easily overcome various obstacles. The seat has a high and soft back. The model is equipped with a safety rim, a hood with an observation window for a child. Parental handle can be adjusted in height.

There is a function blocking a pedal. The bike is recommended for children from 1 year, the weight of the design is 14 kilograms.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_25

Babyhit Kids Tour

The tricycle on inflatable wheels is highlighted by its affordable cost, as well as a standard package inherent in the majority of cycle salon. The steering wheel can be adjusted by the growth of the child, the seat is equipped with seat belts. This model will be able to use for several seasons. Special attention deserves The minimum bike weight constituting only 9 kilograms.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_26


The German model of a three-wheeled bike designed for a children's audience from 1 year. This brand manufactures its products in accordance with increased safety requirements.

The chair has a high back, seat belts, as well as a manual brake lever, comfortable non-slip steps, a spacious basket.

However, the parent handle is not connected to the steering control, so The front wheel of it will not be able to rotate.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_27

Funny Jaguar MS-0531

Model with cast wheels and a deep hood. A feature of the design is The ability to cast a seat back to how much the positions ago. The chair has soft head restraints, seat belts, the hood is equipped with a special viewing window for the baby.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_28

How to choose?

By purchasing a children's bike with a handle, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations.

  • In the light of a large range of models from this product line, it is initially necessary to determine the main purpose of such a vehicle for the kid. If the device for driving is interested in the long-term perspective, it is recommended to consider cycles, which will be able to adjust the interests and growth of the child over time. These options include transformers.
  • Some manufacturers have the age and growth of the kids specified in the documentation may not comply with the realities. Therefore, before buying, it will be necessary to measure the stepper seam of the baby, to know how to find out its height and weight.
  • An important nuance will be the size and mass of the design itself. Models whose weight will exceed 10 kilograms, can be quite heavy to control, especially when the child will turn the pedals on their own.
  • Of course, with one visual consideration, it will be quite difficult to determine the reliability of the entire design. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the assembly and raw materials used for the manufacture of all components. Metal in this case will be more enduring in comparison with bicycles, where most of the fasteners will be made of plastic.
  • It is more correct to stop on models where the parent handle will be adjusted in height.

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_29

Children's bike with a handle from 1 year (30 photos): how to choose a three-wheeled bike for a kid? Types and brands 8500_30

About how to choose a three-wheeled bike with a handle, look next.

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