High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years


Bicycle ride pleasant and useful. Physical activity develops coordination, strengthens the muscles and gives great pleasure at any age, and especially in childhood.

When buying a bike for a girl, you must correctly select a model that will ensure safety and comfort while walking or sports.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_2

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_3


High-speed bikes for girls should be light, beautiful, comfortable. In addition to external attributes, manufacturers pay great attention to safety, reliability of the design. Among the main points is:

  • the optimal dimensions of the frame and wheels;
  • the presence of a depreciation mechanism that contributes to a reduction in the load on the arms;
  • Teen bikes are made with speeds, but their number is minimal;
  • In the design, pedal mechanisms are necessarily present;
  • Bicycles for girls have smaller dimensions;
  • In the manufacture of lightweight materials are used;
  • Considerable attention is paid to the seat - it is usually softer and has large dimensions;
  • In order to have the opportunity to ride a bike in any clothes, the frame is made at the affected;
  • Of great importance is attached to the creation of a beautiful appearance of the design, its forms, color, additional items.

All this reduces the risks of falling, injury. Makes riding comfortable, comfortable, useful.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_4

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_5


There are various types of teenage bikes. Therefore, before buying it is important to decide why the "iron horse" is purchased, where and how it will be operated.

  • For pleasure city trips at high speed, a hybrid model will fit. Its design is quite simple and durable. Such a bike will last long. It can also ride in groundwater, country roads.
  • For traveling at low speeds on a flat asphalt surface, urban type will fit. The model is easy to use, safe. It is easy to repair. Slowing on such a bike, you can not worry about blurred clothes, since the basic elements of the design have a protective coating.
  • For sports, a cross type is used more often. It is characterized by good patency, has a high carriage, equipped with a solid frame.
  • Trips for the city better exercise on a tourist bike. Teenage models are equipped with wide wheeled tires, have a trunk.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_6

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_7

Brand review

Among the most popular, in demand brands of adolescent bicycles can be highlighted as follows.


Constructions have a beautiful design, modern technical equipment, reliable brakes. Bike is characterized by functionality, security.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_8

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_9


The manufacturer releases sports teenage bikes. Designs for girls have a lowered frame, rim brakes. Commodity line contains a large number of models for every taste.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_10


The manufacturer releases urban bikes. Designs for girls are different Establishment of landing, strength of mechanisms, resistant, price availability. The bikes have rim brakes.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_11

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_12


The manufacturer creates models for any age. Designs are characterized reliability, functionality, safety, simply controlling brakes. Stylish frame design will have to taste any fashionista. The models are equipped with a depreciation mechanism that softens the blows when driving.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_13


Bike designs are equipped with a light and very strong aluminum frame. A huge advantage is the presence of a hard fork that provides a reliable clutch with an expensive. In the manufacture of bicycles, the latest developments are used in the field of creating depreciation mechanisms. Very light alloys are used, coatings are made from heavy-duty materials.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_14

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_15

How to choose?

The new bike should like the future owner not only in color, but also in shape. It should be comfortable, comfortable, safe when driving. Special attention should be paid to the size, technical characteristics of the new bicycle.

One of the main criteria for choosing a design is the ratio of the length of the frame, the diameter of the wheel and growth of the teenager. For example:

  • For a child of 7 or 8 years with growth to 128 cm, the diameter of the wheels of 18-20 inches is suitable;
  • For 9 years with growth to 134 cm - a diameter of 20 inches;
  • For 10 years with growth to 146 cm - a diameter of 20 inches;
  • for 11, 12 or 13 years with growth up to 158 cm - diameter of 24 inches;
  • For 14 years With growth to 164 cm - a diameter of 24-26 inches.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_16

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_17

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_18

It should be remembered that These values ​​are approximate . The proportions of the body do not always comply with the established standards. Feet can have a big length. In this case, you need to choose a bike directly with his future hostess. In order to understand whether the size of the bike is suitable or not, you need to take a child on it. At the same time, the legs should calmly get to the pedals, and the knees should not touch the steering wheel when driving.

In practice, the desired bicycle parameters can be determined by the distance from the end of the seat to the steering wheel. It should be equal to the length of the hand from the end of the middle finger to the elbow. The wheel diameter can be determined by separating growth in centimeters by 2.5. The resulting value must be translated into inches.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_19

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_20

When choosing a new bike, you should also consider the following.

  • From the age of the age you can choose the models not only with a foot, but also manually brake.
  • Depending on the growth, the number of gears is selected. So, with a height of 140 cm, it is recommended to consider constructions that have no more than 6 gears.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the pedals. They must be made of durable, wear-resistant material. It is desirable to have the ability to adjust them.
  • If the bike is purchased for a girl for the first time, then you should take care of the safety of the child and take additional wheels that can be removed.
  • It is better to choose the design with the possibility of adjusting the steering wheel and the seat. This will correct possible inconvenience.
  • It is not recommended to buy a bike on a grow. This increases the risk of traumaticity and creates discomfort.
  • For the girl it is better to choose light models.
  • It is necessary to take care of equipment in the form of headlights, knee pads, elbow, gloves and helmets.
  • It is recommended to choose models of proven brands that have a good reputation in the manufacturers market. Only in this case can be calculated that the design meets all quality standards is safe and served not one year.
  • The complexity of the repair and the possibility of replacing broken spare parts should be taken.
  • It is important to take into account why the bike is purchased.

Choosing a bicycle for a girl is not an easy, but interesting. Compliance with all nuances will allow the result that all expectations will exceed.

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_21

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_22

High-speed bikes for girls (23 photos): how to choose a bike for a girl from 9 to 12 years? Characteristics of bicycles with speeds for adolescent girls from 14 years 8489_23

In the next video you will find a speed bike review for Girls Stinger Fiona 24.

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