Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels


Bike is an indispensable sports attribute and a favorite vehicle of many people. Riding on it makes it possible not only to quickly get there without traffic jams to the right place, but also to have a great time, keep yourself in excellent physical and emotional state.

Have you ever thought about the fact that the bicycles we are all accustomed and seeing in shop windows of shops, on cycle shops and roads - is this not the entire range actually? In addition to famous models of familiar configurations, there are other, very interesting and unusual instances. It is about them that we will talk in our article.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_2

Original structures

Yes, no one is a secret that there are a lot of interesting and smart people in our world, whose brain does not work as like others. It is such "Kulibins" and stand at the origins of creating bicycles, impressing the whole world with their originality and incomprehension with other fellow women.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_3

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_4

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_5

Let's talk about the most incredible and unusual bicycles. So, in the history of the most famous were such an invention.


To create this bike to a large extent influenced motor industry. Visually, it is very similar to the motorcycle chopper, but he has many advantages over his fellow:

  • it does not need to refill;
  • Do not need driving rights;
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for the world transport;
  • No need to receive and pay for insurance.

Such a vehicle is characterized Long base, wide wheels and low landing. Velocopper is very stylish and convenient. Today, many craftsmen create such a design on their own, only using drawings and schemes that are in open access on the Internet.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_6

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_7

Wooden bike

First of all, I would like to note that it was from such a material that the very first two-wheeled transport in the world was made. Today, a wooden vehicle is a big luxury that stands solid money.

For the manufacture of such a type of bike, a durable and high-quality tree is necessary, for example, bamboo. Unfortunately, cyclists infrequently buy such models, do not really trust the wooden structure, thinking that she is short-lived.

However, the manufacturer ensures that such a model will last as long as the aluminum frame.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_8

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_9

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_10

The most popular and famous wooden bikes are such models.

  • Arvak Bicycle. It was invented and developed in France. For the manufacture of a frame of a bike, a white ash wood was used, for the manufacture of wheels - carbon, but the chain and pedals are made of metal.

This bike is impossible to just come and buy in the store - it is made exclusively under the order.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_11

  • Pedal Forward It is almost completely made of bamboo - a material that is read stronger and more durable than aluminum. Bicycle wheels are also produced from wood. Of course, there are metal details: pedals, chain, frame connections.

In the production process of this bike, equipment and modern technologies do not take part, the whole bike is going to manually.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_12


This is an incredible transport - This is a bike, and scooter at the same time. Such a brilliant invention belongs to the French Phillip Stark. Its a big advantage is that due to its unusual design of riding, there is absolutely all muscle groups, which positively affects the physical condition of the rider. Also available is the function of adjusting the height of the seating, which gives the opportunity to ride a bike to men, women and teenagers.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_13

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_14

Bike night

This transport is from the future. Looking at him you can see some kind of spacecraft. For a bike characteristic:

  • Fashionable and modern design design;
  • high quality materials;
  • Light tubes, the presence of which ensures the effect of shine.

This vehicle is great for night walks.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_15

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_16

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_17

Bike with a roof for adults

If such models can often be seen as a symbiosis of a baby carriage and bike, then for adults such products are rare. They are convenient because In this case, it is possible to travel in the rain or the scorching sun.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_18

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_19

Three-wheel bike with cabin and doors

This is a fairly stable design of a closed type. It has three wheels and a cabin, like a car driver Through which the trip becomes even more comfortable and safe.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_20

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_21

Bike with propeller

The design of the vehicle is created by the type of helicopter, but visually resembles a conventional bike equipped with a propeller. The bike can even rise into the air for a couple of meters and knows how to maneuver.

It is also called a flying bike.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_22

Model with triangular wheels

The idea of ​​creating such an unusual and seemingly not a very convenient means of movement, belongs to the Chinese, who decided to surprise the world in his invention. But for obvious reasons, it is not in demand from lovers of riding on the "iron horse", since it can be called soft and comfortable with great difficulty.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_23

Bike with sail

The patent of the invention belongs to the Dutchman Fredsu Tweete. This design is a hybrid of a three-wheel bike and a sailboat. But despite this, the invention was so successful and in demand, which was registered as a vehicle that could be a full participant in road traffic.

The bike can be given both the rotation of pedals and wind power.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_24

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_25

With treadmill

This is exactly what has nothing to do with anything. This is the first in the world and the only hybrid of the bicycle and treadmill, the perfect solution for those who seek to be healthy. The bike with a treadmill is an electric bike equipped with an electric motor. You can purchase such an invention exclusively at the manufacturer. In motion, it is not given at all by rotating pedals: they go along the track and an electric motor starts, which leads to a vehicle.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_26

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_27

With square wheels

And this is not at all the flight of fantasy - such a miracle and in fact exist. Movement on the very first such model was not very convenient, but over time the inventors refined it and could ensure that the trip was comfortable and soft.

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With wings for flight

The bike is equipped with wings that are directly involved in the ride. In motion, it is driven by pedals, and the presence of wings helps to develop a large speed with the help of wind exposure.

As you can see, many different unusual bicycles were created thanks to human thought and engineering thinking. Some of them are made in a single copy and are either in the homes of their inventors, or in museums. And there are also strangers that are manufactured massively and sold are parties to the road.

Unusual bicycles (29 photos): flying and most original models of the world with a cab, treadmill and square wheels 8473_29

Video review of the 10 most unusual bicycles you can see below.

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