Is it possible to ride on the sidewalks on the bike? Which of the cyclists can ride in the sidewalk? Penalties for violations of riding rules provided for by traffic rules


Now many people prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle. An excellent way to maintain yourself in excellent physical shape is to ride from time to time. But in order for the trip to not give anyone to anyone, you need to know all the rules of driving this transport.

Is it possible to ride on the sidewalks on the bike? Which of the cyclists can ride in the sidewalk? Penalties for violations of riding rules provided for by traffic rules 8464_2

In what cases to drive to the sidewalk is allowed?

Ride a bike on the roadway is currently dangerous. After all, the movement there is too fast, and it is very difficult to adjust the cyclists under it. Therefore, it is very often possible to see people who move on their vehicle in the sidewalk. However, to do it today is prohibited, and According to the new traffic rules, it is possible to travel by bike only in certain cases.

First you need to decide that it is a sidewalk. This is part of the road, where only pedestrians are usually moving. It is located near the roadway. Modern pedestrian walkways can also be in parks, and in squares, and near residential buildings. Riding a bike in the sidewalk or pedestrian paths is possible in cases where there is no:

  • specifically reserved cycling zones;
  • equipped bicycle tracks;
  • separate lanes intended for cyclists;
  • The curbs on which only pedestrians are moving.

Is it possible to ride on the sidewalks on the bike? Which of the cyclists can ride in the sidewalk? Penalties for violations of riding rules provided for by traffic rules 8464_3

In addition, you can move on a bike on the sidewalk:

  • All children from 7 to 14 years;
  • Adults who accompany children by bikes up to 14 years.

Everyone else to visit the sidewalk is not worth it.

Is it possible to ride on the sidewalks on the bike? Which of the cyclists can ride in the sidewalk? Penalties for violations of riding rules provided for by traffic rules 8464_4

How to move on pedestrian paths?

First of all, The cyclist must take care of the health of its vehicle. There should be no problems with him. Special attention should be paid on the brakes. In addition, the classic model must necessarily complement light reflectors, as well as lights used in the dark. As for the cyclist itself, he must understand all road signs perfectly.

Ride through the pedestrian paths cyclist should Not creating interference for pedestrians or other cyclists. In the case of group movement, cyclists are required to move one after another, observing a certain distance. The group does not have to exceed 10 people. It is not necessary to go too fast to accidentally not harm pedestrians.

Is it possible to ride on the sidewalks on the bike? Which of the cyclists can ride in the sidewalk? Penalties for violations of riding rules provided for by traffic rules 8464_5

If necessary, the cyclist must get off the bike and continue to move as a regular pedestrian.

As for pedestrian transitions that are regulated, Cyclists are required to obey traffic lights or regulators. In the case when unregulated transitions come across their paths, all cyclists must definitely give way to pedestrian. In addition, you need to give way to a man who goes to stopped tram or bus.

It is impossible to unfold on a bike on pedestrian crossings. In this case, it is necessary to hurry and move the road as an ordinary pedestrian. However, it is necessary to move without the pedestrian crossing itself, and next to Zebra.

Is it possible to ride on the sidewalks on the bike? Which of the cyclists can ride in the sidewalk? Penalties for violations of riding rules provided for by traffic rules 8464_6

When is the movement on the sidewalk forbidden?

In the case when a person moves on a bike, He is a full-fledged participant in the transport movement.

  1. Mobile around the sidewalk is strictly prohibited if cyclists are over 14 years old.
  2. You can not go, holding another vehicle. It can harm and cyclist, and to those who move nearby.
  3. It is necessary to ride only putting hands on the steering wheel and without removing legs with pedals. It is necessary so that the person can slow down if necessary.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to carry passengers on its vehicle if there is no specially equipped space for this.
  5. It is forbidden to tow bikes or use other vehicles for this.
  6. It is also impossible to use a trailer for towing, which is not provided for this.

Is it possible to ride on the sidewalks on the bike? Which of the cyclists can ride in the sidewalk? Penalties for violations of riding rules provided for by traffic rules 8464_7

Penalties for violation of rules

Not only car drivers are disliked cyclists, it also applies to pedestrians. After all, many such transport transport delivers only trouble. After all, not all cyclists are familiar with traffic rules. Therefore, quite often the drivers of this light vehicle unfold in the wrong place or simply cross the zebra "on all pairs". Some of them sometimes even go to the red light.

In addition, cyclists and ordinary pedestrians interfere. Those are afraid of their chaotic movement. However, it is worth noting that PDDs are tightened annually, and fines are increasing. And it is quite fair. After all, the owner of any vehicle must be responsible for everything that happens on the roads. This also applies cyclists to control themselves on the road.

Is it possible to ride on the sidewalks on the bike? Which of the cyclists can ride in the sidewalk? Penalties for violations of riding rules provided for by traffic rules 8464_8

Most often, modern cyclists violate such rules:

  • control their vehicle in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, which is fraught with different consequences;
  • talk on the phone by bike, which is strictly prohibited by the rules of the road;
  • Deploy the vehicle to the left side on the tram lines, which is strictly prohibited;
  • Pedestrian crossing on a bicycle, which is not allowed on traffic rules;
  • Ignore various prohibiting signs, which may eventually lead to unpleasant consequences.

Is it possible to ride on the sidewalks on the bike? Which of the cyclists can ride in the sidewalk? Penalties for violations of riding rules provided for by traffic rules 8464_9

For any of the above violation, the policeman has the right to finf the violating cyclist. It is worth a detailed to get acquainted with the fines for violations that are described in the COAP article.

  1. Article 12.29 It is said about the violation of the traffic player, which participates in the process itself. The size of the fine is 800 rubles.
  2. In the second part of this article It is said about the fine, which is relevant in the case when a person is in a state of intoxication. The penalty can be from 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles.
  3. Article 12.30 It is referred to a violation of traffic rules, which in the future leads to the creation of interference on the road. In this case, a penalty of 1 thousand rubles is possible.
  4. In the case when the cyclist violated the rules of the road, which subsequently led to a deterioration in human health, He is obliged to pay a penalty of 1.5 thousand rubles . In this case, the cyclist either drove very quickly, or was in a state of intoxication.

Is it possible to ride on the sidewalks on the bike? Which of the cyclists can ride in the sidewalk? Penalties for violations of riding rules provided for by traffic rules 8464_10

In addition, it is worth remembering that if the cyclist will be able to pay a fine within 5 days after the violation, then its size can be reduced exactly half.

Compared to the fines that are discharged by motorists, these fines are very small. Therefore, many people simply ignore the rules, thereby provoking the emergence of all sorts of situations.

Summing up, we can say that Even when riding a bike, a person must always be familiar with all existing rules. This will avoid unpleasant situations on the road. In addition, all of these knowledge will help repulse in the case when the cyclist is right and it may be simply cling because of the smallest detail.

All rules of traffic rules for cyclists, see the video below.

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