Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing?


Ski size is an important parameter that needs to take into account people of all ages. In this article, we will tell you what sizes are how to choose skiing for adults and children, what to take into account the choice and why it is so important to follow Rostovka, and not take the first skiing and rather run on the slope.

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_2

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_3

What are the sizes?

The width and length of the ski pair depends on their type. It is clear that for professional athletes it will be one option, for amateur skating - another, for children - the third. But in this category, young athletes who have decided to engage in skiing on a professional basis, ski products will be different. We will lower the question of how to deal with the choice of professional equipment, for the coaches and specialists of training bases will help you. Consider the sizes for adult and children's usual riding.

If conditionally, skis are long and short. Moreover, a short version is not always children's models. For example, children should not buy skills. Although it is short in size skiing, but obviously not for children's skating. The child can get injured by making the devices on such skis. Therefore, not always the length is an indicator of the desired size.

To determine the size it is necessary to take into account the weight and growth of the child. However, the same rules apply to adult products.

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_4

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_5

Usually children are considered to be skiing from 60 to 120 cm. Sometimes 150 cm buy for adolescents. But further (up to 210 cm) is already adult models. The selection rules of the desired copy differ for classic (35-40 cm greater) and skate (10-15 cm more growth) products. The length is more classic ski: they reach 207-210 cm, while skate skiing are produced less than 2 meters - 192 cm. In the interval between these types of size, the combined skis are located, the length of which varies in the range of 192-200 cm.

As for the width of the skis, it is better to choose a wider sliding surface for walking riding, because the narrow models are mainly intended for high-speed violants on a good track. And in general, the size of the skis also depends on the weight of the skier: So, a more severe person will need skis, which will be longer than 25 cm growth, but more elegant - those that exceed its growth only by 10 cm.

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_6

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_7

How to choose an increase?

Ski dimensions need to be determined correctly, only in this case the skier, be it an adult or young, will enjoy riding and is less injured when falling. When buying products, it is necessary to take into account the growth. But it is worth a reservation that it will work better for those who are in ordinary weight categories.

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_8

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_9

For adults

The skate models are usually chosen by 10, or even 15 cm longer than the growth of the skier himself, but the classic should be 25-30 cm more than the growth of who will ride them. Pleasure skiing can have a length of 15-25 cm greater than the growth of the skier. Based on this, we will give the exemplary dimensions of the most popular (pleasure) ski for an adult:

  • With growth in 160-165 cm, the ski length will be 180-190 cm;
  • When heighting in 170-175 cm, the ski length will be 190-200 cm;
  • With an increase in 180 cm, the skis length is chosen in 200-210 cm;
  • When he grow over 180 cm, the ski length will be 210 cm.

This technique is not accurate, especially for those whose weight exceeds normal indicators. After all, it still depends on the pressure on the central part of the ski surface. That is, for the ideal on the figure of people, such a table will be the norm, for the rest it is better to choose the size on the basis of its weight.

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_10

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_11

For kids

Children over 6 years old and teenagers pick up a ski pair in the same formula as adults. Preschoolers choose products shorter or the same length as its height, another 5 cm in plus is allowed. On such short skiing, newcomers will be easier to master the equipment for skiing.

Very small skiers (2-3 years) are selected products that in a standing position will concern their chin. And do not try to buy a kid ski equipment "on the grow out", as many do this because of ignorance.

Yes, this option seems more economical from the point of view of the family budget, but you risk to beat off your chap the hunt for ski rods, because it will be extremely uncomfortable to ski, selected not by its size.

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_12

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_13

How to choose weight?

Selection of a ski pair for its weight is a more accurate option than the selection on another technique. But here it is necessary to take into account the category of skiing.

For classic stroke

When selecting a ski for a classic stroke, you need to proceed from the level of skier's training. Focus on the following sizes:

  • With a weight of 60-75 kg, choose the products of the products in 181 cm;
  • With a weight of 70-85 kg, a product of 186 cm long is suitable;
  • With a weight in 80-95 kg, the ski loose should be 191 cm.

If you ride quite well, and you have enough strength to high-quality push, choose more rigid products. The same applies to those who weigh over 100 kg. In such a way, it is difficult to choose a ski pair, because products for the initial level of ski skiing are designed for skiers with weight up to 100 kg. If it also failed to choose the desired pair, then look for your version among the skis intended for those who have higher training.

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_14

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_15


Products for the skate move are suitable for those who have already mastered the main ski ski skiing and behavior on the track. With their choice, such accuracy and thorough measurements are no longer needed, as when selecting ski pairs for a classic stroke. It is better to navigate to your personal preferences and that products should be only 10-15 centimeters longer than your growth. Just consider the fact that these are tougher skiing. They require care and effort in control, especially on turns.

When the weight is above the norm, choose a pair of more authentic, when less than the norm is shorter. But this concerns only products for calm amateur riding. Racing skiing have several other characteristics, and the same length often has different rigidity. In this case, you will need help from a specialist (coach) or consultant in the outlet.

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_16

Ski dimensions: how to choose a length of an adult and what should it be? How to choose the size for children? What width are skiing? 8424_17

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