Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers


Not only professional skiers, but also lovers prefer to ride the skate stroke. As soon as it was possible to master basic skills, many try to move on to skate skating. However, the question of choosing sticks becomes relevant.

What length should be support for this style, how to choose them in growth, and whether it is possible to root or increase them in order to fit under themselves, "you will learn about it from publication.

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_2

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_3

How to measure?

The maximum length of the stroke sticks must be equal to the growth of an athlete - such are international rules. FIS (International Federation of Skiing) identified this parameter for other types of riding, but in the ski course of the stick longer than, say, in classical or other types.

This is due to the features of the ski slide along the ski highway. By the way, The height for the skate stroke is measured from the place where the dank is mounted. It is this point that serves as the beginning of measurements. Usually, for this type of riding, the sticks are chosen 20 cm less than the growth of the skier.

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_4

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_5

Selection of growth

Why is it important to comply with the rules for choosing ski sticks based on human growth? Yes, because the height of the support affects the coordination and the development of balanced equipment during riding. And if the professionals have already been worked out, for newcomers of lovers of the Rostovka sticks and ski size play an important role in their beginnings. The excessive length of the support leads to the fact that the load is distributed unevenly by body, as a result, the lower limbs "searched", and the shoulder department is under voltage. Such an imbalance negatively affects the state of the athlete, and it does not receive proper satisfaction from skiing.

Low supports, on the contrary, do not allow to engage in the work of the muscles group of the shoulder belt. These moments are characteristic of both classical skating and ice-skate style. But if for a classic slip of the stick, the stick is usually chosen at 25-30 centimeters below the growth of an athlete, then at the skating course they are longer - only 15-20 cm less rising growth. By the way, as for skis, then, on the contrary: in the version "Classic" they are longer than centimeters on 10. Thus, the calculation is simple, it is not possible to choose the desired height of the stick, as, however, and choose the desired ski size.

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_6

Here is the optimal formula for determining the length of stick sticks: the human height is minus 15-20 centimeters, and we obtain the length of the ski support for the skate stroke. For example, with an increase in 1 m 70 cm, we buy a length of 1 m 50 (55), see applications for some ski experts, there is a more accurate formula for determining the height of sticks. In this case, the growth of the skier is multiplied by the coefficient of 0.9 and prepare the exact length of the supports (taking into account that the height of the sticks is measured before the dwelling attachment).

So, With an increase in 1 m 70 cm, the skier will need sticks with a length of 1 m 53 cm. Selecting the supporting inventory for such a formula, definitely do not violate the requirements of the International Federation of Skiing, as experts believe. Manufacturers usually denote the length on the sticks themselves, but it should be noted that this is an indicator of the entire height of the support - from beginning to end. But according to the official version of the same ski federation, the length of the stick is measured on the segment from the dwelling attachment on the top to the lower tip.

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_7

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_8

To be accurate in counting, and the skier's growth takes when it is already in shoes. If someone these nuances seem unimportant, then this is not quite so. The verified accuracy is important when the load is distributed both on the human body and on the sliding surface of the ski.

Follow the designated rules in the selection of ski sticks is not difficult, and accurate calculations can be made pretty quickly, having a calculator at hand (there is in every smartphone, iPhone and other gadgets that we wear daily).

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_9

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_10

How to grow and shorten?

You can adjust the length of the ski stick alone. It is pretty simple, and many use in such ways. That is, when you need to remove the length, they are shortened, and when you need to increase the size - build up. A more popular first method on which we will stop more.

For trimming sticks need the following tools:

  • Hoven for metal (she can cut off any material from which the stick is made);
  • Hair dryer (construction) or boiling water;
  • Termoklay;
  • Insulating tape or scotch (greasy).

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_11

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_12

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_13

Crossing ski sticks are made only from the top side (from the handle). The bottom of the supports do not touch, as it is possible to break its design (it is reduced below). The removal of the paw will damage the product. And in order to shorten the ski stick, put it on your hand, in this position measure the desired length, and designate a label for yourself, how many centimeters need to be trimmed. Be sure to measure with a handle with a handle, since the landing for each handle is different.

By the way, you do not delete the pen itself, you take it off and then insert back. It is removed quite easily, as it is planted on the thermocons - that is, it is enough to lower it into very hot water, or warm the construction hairdryer.

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_14

Length of sticks for skate stroke: selection of height of growth. Rules for calculating the size for professionals and lovers 8422_15

The heating procedure of the handle should pass quite delicately, so as not to melt the top layer of the handle, so when lowering in boiling water, it is wrapped in a film (or wrapped in the package), and with an external warming, it turns constantly a stick so that the hot air stream does not delay in one site. Having removed the handle and scuffing an extra length, the place was scrambled with scotch or tape. To set the handle in place, they apply a bit of thermoclause, and return the item to the starting position. In the case when you have noticed, and did not have time to spend this work in a timely manner, and glue froze, warm it with a hairdryer, and proceed to the planned action.

You can increase the ski stick with special pins, they are made under the desired diameter in such a way as to put them on the main tube (can be hurned). For consolidation, a gun with silicone glue is used. Well, how to remove, trim and put on a handle again - this is written above.

About how to properly build ski sticks, see the next video.

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