Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses


The variety of brands and a significant range of ski glasses present in the sports accessories market makes them the right choice of descent lovers on mountain slopes. In addition, these optical products are characterized by a number of parameters that need to be carried out during the selection process. Errors can cost the skier expensive, as it is, first of all, the question of its safety.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_2

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_3

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_4

Description and appointment

In the production of ski accessories, glasses and masks are traditionally separated. However, the first may look like ordinary sunscreen products, but they cannot be reliably fixed on the face - they are not suitable for quick descents. The dimensions of the lens on an elastic band or belt are classified as a mask.

In other words, the name of this accessory does not acquire significant importance, the difference lies only in the fact that a constructive mask involves the best overview and can be put on traditional glasses.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_5

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_6

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_7

The main functions of ski glasses include:

  • Ensuring the protection of the face from various kinds of damage, clogging eyes with outsiders (ice floes, branches, etc.);
  • protection against ultraviolet rays and decreased brightness of highlights in the snow;
  • Shelter eye from wind and snowflakes;
  • Improving the visibility of the mountain relief, which provides the best perception of the track in conditions of bad weather.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_8

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_9

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_10

Review of species

The functions and quality of ski glasses are largely dependent on the properties of the lens, which is usually done from frost-resistant and durable materials. Lenses can be single, and double (the first soon fogged). In double lenses there is a special airspace preventing fogging (unsubstantable glasses). Products with interchangeable lenses, with diopters, with a camera, heated, for night skiing.

In addition, technologically, they can be mirrored, photochromic ("chameleons") transparent.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_11

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_12

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_13

It has the meaning of the points, according to this criterion, a number of products are distinguished.

  1. Men's - with them inherent with strict design, dark colors, massiveness. In a certain sense, they are universal because they use them and women.
  2. Women - smaller product size, with a bright palette and additional design solutions.
  3. Children's - Performed taking into account children's parameters from colorful materials. Glasses for children are complemented by various patterns and drawings.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_14

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_15

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_16

The actual parameter of any accessory is the degree of protection against ultraviolet rays. The color of the lenses on this parameter does not affect, but the translucent range is different, it is determined by the degree of dimming the glass under various weather conditions. Allocate a number of models.

  1. S0 - with a low dimming level, transmitting light by 80, or even 100%. In fact, it is transparent windows intended for cloudy conditions and artificial lighting in the dark.
  2. S1 - with light transmittance from 43 to 80%. They are darkened by little, applied with a non-silicone sun, in cloudy conditions, twilight.
  3. S2 - passes from 18 to 43% of light (with an average dimming), are used in variable cloud conditions.
  4. S3 - with a high degree of protection against sunlight (passes 8-18%). Available different shades. Options in solar conditions.
  5. S4 - light transformation at least 3% and not more than 8%. Used in highlands (with a height of 2 km). Protect from extremely bright sun. Come less often.

For various weather conditions, various shades of filters are used, which helps to improve the clarity of the perception of images and color reproduction.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_17

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_18

In form

According to the parameters of the curvature, lenses are divided into cylindrical and spherical.

  • Cylindrical - With horizontal bending. There are some image distortions along the edges (in cheap models).
  • Spherical - With horizontal and vertical curvature. In terms of cost, they are more expensive.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_19

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_20

Color lenses

The color of the lenses is not a tribute to fashion - this is a relevant functional property. The quality of the chroma achieve the method of applying different layers that optimize the transfer of the resulting image, eliminating the reservoir and unnecessary tones.

  1. Amber lenses remove blue tones - the visible picture becomes a clear, more accentuated. Used for not particularly bright days, they are universal.
  2. The reddish shades of lenses will rise to cloudy weather, give a sharper picture.
  3. The lenses of gray shades do not change color ratios, give a real image.
  4. The lenses of dark shades (brown, bronze) enhance the quality of the contrast and eliminate the excess light. Will be to the place in bright days.
  5. Slirms are missing a little light, canceled themselves in solar conditions, are not suitable for cloud weather.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_21

Yellow-red lenses possess universal qualities. The presence of polarization (anti-glare) layer is especially valued in the lenses. However, the consequence of this is the deterioration of the ability to distinguish soft layers of snow from forehead. In other words, this is not the best option when riding on the slopes with an uncertain state of snow cover.

Mirror lenses in their properties are similar to polarized counterparts, but to a lesser extent remove the ricing from snow. Such models are suitable for clear pore.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_22

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_23

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_24

Photochromic lenses can change the degree of - adapt to the features of existing lighting, are able to skip less or more solar flux. They change their qualities not immediately, it is not necessary to replace the lenses when changing weather conditions.

In order not to acquire several models of products with different filters, instances are made with interchangeable lenses.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_25

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_26

Best manufacturers

The top rating includes a number of successful brands that have won the consumer confidence.

Anon M4 Cylindrical Sonar

Used and men and women. Cylindrical glasses, interchangeable parts are available. Mounting of cylindrical or spherical lenses is possible. Anti-recruitment feature. The product can be put on top of glasses. In the manufacture of MFI technologies (Magnetic Facemask Integration) - the mask holds the gameter magnets (included). The antituman function allows you to clearly allocate the track.

Suitable for cloudy, and for clear weather.


  • There are replaceable lenses;
  • provided with technologies antituman and the mounting of the geyter;
  • universal;
  • We carry out on top of the glasses.


  • High price tag.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_27

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_28

Dragon NFXS + Lens

A novelty from the American company engaged in the manufacture of sports accessories and glasses without a rim. Glasses with a good design and an excellent side view. Lenses are protected from fogging, which provides a clear overview even with the weather unrealizing to riding. Designed for adults. Present a reduced rim of the NFX series. Equipped with double cylindrical lenses with the possibility of ambulance. Lumalens technologies used ensure the elimination of glare, increase the degree of contrast. The product is protected from ultraviolet, the antipal function is available. The strap is adjustable, and from the inside there is a silicone coating, which prevents sliding.

Suitable for cloudy and sunny days, as well as for skiing in the evenings.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_29


  • lack of rim;
  • full protection against ultraviolet;
  • adjustable fastening with silicone inserts;
  • The presence of replaceable elements.


  • Suitable only for small-sized persons.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_30

Oakley Line Miner Goggle

The product for adults, distinguished by a varied color scheme. Full protection against UV rays. Cylindrical glasses, giving an excellent front and lateral overview. Replaceable double lenses allow you to ride under various weather conditions. The degree of fogging glasses is reduced by anti-turn coating. Tight fit to the face is provided with a three-layer fleece lining. There are special cuts for wearing masks with glasses.


  • full protection against ultraviolet rays;
  • ensuring wearing with diopters;
  • do not bother;
  • The presence of a replaceable set of filters.


  • No detected.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_31

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_32

Sky Monkey SR44 RV

A product with an anatomical form that does not cause discomfort when wearing. Glasses with a mirror spraying, with the level of protection S3 (for clear and sunny days). Strap with internal silicone stripes, wide, adapted under helmet, is adjustable. A product with a cylindrical double lens (maximizing ultraviolet).


  • the presence of an antisupant function;
  • Durable frame;
  • scratch protection;
  • Low price tag.


  • exclusively for sunny days.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_33

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_34


Product from the famous Austrian company. Designed for adults. Equipped with replaceable double filters that are fastened with special latches. Cylindrical glasses are equipped with a thin rim, provide excellent visibility. The fogging is prevented by the internal treatment with anti-tax coating. High degree of UV protection. The mask is successfully combined with the helmet. Applied on cloudy days.


  • There is a change of double glasses;
  • antipal protection;
  • The presence of a comfortable fine rim.


  • Protection levels S1, S2.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_35

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_36


Special covers for storing ski glasses are provided for the safety of products from dirt and various deformations. Sell ​​such a case complete with them. Accurate glasses care - an indispensable condition for extending their operations:

  • We do not recommend producing a drying of the product near the fire, the heater - lenses can be deformed;
  • You should not wipe the inside of the glass - you can damage the layer of spraying;
  • In the course of cleaning, use special sprays or soap with a neutral pH, and moisture remove with the help of napkins;
  • You should not leave points for a long time directly under the sunny rays.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_37

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_38

Tips for choosing

Pick up a full-fledged accessory for skiing is not quite easy - you need to take into account a number of criteria:

  • Qualitative parameters of the types of lenses;
  • shape, frame, sizes;
  • degree of adjustment density;
  • compatibility quality with helmet;
  • availability of ventilation devices;
  • Types of filters used.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_39

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_40

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_41

In addition, during the choice of products for the mountain ski, we recommend paying attention to some additional aspects.

  1. Convenience, comfort. At the same time, the product should be faced towards the face tightly so that no gaps and the pressure was not created.
  2. The cutout configuration for the nose (as well as its quality) must be comfortable, do not complicate breathing. Overly soft frames of glasses - a significant drawback.
  3. The helmet should fit tightly to points.
  4. The presence of a seal on the inside of a product from a hypoallergenic foam rubber (required 2-3 layers). In advanced products between the foam rubber and face, an additional layer of fleece is used.
  5. Fastening options (gum, strap) must be comfortable and reliable. The presence on the strap of the silicone layer is a plus.
  6. Ventilation prevents fogging with glass, which is due to the difference in temperature on the street and inside the glasses. It can be membranes, windows or mini-fans on batteries, usually disposed at the top of the product. Due to the optimization of the microclimate of the glass, do not fade.
  7. The quality of the review is relevant. Usually glasses have front visibility. To increase the lateral perception, it is worth contacting the models for a snowboard.
  8. With poor eyesight, if contact lenses are not used, use special products that allow you to wear them on top of the glasses. Otherwise, take models with diopters.
  9. Pay special attention to the parameters of the purchased lenses that are based on forms, color (filter), bandwidth properties.
  10. Points and helmet should be treated together - choose a full-fledged kit will be easier.
  11. Traveling over the slopes, it is better to use contact lenses.
  12. The weak point of ski glasses is a fixing gum, often failing because of its gradual stretching.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the degree of elasticity and softness. These qualities should be moderate.

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_42

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_43

Ski glasses: how to choose them? Baby and other glasses with diopters, sports models for skiing. Covers for glasses 8403_44

About how to choose a ski mask, see the next video.

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