Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's


Skating shoes are considered an important element of professional equipment, an error when choosing which leads to discomfort at the time of riding. According to the results of the studies, most of the professional hockey players choose the size of the skates.

In order to choose the right skates, it is necessary to take into account how the manufacturers make the size marking.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_2

Size review

When choosing suitable skates, not only their main characteristics are taken into account, but also size. A table is often used for the selection. The dimensional grid is made up by many manufacturers, taking into account standards installed in the domestic market. Some indicate dimensions additionally in centimeters. Before you begin to choose, you need to consider that there are European, Russian, English and American standards for indication of the size.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_3


The principle of designation using the European system is to assign a certain or fractional number to each standard value of the foot length. An example of the designation when using European standards: 35, 35.5, 36.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_4


The Russian system is largely reminded by European, but still adopted standard numbers correspond to other sizes of the foot. In this case, fractional notation also use.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_5


In the case of the use of American standards, the dimensional grid is represented by other numbers. An example can be called 4 or 12.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_6


The smallest values ​​are characteristic of the British system. As in previous cases, there are fractional values, which indicates a large number of standard sizes.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_7

To convert the sizes of skates, use the table matching table. It looks like this.

















































































Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_8

How to choose for adults?

Sample skates should be carried out exclusively with the recommendations. In order to determine the appropriate size, you need to take into account a few moments.

  • Socks . At the time of fitting it is necessary to wear socks that will be used during riding.
  • Exercise . At the time of fitting, you should be careful and act correctly. The lacing must be loosen until the third opening. The tongue is a little bit up. At the time of the tying of the free space should not remain.
  • Heel . It must be securely fixed in its place. To do this, take the boot and move the foot. If freedom is felt, you need to choose a smaller size or more detecting density attention.
  • Front part. In order to pick up the size, you need to get straight, the fingers only slightly touch the front of the boot. If the boot is properly chosen on the size of the leg, even with an effort to fingers, there will be no strong pressure.
  • The first steps. The size of the skates is also selected when checking shoes in practice. Specialists are recommended for 10-15 minutes to walk and sit. Throughout this period, you can check how comfortable skates.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_9

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_10

The boot must be fixed tight. In this case, there should be no discomfort, as it leads to a large number of problems.

Correctly pick up female or men's skates, given the fact that the size of the boot does not correspond to the size of ordinary shoes. All manufacturers create their own grid, at the expense of which it is easier to understand the classification system.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_11

Recommendations for sizing:

  • You should stand on white paper and bother the foot with a pencil;
  • It is necessary to find out the distance between the heel and the thumb;
  • If the distances of the two stop differ, the larger indicator is taken.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_12

Other indicators need to take into account the classification On hard and soft. Experts who often ride, choose soft options. In this case, most of the load fall on the foot. Also, the degree of rigidity largely determines the protection of the foot. Rigid options are made of material that will withstand strong blows.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_13

There are several tips to be taken into account. They are as follows.

  • When purchasing the first time, all the features of the foot are determined. Some points can be the place of pressure concentration.
  • Old skates will help with the choice of new . The degree of wear of the stelc indicates how correctly the size was previously selected.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_14

The thermoforming determines comfort at the time of riding. It is peculiar only by professional and semi-professional models. In the manufacture, use soft thermopen, which is adjusted to the features of the foot.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_15

Hockey options also have a glass. It is designed to directly hit the washers at high speed, protects the fingers from injury. For conventional conditions, different variants of glasses are suitable, in the case of operation at low temperatures, special materials should be used.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_16

How to pick up for a child?

For children, choose the skates are much more complicated. They must be high-quality, and the leg is convenient and protected. The instruction is as follows.

  • Best give preference options with insams which are made of rapidly dry materials.
  • You need to buy options With steel blade. It slides well on ice and stupid much less often. The quality of the hardened metal is determined by the brilliance.
  • Making the selection of skates It should be preferred by options with curved ends.
  • Laces Most often cotton. Synthetic, which like children due to bright shades, quickly unleash.
  • The choice of foot length is carried out by fitting. It is important that the stop is not hanging out, the heel must be well fixed.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_17

It is not allowed to buy a boot for increased, as the skates will hang out. At the time of fitting, the boots should be laced, after which the child should be like and sit down. If the baby does not feel discomfort, then the skates were chosen correctly. The table is often used, where sizes are indicated in cm.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_18

Many parents, first encountered with the question of buying skates for their children, often buy for one or more sizes more. This leads to the following problems:

  • more difficult to learn;
  • Due to bad fixation, the child cannot control his movements, it becomes harder to perform elements on ice;
  • If the leg is discomfort, the child will lose his pleasure from skiing;
  • shoes deteriorate faster;
  • There is a high probability of injury.

Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_19

    It is believed that at an early age, the leg grows in several stages. They are as follows:

    • under the age of 3 years, the growth is 1.5 mm per month;
    • During the period from 3 to 6 years, the average equal to 1 mm;
    • aged 7 to 10 years, growth rates slow down to 1 mm and less per month;

    Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_20

            Observations indicate that The most intense stop develops in the summer . Despite this, it is better to buy skates for each age. If you choose models for a grow, the child will not learn to ride.

            The new couple is bought at the beginning of the season.

            Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_21

            Dimensions of skates: Table. How to choose to choose for adults and pick up for a child in the size of the legs? Women's dimensional grid and men's 8396_22

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