How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child


Active rest in the snow has a lot of advantages, every year a huge number of adults and children rides on snowboards and skiing. The most favorable and less dangerous is the use of skis, and therefore it is important to be able to properly pick up the equipment. To quickly learn how to ride, it is easy to go and not get injured, you need to choose cross-country skiing.

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_2

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_3

How to choose a length of adult?

Skiing is a fascinating, but rather complex lesson for which you need to master certain techniques, learn how to perform basic elements, after which you can try to ride on the slopes. So that the learning process is as comfortable as possible, simple and rapidly, it is very important to choose the correct equipment. The greatest value is the length of the ski, which is selected individually taking into account different features.

The choice of length is made on the basis of the type of skiing, which will explore the athlete. Allocate:

  • skidding;
  • classical;
  • Combined options.

An important role is also played by the level of the skier, therefore there is an inventory for beginners, athletes of the average and experts.

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_4

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_5

If the athlete will master the ski course in which the Christmas tree is supposed to be promoted, as when driving on skating, then skiing should be rigid. In the classic version, the skier moves, rearrange the legs parallel to each other, skiing in this case are used more flexible. In the combined type of riding, both types of movement are used, therefore, the inventory must be appropriate.

As soon as the athlete decided on the discipline that wishes to master, it is necessary to choose skis in accordance with its anthropometric data. The most significant is the growth of the skier, the second criterion will be its weight. To determine the optimal skis length, you must put the inventory next to the person. For a classic ski version, a 20-30 cm athlete must be higher, and for the skate - by 15 cm. This method will suit lovers who do not plan to descend from high slides or ride long distances.

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_6

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_7

More experienced athletes need to use a table in which the length of the inventory is already calculated in accordance with different types of riding and the growth of the skier.

Growth (cm)

Length with classic course (cm)

Length at the skating course (cm)































How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_8

If for men it is necessary to add 5-10 cm to the growth in order to obtain the optimal skis length, respectively, when height 160-165, the ski height will be 180-185 cm, and with 70-180 height, the height will be 180-190 cm, then for women This indicator is slightly higher and is 10-15 cm. In order not to be mistaken, and acquire or rent high-quality and correct equipment, it is better to ask the professionally advice, which will definitely define the desired inventory. Beginners advise not to use too long skiing, their length should not interfere with comprehend the basics of technology.

The longer the skis, the more harder the newcomer to enter the turn, keep the balance and fulfill the task of the coach. Newbies should acquire or rent not too expensive equipment, as there is always a risk of unsuccessful fall and breakdown inventory, which costs a lot of money. More experienced athletes must choose their skis length, short equipment will not allow them to gain optimal speed, which is important for high-speed descents and passing distance for a while.

The longer the skis, the higher the speed, but with the wrong selection, the risk of falling increases at times, so it is so important to know which ski length should be at a particular athlete.

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_9

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_10

Choice for a child

Planning a family leaving for a ski resort, it is worth taking care of equipment not only adults, but also for children, since the ski length for them will differ significantly from adult equipment. To independently determine the children's skiing in the store, it is worth looking for a product with the label "Junior", which will tell in inexperienced skiers, where children, and where is the adult inventory.

The ski length will vary depending on the growth of the young skier. The size of the inventory for preschoolers must correspond to the growth of the child himself, since only walking on skiing is mastered at this age, which is most convenient to do on short skis. For younger schoolchildren, it is also not worth buying too large inventory, its size must exceed the skier's growth of about 5 cm. Skiing for children of medium school and adolescents should be long enough to provide convenient use and training with different types of driving.

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_11

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_12

To pick up cross-country skiing for the growth of the child, it is necessary to use the same parameters as for an adult. Rostovka for children looks in this way.

Growth of the child (see)

Length for the skate stroke (cm)

Length for classic stroke (cm)

























140 and above



How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_13

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_14

For beginners there is a simpler classification in which children to grow to one meter need to choose an inventory equal to its growth, those who have an increase equal to 110 cm, add 5 cm to the length of the ski, for children with a 125 cm tall, add 10 cm, Teenagers with an increase of 140 cm should be added 20 cm, and young athletes with a growing 150 cm need to add 30 cm to the total ski length to get a convenient and safe riding inventory.

The selection of lengths of both children and adults are made only in that shoes in which the athlete will ride, otherwise measurements will be inaccurate.

How to choose crossing skiing for growth? How to choose a ski size adult? Selection of lengths depending on the growth of the child 8382_15

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