1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope?


According to the eastern calendar, 1946 corresponds to the sign of the fiery dog. This animal is inherent in such qualities as devotion, friendliness and wisdom. Element of fire symbolizes emotionality and straightness. People born under the patronage of the dog have an active life position and highly appreciate family values.


The fiery dog ​​has a rather hot-tempered and uncompromising character. At the same time, her dedication and good nature knows no boundaries. Also inherent in the contradictory sign inherent inquisite and vitality. People who patronize this animal along the Eastern calendar are unconditional optimists and lead an active lifestyle.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_2

The element of fire contributes to the appearance of a dedicated pet, the following qualities in the nature of a person, the following qualities: Sensuality, increased emotionality and courage. However, this sign is not deprived of aggression and hostility. The fiery dog ​​does not accept a dismissive attitude towards himself and painfully reacts to criticism in his address.

Red fire implies passion and all-consuming love.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_3

People who live under the auspices of this sign, since childhood, manifestation of the leader. They love to be in the spotlight and calmly find a common language with unfamiliar people. A fiery dog ​​is happy to take part in various competitions and in most cases won a unconditional victory. However, its inexhaustible energy sometimes interferes in family life and in relations with colleagues.

As for professional activities, the fiery dog ​​reveals its potential in art, financing, medicine and jurisprudence. According to the eastern horoscope, this sign is distinguished by the principle and conscientious approach to work. Chinese wise men argue that people born under the sign of this animal possess a bright appearance.

They are characterized by thick hair (mainly redhead), expressive features of the face and a dense physique.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_4

Negative qualities

Despite all the advantages, the fiery dog ​​is not devastable. For example, such persons are characterized by excessive stubbornness and rejection of someone else's opinion. A man who is born under the auspices of this sign is able to show aggression and is often hostile to the strangers. Another negative feature of the dog is pessimism. She is prone to Handre and depression. However, if it is surrounded by people with a huge vitality, they are unlikely to visit sad thoughts. The fiery dog ​​affects the character of men and women in different ways.

First, it gives devotion and courage, and for beautiful ladies this sign becomes a "guide" into the world of travel and new discoveries.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_5


Representatives of the strong half of humanity, born in the year of the dog, from the young age show leadership qualities and stubbornly move to the goal. They possess the "iron" grip and do not carry lesions.

Male dog positions himself as a whole, strong personality. He is ambitious and ambitious, not afraid of complex tasks and persistently tolerate difficulties in professional activities. Created to maintain peace of mind in any conflict situation.

However, in his soul, he "boiled" serious passions, as the influence of the element of fire affects.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_6

The young man born in the year of the loyal animal is extremely exacerbated by a sense of justice. He does not tolerate lies and betrayal. A man dog often joins the desperate "fight" with dishonest people. In the work manifests itself as a conscientious and responsible employee. The team behaves with adequate, but sometimes a little arrogant.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_7

The head of the family, born under the auspices of the shaggy four-pointed pet, surrounds households with love and care. His companion does not suffer from lack of attention and admires his devotion. However, a man's dog is very jealous and quick-tempered. He does not tolerate rivals and is able to emotionally respond to the harmless flirting of his second half with an outsider.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_8

In an intimate life, a man born under the auspices of this animal manifests itself as a passionate and insatiable lover. He is able to show fantasy and surprise his partner. A modest girl with conservative views on life is unlikely to suit him. He prefers bold and relaxed seductors. For their children, a man born in the year of the dog becomes a great father.

He loves spending time with the kids and worst with the stages of their mature.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_9


A beautiful lady whose patron is the taper pet, loves to travel and discover new "horizons". The woman-dog has great confidence in itself, while its behavior can not be called too arrogant. She is polite enough and tactful in a conversation with unfamiliar people. He loves to be in the center of attention and is always surrounded by the "army" of fans. Naturally, the appearance of rivals is unacceptable for her.

In relation to them, a woman born in the year of the fiery dog, merciless and even cruel.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_10

In work seeks to take a guidance position. Quickly moving through the career ladder using professional qualities and personal charm. Without difficulty conquering respect for colleagues, preferring honest tactics. A fiery dog ​​is difficult to recognize its own errors, which sometimes leads to conflict situations in professional activities. However, it is not alien to show his female weakness in a certain situation.

A woman born in the year of this sign does not have a lack of love. Men instantly lose their heads and surround her care, attention. Beautiful seducer carefully monitors the appearance and adores bright outfits and throwing makeup.

It is inherent excessive emotionality, so the role of her companion is a calm and balanced man.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_11

Woman dog loves to travel and attend new interesting places. In marriage, she manifests itself as an excellent owner and loving mother. She literally "wears in the teeth", she literally "is in the teeth" and take up to adolescence. At the same time, a woman dog is not afraid of loneliness.

If its alliance with the opposite floor is collapsed, it will easily break up with a problem satellite.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_12

In an intimate life, a woman under the patronage of this sign also prefers to act as a "leader." She does not accept partner egoism, preferring with his head to immerse themselves in the Out of Passion. Emotional component in intimate relations with the opposite sex is important for it. A shy man who does not allow bold experiments in sexual relationships, it is unlikely to be interested.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_13


The kids born in the year of the fiery dog ​​are very attached to their parents and adore new acquaintances. Already from ornamental age, the child manifests high intellectual abilities and is distinguished by curiosity. The gullible kid does not like to be alone and since the small years prefers the society of adults. Children born under the sign of this animal are distinguished by preferably and diligent behavior. Element of fire and devotion to the dog help the child as they grow to overcome the vital difficulties and not be afraid of life changes.

1946 - What kind of animal? 14 PHOTO What is characteristic of this year's birthday in the eastern horoscope? 8342_14

For more information about the sign of the dog, see the next video.

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