1953 - What kind of animal? 14 Photo Description of the symbol of the year on the Eastern calendar. Character of men and women of different zodiac signs


A group of ancient practices, called astrology, makes it possible to study their character, understand the goals, find yourself in life. So, we are known only 12 signs on the Eastern calendar, but few people think that in fact an identical sign is repeated only once every 60 years. For example, people born in 1953 will be similar in nature with people born in 2013. Of course, much depends on the sign of the zodiac, but by studying the peculiarities of the people of 1953 of birth, you can know in advance what to wait in the future from the child born in 2013.

1953 - What kind of animal? 14 Photo Description of the symbol of the year on the Eastern calendar. Character of men and women of different zodiac signs 8338_2

What was the symbol of the year on the Chinese horoscope?

People who were born in 1953 were under the patronage Black water snake. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by wisdom, insight, good intuition. This is the mysterious sign of the Chinese horoscope to which even experienced astrologers are revered. People born in 1953 can adapt to the hardest conditions, their flexible mind allows them to cope with problems and with dignity to exit complex situations.

Representatives of the black snake have a somewhat softer character than other snakes. They stretch to art, appreciate related ties, assertive and purposeful, but always need support for loved ones. Also in the nature of people born in 1953, there is practicality, charismaticism, in society they are seen by the surrounding intellectuals with good manners. Among the intellectual features, it is worth noting a slight perception of abstract concepts and good memory.

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People born in 1953, always seek for money and power, family life with average sufficiency does not suit them. A good financial situation is associated with a snake with reliability, confidence in tomorrow, and to achieve financial well-being, snakes work a lot. Moreover, choosing a profession, the snake is interested only in the future salary, and all the necessary skills will reach in the process of work - its mind will easily cope with this task.

The desire for sufficiency can be called a positive feature, because the snake works for the benefit of the family, but sometimes in pursuit of wealth, she is forgotten and takes everything he sees, and this is not like everyone else. From here there are conflicts in society, including in the family. To seek success in her career, it allows not only for money, but also an exclusive mind. The risk of a man born in 1953 will not go, and a profitable proposal will always be interested

1953 - What kind of animal? 14 Photo Description of the symbol of the year on the Eastern calendar. Character of men and women of different zodiac signs 8338_4

In the character of the black snake, opposite features are combined, and this is explained by the connection of two contrasting elements - water and fire. The fact is that in the Taoist Snake system is in the earth sector of fire, and the black snake belongs to the water element. Therefore, unlike other snakes, people born in the year of the black snake are not so aggressive and peeled, but they have greater sensitivity, emotionality, sensitivity.

It is peculiar to these people and deep self-analysis. For example, encountered with an error, the black snake will think several times, at what stage it allowed an oversight, and makes the right conclusions. The next time the snake will try to foresee every step so as not to get into a similar situation again. Thus, she will certainly achieve success, although it will spend a lot of time.

1953 - What kind of animal? 14 Photo Description of the symbol of the year on the Eastern calendar. Character of men and women of different zodiac signs 8338_5

Also for people born in 1953, it is characteristic of to count on their strength and comply with the emotional and physical balance. For example, it realized that the diligent work took away the last forces, the snake would not continue to engage in labor activity, having considered that fatigue could lead to an error. To move further to success,

Snake necessarily need to relax to gain strength to conquer heights. Usually she is quite short-term recreation.

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Characteristic of men

A man of 1953 born gives the impression of a noble brought up man. In society, he shows his awareness in different spheres of life, because it is always interesting to talk with him. It is restrained and manifests tact and patience even in situations where the representative of any other sign would have come out of himself long ago. This man is smart, he thinks a lot, so does not suffer alone.

1953 - What kind of animal? 14 Photo Description of the symbol of the year on the Eastern calendar. Character of men and women of different zodiac signs 8338_7

Men born in a year of water snake, inherent economic and practicality. And despite the fact that this man sought all his life to sleep, he lacked the stars from the sky, that is, it was only for the purposes that could actually achieve. By nature, this is a good-natured light man.

If you wish, he can hurt, to hurt, hurt a barn word, because his insight clearly sees all the weaknesses of the interlocutor, but because of his generosity he will never do that.

1953 - What kind of animal? 14 Photo Description of the symbol of the year on the Eastern calendar. Character of men and women of different zodiac signs 8338_8

In relations with the choices, a man is different attentive. He is unusted short-term novels, and if it turns out that during his life he changed a lot of women, then he probably considered each of them as a future spouse. That is, entering into relations, this person is looking for a real life companion. For the sake of a 1953 man's beloved, he will go on a lot, but the whims will not become caprizes. He is dedicated as a husband and faithful, and beautiful fathers are also obtained from black snakes.

True, the questions of the upbringing of a man snake will still leave the spouse, and he himself takes the intellectual development of the child, sharing his knowledge and experience.

1953 - What kind of animal? 14 Photo Description of the symbol of the year on the Eastern calendar. Character of men and women of different zodiac signs 8338_9

As for the choice of profession, the area of ​​activity is limitless. A flexible snake mind helps these men to seek career heights in any sphere. Among men born in 1953, a lot philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists. They are capable of related "sciences" - Psychic, Astrology . It is good for these people, work related to discipline, for example, Military service, police, sport. In these areas, the Men Snakes are often in a good account with the leadership for their responsibility, operational, efficiency.

Men born in 1953 combined in the character of organizational and performing abilities, that is, they turned out both good chiefs and excellent subordinates. As director, the Snake achieves success due to his ability to communicate with people, discipline, good education.

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Description of women

Externally, a representative of a black snake sign looks calm and balanced, surrounding it can confuse. From the part it seems that this modest woman is not able to fight, but in fact this lady can develop such a cunning plan of revenge that no opponents will not last. This manifests the wisdom of a black snake, she does not put up its true ability to appease, and also does not like to spend the strength and thoughts on nonsense - it will save them for truly important tasks.

This is a practical woman, she is attentive, the mustache, knows how to pay attention to the little things, respect her at work, but the main place in her life is occupied by the family. The black snake is spiritually very tied to his loved ones. At the beginning of a romantic relationship, this woman conquers chosen by his mind, education, education, She does not require attention, does not capricious and will be happy to respond to the offer to go to the opera or theater.

1953 - What kind of animal? 14 Photo Description of the symbol of the year on the Eastern calendar. Character of men and women of different zodiac signs 8338_11

To the jewels, a woman born in 1953 is indifferent, although it will noted for himself the generosity of the donor. In the upbringing of children and care for the house, she invests all his strength. This is a great mistress, as well as an excellent teacher - her children always get a good education.

Among the black snakes born in 1953, many psychologists, theorists, investigators. These women love work requiring a developed intuition, they like to look for the right way to solve the issue, even if it is necessary to spend a lot of time. There is also a lot of fortune-law among the ladies born in 1953. In addition, these ladies experience deep respect for art, and therefore they pull them into the aristocratic environment. This woman can become a famous artist, the head of the dance studio, lead a mug of modeling. Her and unshakable love for literature also appears.

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Compatible with other signs

In relations with partner, black snakes are very attentive to the chosen one, but at the same time rather jealous. Even after parting, they experience jealousy to the former beloved. A very good couple in a black snake will succeed with a bull. The snake is intelligent and give the right to lead your credulity and hardworking chosen one, although the urgent will lead it to actions.

Good compatibility in a snake with a rooster. In relations with each other both see their own shortcomings and try to correct the sake of the partner. The snake is easy to take responsibility for the rooster in your hands, and he will only be happy to shift all the obligations. Complement each other by the nature of the snake and the dragon. The snake will be able to realize all interesting projects of its satellite, and a proud dragon will experience real pride for his smart chosen. If Snake agreed with rat , she should be cautious - with this inaccupous animals should be kept the distance and show him its respect.

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Bad compatibility in a snake with a monkey. The monkey is too active and its energy violates the measured melted life of the snake. Between them will always be felt tension and distrust. Do not stand a black snake to make relationships with Pig Since the latter is too suspicious and insightful and will always be through to see the hidden intelligences of the snake.

The most inappropriate partner for the snake is Tiger - this predator is able to completely destroy the life of a person who is under the auspices of a black snake.

1953 - What kind of animal? 14 Photo Description of the symbol of the year on the Eastern calendar. Character of men and women of different zodiac signs 8338_14

About how people born in the year of the snake are possessed, see the next video.

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