Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen?


By purchasing an apartment and equipping it, many people pay special attention to the placement of furniture. Fengshui technique helps to distribute energy correctly, forcing it to work for the benefit of the inhabitants of the dwelling. Setting the furniture, you can make an accent on different zones that you are interested in most. Furniture alignment on Fengshui helps make your nest cozy and comfortable.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_2

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_3

Main zones

In accordance with the FENSUI method, several main zones are allocated.


Health is one of the most important moments in the life of every person. Surprisingly, the placement of Fengzui furniture contributes to the improvement of the physical and moral state of the person. It is believed that proper zoning eliminates frequent headaches, relieves fatigue and nervous tension.

The eastern part of the premises is responsible for the health of all family members. The side of the apartment that the first is illuminated by the sun in the morning should be decorated with images of plants, trees and colors.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_4

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_5

If there are live flowers and trees in the apartment, they must be placed in the eastern part of the dwelling.

If you want health to leave your family, then Pay attention to the placement of furniture and household items in the bedroom and in the kitchen. Keep books and phone numbers away from bed.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_6

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_7

A family

To establish relationships between family members, to ensure harmony and good energy helps the western part of the apartment. Where the sun sits down, there is a strong energy that is responsible for family relationships. Dedote this zone by family photos and children's drawings, arrange toys here. Vases and figurines made of natural stone can be used as decor. Avoid items with sharp forms, replacing them into rounded options.

White color is a family faucer, so give preference to white curtains and tablecloths, wallpaper of light tones. As well as successful flowers for family happiness are dark blue and yellow.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_8

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_9

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_10


Now people who want to be successful in a quarry, create their own business or expand the case, you should pay attention to the northern part of the apartment. It is there that there is a strong area responsible for success in affairs. Metal products made of copper or bronze helps to strengthen the effect and attract good luck. If you post on the shelf gold or gold-plants, it will be the perfect option.

As for the color scheme, in this case black, white, blue and gray shades are dominated in this case. The main entrance zone is also responsible for the business, so she needs to pay attention. You can stick the wallpaper of the desired colors.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_11

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_12


It is properly to equip the house so that his love does not leave, helps the far right corner in each room. If you plan to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment, then rely on the southwest zone. In this part of the apartment you can use for the fountain decor and room waterfalls.

Please note that this object of the interior must match your temperament, the water in the fountain can be browning or flowing with a thin flowing.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_13

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_14

Love loves warm natural shades, predominantly yellow and brown. And you can also add the interior with shades of fire, red, orange, pink. The choice of colors is an individual thing, so here you should consider not only Fengshui, but also personal preferences. Not everyone can exist in bright premises with screaming fiery tones.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_15

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_16


Despite the fact that there is a saying, in which money does not play an important role in the life of a person, with these pieces to live much more pleasant and more fun. If you correctly put furniture in the house, you can help the money to find the way to your dwelling. For material well-being answers the south-eastern part of your home. The strongest energy is concentrated in the left corners of the room.

Attracting money helps plants with round leaves. For more effect, try to put three cash coins under the bush.

The kitchen does not have to have electrical appliances in the monetary zone, as well as remove the plants with sharp and uneven leaves from the desired corners.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_17

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_18

Main principles

Before purchasing some kind of furniture or equipment, you need to take into account some features to make it easier to obey Fengshui technique. This is especially true for choosing a bed and dining table. In the first case, give preference to furniture With a high headboard. As for the table, it is desirable so that he was round Since sharp corners are able to accumulate negative energy. Stove and refrigerator in the kitchen Do not stand next to each other.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_19

If you like mirrors, then place them so that they do not oppose the door. The door should not even reflect in the mirror. To create a comfortable setting, decorate the wall with pictures with the image of the landscapes.

Hang in the living room photo or portrait of all family members, highlight the southwestern part of the room for this.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_20

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_21

Room features

Consider how to use Fengshui technique depending on the purpose of each room.

Living room

The most important and frequently visited room in the house does not need to be very climbing furniture. Energy should be evenly distributed in space, and not to stir in one place. The sofa is better to arrange along the wall, but not opposite the door. Otherwise, there is a confrontation between the sitting person and those who enters the room.

You must be comfortable in the living room, you can place a small glass table for coffee pauses and reading magazines near the sofa. Nothing should shy your movements and interfere with the free move around the room. If there are dark angles, then regularly ring them with a bell to exit negative energy.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_22


The most intimate place in the house should be equipped especially carefully taking into account all the features of Fengshui technique. Starting to arrange furniture in this case follows from the bed. It should not be located under the window and in the corner. The bedroom angle is a negative place where everything is going bad and negatively affects a man's dream.

An important attribute of the bedroom is a mirror. It is better to trust the large mirrors, which reflect you in full growth. The perfect place to accommodate the mirror canvase is the angle of the bedroom. So positive energy circulates well.

Avoid mirror ceilings, they block the connection with the cosmic world, which negatively affects well-being.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_23


The setting in the children's room largely determines the mood of your child and the desire to be in this room. Even if your baby does not go to school yet, the interior of the room should be thought out, taking into account the classroom. If the space allows, it is better to divide the room to the zones: sleeping, game and working. The middle of the room should be free so that the child can play various games.

As for the color scheme, then Zones can be painted in different shades, funny and positive. Avoid too bright colors and dark wallpapers. The presence of a mirror is not rebeling, it should be one and reflect a child in full growth.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_24

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_25


Eating food is a very important and vital process in the life of every person. If your apartment has space, then highlight a separate room under the table, and in the kitchen, only cooking dishes. The presence of the dining room allows you to make each meal beautiful procedure.

As already mentioned, the dining table should be round or oval. This will allow not only to get rid of bad energy, but also provide more seating at the table.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_26

Mirrors in the dining room - a good sign, especially if you hang a mirror under a slight inclination. The mirror should reflect the cooked and set on the food table.

In the dining room can be placed fireplace, real or electric. The fireplace heating can be placed in a private house where there is a chimney. Fortunately, the modern range of fireplaces allows you to choose an electrical option for an apartment that repeats the real flame as much as possible.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_27

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_28


Cabinet in the apartment is not a luxury, but a necessary condition for a business person. The location of the workplace largely determines the success in affairs, material well-being and career growth. The table should be located opposite the door, but diagonally. Before you furnish your office, think carefully what elements of furniture will be located indoors.

If you plan to spend a lot of time in the office, then there should be a small sofa on which you can sit and distract from business.

It is better to choose furniture without sharp corners to avoid accumulating negative energy.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_29

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_30


A good option of the children's room is the interior in light-lilac colors. This room will raise the mood of your choice and contribute to the fruitful development of its abilities. In this interior, the bed is located in parallel to the window, which is the most correct option. Along the windows are lockers and drawers, on which you can place flowers.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_31

A good room of the living room is the room in warm colors, with a small round mirror and a soft sofa along the wall. In the middle of the room there is a round coffee table, which can be removed to another place and release the central part of the living room. A large number of decorative pillows gives the space comfort and softness, out of such a room you do not want to leave.

Furniture for Furniture: How to put furniture in the house? What is the best linked dining table in the kitchen? 8283_32

About the placement of furniture on Feng Shui look next.

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