How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling?


Jeans firmly entered our life and today without them, it seems difficult to do. In this dress, go for a walk and work, travel and rest. The popularity of such trousers is fully justified. Jeans make a variety of creating their own image, they like children and adults, men and women. These trousers always correspond to fashion trends. With proper care, they can serve for quite a long time.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_2

Do I need to stroke jeans?

For some reason, many believe that jeans can not be stroke at all. And they dress them daily. But if you want to always look good, ironing should be constant. Some think that after washing, it is enough to shake wet pants so that they take a pompous appearance. In fact, it is useless, such a tight material, like jeans, even after shaking will not be able to disclose well. Inevitably, folds are formed, and the folds lead to the fact that the threads begin in the places of the bends, and the fabric is quickly fading.

Therefore, jeans after washing should be deferred. Subsequently, periodically subjected to ironing to maintain a neat look.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_3

Ironing technology

So that irregularities are not formed It is necessary to iron jeans with a warm iron, observing certain rules.

  • You can only iron wet pants. If the material is highly drying, it must be moistened with a pulverizer. The liquid is evenly sprayed over the surface of the trousers, especially for too crumpled or hard places.
  • In the absence of a spray gun, you can stroke jeans through gauze. It must be moistened, spread over the surface of the material, then spend the iron. Credit with small chances will help the "Steam Feed" mode.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_4

  • In order not to injure facial fibers, the ironing should pass along the wrong side. If you start stroking the face, the fabric will begin to glorify and glitter.
  • Before ironing pants need to be turned out. Start ironing pants need from seams, setting low temperature regime. Switches of seams are usually made from Capron. At high temperature, the Capron can simply melt.
  • Normal temperature for stroking denim things is in the range of 140-190 degrees. Of great importance is the thickness of the material, its density.
  • When the seams on each side are well stroked, the pants need to straighten and try all the remaining parts of the fabric.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_5

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_6

  • Sometimes in the area of ​​pockets due to the high density of the tissue can be stencil. So that this does not happen, you need to invest in your pocket, for example, a handkerchief. Usually such an action gives the result - after ironing there are no traces in the area of ​​the pockets.
  • On jeans never make arrows. They should be only on the plates. Arrows made on jeans are considered an expression of a beamless and disregard for clothing.
  • Pants after ironing should dry a bit. They are hanging on the rope, lay out on any flat surface.

Some people when they are very in a hurry, they still do not fully succeed. In cases with jeans, this is not necessary. The result may be a loss of form. On such trousers on the knees will appear ugly convexities.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_7

How to stroke "torn" jeans

Already one season in fashion in young people "Rvanged" jeans. Sometimes the number of holes is even difficult to count.

Jeans are considered the most fashionable, whose knees are open, the material is torn on the hips.

To ensure that this design remains stylish, "torn" jeans also require correct ironing.

For washing such things, it is forbidden to use a washing machine. It can turn such pants into a strongly torn rag. Suitable for this only manual wash. If there is a sharp need, as well as a small amount of time before sending "Rvan" in the washer, jeans wrapped into a bag of fine tissue.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_8

If the wash will be done manually, the pants must be pre-boiled. Then they smoothed them after boiling, spread, hang dry. Rvanged jeans require a delicate approach, especially when ironing. Caution strokes the seams, all smooth areas. Moreover, the operation must be carried out with the superimposition of wet gauze. To prevent the appearance of prints on the back of the holes made from the front, the ironing should be performed using an ironing board.

Each pant is put on a folding detail, which is specifically designed for good stroking.

The masters do not recommend stroke the fibers of the "torn" trousers. If they have acquired a relaxed look, you need to sprinkle them a little, to dissolve well, give them another position and leave to dry.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_9

The ironing of jeans with decorations

Jeans have always been considered work clothing. Time passed, everything changed. To make women's jeans worst and more "ladies" or childish, they began to decorate them:

  • rhinestones;
  • beads;
  • embroidery;
  • sparkles.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_10

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_11

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_12

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_13

Naturally, such pants stroke are much more complicated than ordinary jeans. If there are a lot of decorative elements on them, you can do without ironing. To do this, use a special steam generator. He is able to give the material its original appearance.

Special caution requires stroking translation pictures found in children's clothes. It is strictly forbidden to heat them, as they will ruin. Quite after washing them gently straighten.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_14

How to reduce the number of ironing

According to the recommendations of manufacturers of fashion denim clothing, the pants do not need to be often ironing the iron. This can cause the feces that will look very ugly.

To get rid of water after washing, you just need to hang them on the rope and wait until it is completely stalking. To reduce the number of ironing of one product, several technological steps are required.

  • First on the pants zipper, buttons and buttons. Then they turn them, after which they are sent to the washing machine. Only one jeans are erased. Other things must be absent.
  • A delicate mode is installed on the machine. You can erase such jeans manually. To do this, you will need a household soap and a washing powder in which there are no bleaching components.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_15

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_16

  • In the last century, the fans managed to wash jeans without removing themselves. The styles believed that as a result of such a "washing", the pants could not sit down.
  • Paid jeans need to gently enable. Unscrew them as a conventional sex rag, is strictly prohibited. It is enough to hang my pants to the rope in the bathroom and water stalk itself. You just need to wait a bit.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_17

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_18

  • Before sending jeans to dry, you need to pull them in length, as well as in width. The fact is that this material after washing sits down a bit.
  • Drying should be held on the street or in a ventilated room. Moreover, jeans should be in a strictly horizontal position. For this, the pants are neatly folded on any level surface.
  • Of course, compliance with the above-described rules will help get a positive effect. If it is competent to iron denim clothing, its operating time increases at times.

How to iron jeans? Is it possible to iron jeans iron after washing? How to smooth out the product after boiling? 828_19

Practical experience has shown that denim clothing cannot be handed over to dry cleaning.

During the manufacture of trousers, the material is digesting. In this process, several special chemicals are involved. In the process of chemical cleaning of the product, the reaction begins, the result that no one can predict, but the beautiful appearance will be spoiled, that's for sure.

From all of the above, we can conclude that it is possible to iron jeans, but it is necessary to comply with all the rules.

Master class on ironing jeans, see the next video.

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