Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette


The image of a modern successful person includes many details. One of them is the ability to stay in society and follow the rules of behavior at the table. So you manifest yourself as a brought up and clever man.

What it is?

The history of ethics is very long. Some of the cave people knew how to behave beautifully and tried to teach others to this. Ethiquette norms were formed over time and each time was improved. Now this science teaches us the correct behavior at the table.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_2

Small details immediately rush and can spoil the first impression of a person, so it will be useful to refresh the already well-known rules for etiquette or learn new ones. Experts recommend to teach children to skills to handle cutlery and serve the table from the earliest years, especially since modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of safe, bright and beautiful forks and spoons. It is believed that this skill should be worked out not only at a visit or a restaurant, but also at home.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_3

Ethics should be present at each meal. So you better digest her foundations, norms and prescriptions.

Consider the basic rules that belong to the table serving and cultural behavior at the table.

How to behave at the table?

Meal is one of those basic processes that inevitably accompany people throughout their lives. During business lunches, partners come to an agreement and sign important contracts. No festive event costs without a buffet or a grand feast. At the table the family feels the strongest cohesion Since the food plate can be discussed all the problems and rejoice in the successes of households. Joint lunches or dinners bring people to people and improve the quality of communication.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_4

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_5

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_6

It is much more pleasant to deal with a person who complies with the rules of etiquette, does not cause inconvenience to others, eats silently and neatly. It's never too late to correct mistakes in your behavior and become a more cultural person.

Rules of behavior

Consider more details of cultural behavior during meals.

First of all, you should pay attention to the Mana to sit on a chair. The man's posture speaks not only about the ability to keep himself in society, but also about habits and character. Confident man always sits with a straight back and occupies most of the seating area His pose is relaxed and relaxed. It is this position of the body most appropriate at the table.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_7

When the brush is located at the table, it is put on the edge of the table, and the elbows are slightly pressed against the body. A small tilt forward is allowed for ease of meals.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_8

There is a small trick, how to learn the right landing at the table. For this, the etiquette specialists recommend pressing the body with elbows two small books. This simple exercise will help remember the correct location of the body and hands during the meal.

When receiving food, it is necessary to behave quietly and neatly. Cutlery should not be removed from the face. A person must eat calmly and slowly, thoroughly chewing every piece of food with a closed mouth. It is forbidden to combine, kille, chasing or publish other sounds. And certainly should not be accepted with a filled mouth, as it looks extremely ugly.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_9

If the dish is very hot, it is worth waiting until it cools. You do not need to loudly blow on a dish or a spoon, otherwise it can show human nonpatience. This is especially true for girls and schoolchildren.

There are a number of simple rules, which can be learn to behave proper behavior during meals:

  • The distance from the body to the edge of the table should be so that the sitting did not feel inconvenience.
  • On the table can not put the elbows, as well as personal belongings, such as a wallet, keys or cosmetic bag. This is considered a bad tone.
  • Do not stretch for food through the entire table. Just ask a person nearby, give you the desired plate or straw, after which I politely thank you for the assistance rendered.
  • To save clothes in pure form, you can use a special textile napkin, which is put on your knees before the start of the meal. Little children are allowed to fill the napkin for the collar.
  • Products with common dishes should be taken intended for this. The exception is only sugar, cookies and fruits.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_10

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_11

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_12

Often lunch or dinner takes place in the restaurant. For such a case, there are special recommendations for etiquette:

  • A man misses the companion first. He must open the door to her, take the upper clothes, move the chair. If the company consists of both women and men, the meeting takes a more informal nature.
  • In the event that several people are going to stay waiting for no more than 15 minutes. Next, the meal begins regardless, whether those who are prompted or not. Himself who delayed apologizes to all the dinner participants and joins meals. At the same time, it is not necessary to attract the attention of all sitting at the table and try to explain the reason for being late.
  • With the participation of men and women's dinner, the menu selection and the order of dishes usually falls on the shoulders of a strong floor. He can offer its companion certain dishes and order them in case of obtaining consent.
  • It is considered a good tone to begin only when the dishes brought to all those present at the table. At the same time, waiting can offer the rest to begin the meal even when their dishes are not yet ready.
  • Do not defiatively look at and sniff dishes, carefully consider each ingredient and comment on the composition. It looks indecent.
  • The bones should be neatly spoiled onto the plug or spoon and put on the edge of the plates.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_13

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_14

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_15

No one is insured against awkward situations. For example, if the devices fell to the floor, then you can ask the waiter to bring a clean set. If some item accidentally crashed, you should not raise panic. Usually in such cases the cost of damaged property is added to the account.

Etiquette prohibits the following things in the restaurant:

  • Conduct hygienic procedures sitting at the table. Combing your hair, straighten makeup, wipe your face or neck with napkins in a dressing room. It is not accepted also to leave traces of cosmetics on the dishes. It is better before the start of the meal to get into the lips with a napkin to avoid the appearance of lipstick on the glass.
  • Noisy blow on a dish or drink. It is recommended to wait for the cooling, and then already begin to eat.
  • Loudly calling the service personnel, knocking about a glass or clicking your fingers. It looks extremely unknown.
  • Take food with a common plate with personal dining devices. For this serve general serving forks and spoons.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_16

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_17

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_18

Packaging etiquette is very important. Knowing all its basic postulates, you can make a good impression on others.

Rules for the behavior of children at the table

As noted earlier, children should teach the etiquette from the earliest years. Children quickly assimilate new information, and the learning process is easy to turn into the game. First of all, the child needs to teach your hands to wash your hands before each meal. First, the parents themselves apply an example and help the baby, and then this action will adopt on the machine.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_19

Put a child follows a shared table with all adults to get used to the company. There are special high chairs that will allow the baby to sit on the same level with adults and feel like a full member of the family. During lunch, it is not recommended to include a TV that will distract from the process of absorption.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_20

Behind the collar you can fill the textile napkin. It will prevent slices of food and drinks on clothes. For young children, special plastic forks and knives are invented. They do not have sharp blades and teeth, so the child will not cause injuries, and bright colors will attract interest.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_21

At the table should be sitting smoothly, you can not swinging on the chair and interfere with another sitting at the table. Unacceptable screams and loud conversations.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_22

An important point in the process of learning a child with good manners at the table is a ban on games with food. It is necessary to explain to children that such behavior is unacceptable, and it is impossible to smear the food on the table.

After eating, you need to thank the hostess for a delicious lunch and ask permission to get out of the table. One way to teach the child to the right serving is to attract it to the process of covering the table. Let the baby helps to expose the plates and lay out the cutlery.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_23

The most important thing is to be patient and not to raise the voice. Perhaps the baby does not immediately understand the rules unusual for him, but you should not ignore your hands and nervous. An example of other family members will help the child to adapt faster and behave correctly.

Features in different countries

The rules of behavior at the table in different countries of the world are somewhat different from usual. Some moments may be completely unusual and exotic for Russia. We learn what to pay attention to tourists to avoid uncomfortable situations:

  • In Japan and Korea, As you know, eat with special sticks. During meals, they should be put in parallel to the edge of the table or on special stands. But sticking sticks in the figure is categorically not recommended, as this is a symbol of funeral.
  • On the table in Brazilian institutions Public food is a special token, painted in green and red colors on both sides. The green side suggests that the visitor wants to be brought still to me. And often it happens that the waiter brings new dishes with almost no break. In order to limit the hospitality of the service personnel, it is necessary to turn the ton of the red face.
  • Georgia famous for its wine. It is not surprising that this drink accompanies almost every meal. Tourists should be remembered that during the feast it is customary to drink wine completely after each speech uttered.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_24

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_25

  • In India and England It is not recommended to eat with your left hand, since in the traditional Indian religion, this hand is considered unclean. This rule also applies to the handshake and the transfer of documents.
  • Coffee lovers should be careful in Italy, Since in this country it is not customary to drink cappuccino after noon. Locals believe that it may not affect digestion. Another interesting fact: Parmesan in pizza or pasta does not add in Italy. French etiquette is something similar to Italian.
  • Tourists traveling in China The restaurants often ordered fish. With such a choice of dish, it should be remembered that it is impossible to turn the portion. This is a bad admission that means a high probability of a fisherman's boat crash. After the upper half of the portion, it will be better to first take out the ridge from the fish and only then continue the meal.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_26

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_27

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_28

Before traveling to any country, first of all, to familiarize yourself with the main decisions taken by the rules. It is necessary to respect someone else's culture and try to avoid uncomfortable situations that may insult local residents.

Table setting

The table must always be properly served regardless of whether it is lunch or family dinner. It teaches the culture and gives me a solemn mood. At the sight of neatly spaced plates and cutlery, adhere to the recommendations of behavior at the table are much simpler.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_29

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_30

There are a huge number of table setting methods that depend on the time of day, the nature of the event and many other factors.

For classic table setting, which will be suitable for any occasion, you can use the following rules:

  • On the table must be present to the tablecloth. It will give even the most ordinary meal festive and solemn mood. Better if the tablecloth is a light shade. Tableware on such a canvas will look stylish. According to the rules, the tablecloth should hang from the edge of the table no more than 30 cm.
  • The chairs should be placed with some interval between them so that the dinner it is convenient to sit and do not hurt the elbows of the neighbors.
  • At a distance of about 2-3 cm from the edge, the serving plate is placed, which serves as the stand for the rest. From above put deeper dishes. Plates for bread and pies are located on the left. Soups and broths are served in a special soup plate or bowl.
  • Cutlery are put on napkins made from cellulose. They are selected in the tone of the tablecloth. Fissure napkins for clothing protection are placed on a plate in a folded form.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_31

  • To the right of the plate there are those devices that hold, respectively, in the right hand. The tablespoon is put so that the convex side is below. The knife should lie by the cutting side towards the plate. Teeth plugs should look upstairs. Top plates are put as a dessert spoon.
  • Some people prefer to drink water while eating, so it will not hurt to put a glass with clean drinking water in front of the knife. In addition to water, the glass may also be juice, compote or other non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Plates with community dishes put in the center of the table. It is assumed to lay cutlery for general use.
  • Hot drinks are served in a special coffee pot, and the cups are immediately put on the table. Under the cup should lay a small saucer, and next to the teaspoon.
  • Sugar is saturated in the sugar. Together with it serves a serving spoon. Currently, sugar bowls are often used.
  • All the dishes should be perfectly clean, without chipping and cracks.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_32

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_33

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_34

Vases with fresh flowers furnished in the center of the table also look very beautiful. They will become an additional decoration and give the table a festive look.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_35

How to use appliances?

The person who came to the restaurant for the first time, can get confused in a large number of different cutlery. Feel confidently will allow the following rule: the devices lying on the left side of the plate are kept only in the left hand. Usually these are forks of different sizes. A similar rule applies to the cutlery on the right - it can be spoons and cutlery knives.

As an exception, you can take a plug into the right hand, if the loose bar is lying on the plate: rice, buckwheat, potato mashed potatoes. In other cases, picking food on the plug can help a table knife.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_36

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_37

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_38

Sometimes the serving includes several forms at once and knives. In order not to get confused, you can gradually replace the cutlery during the change of dishes, starting with the distant from the plate and ending with your neighbors.

In particularly difficult cases, it is recommended to see how other sites sitting at the table will apply and take an example from them.

You can remember the following combination of dishes and cutlery intended for them:

  • Dessert is eaten with a tea or special dessert spoon;
  • tablespoons are designed for soups and broth;
  • A plug in combination with a table knife is used for hot meat dishes;
  • For fish there is a special fish knife;
  • Cold snacks are usually eaten by a fork and a snack barboards;
  • Fruits are allowed to eat hands or special cutlery.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_39

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_40

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_41

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_42

The etiquette rules also determine how to keep cutlery in hand:

  • A spoon should be put in hand so that the thumb end up on the top of the handle. Broth should be drawn towards self to eliminate the likelihood of droplets on clothes. If there is soup soup on the table, then first it is supposed to eat liquid broth, and then separated meat with cutlery.
  • The plug is recommended to keep the fingers further from the base. At the same time, it is possible to keep both teeth down and up. It depends on the type of dish served.
  • When using a table knife, the fork holds strictly in the left hand, and the knife is right. At the same time, it is possible to help yourself with indicable fingers, they direct the pressure of the instrument.
  • The knife can be used to spit oil or pate on a piece of bread. It is forbidden to take pieces of food with a knife or lick the blade.
  • When using a knife for meat, it should be remembered that you should not cut the entire portion at once. You need to gradually cut off small pieces and eat them.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_43

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_44

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_45

A dish with spaghetti can cause difficulties when trying to gently eat it. But in fact it is quite simple to do. It is necessary to place the plug in the middle of the portion, to separate a small number of spaghetti, wind it on the cutlery and immediately bring to the mouth. This method looks neat and beautiful.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_46

The sign of bad tone is considered to check the purity of cutlery and attract the attention of all those present to this. If necessary, you can politely ask the waiter to replace fork or spoon.

At the end of the lunch or dinner, cutlery should be put on the plate in parallel to it, with the knife knobs and forks should be directed in different directions. As a rule, this is a signal that you are finished with dinner or dinner, and the waiter can carry appliances. You should not make a dish from ourselves, you need to leave everything in our places.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_47

It should also be noted that during the meal, the plug and the knife cannot be left on the table. It is necessary to put them strictly on the plate even after meals.

Tips and recommendations

The etiquette rules relate not only to serving and the ability to beautifully eat with cutlery, but also to behavior itself during the feast. Regardless where the meal occurs, at a party or in an expensive restaurant, there are a number of unklasy rules:

  • Before proceeding to the meal, the guest is usually waiting until the food bring to everyone sitting at the table;
  • You do not need to open alcoholic beverages yourself - this should make a waiter or home owner;
  • Do not talk at the table with a loud voice, as it can prevent other guests to enjoy dishes and relax;
  • If dinner or dinner occurs in the restaurant, it is recommended to have a quiet as quieter as possible, so as not to deliver the inconvenience to the rest of the visitors.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_48

The rules of cutting etiquette include the Manera to negotiate. So, specialists do not recommend discussing issues related to diseases, finance, political events and religion. When talking with one of those sitting at the table, you need to meet with him with a look, carefully listen and not interrupt.

If some topics are unpleasant, you can try to translate the conversation to another channel or politely refuse to discuss this issue. If the intense dispute occurs, it is better to discharge the situation with a funny joke or relevant joke.

It should not speak all the time with one person, and even more so, whispering with him. It is advisable to involve all the member member in the conversation.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_49

A cultural person should also listen to a number of useful advice:

  • During the pronouncement of a toast, some of the participants in lunch should stop there and listen carefully to it. Conversations or other actions distracting from speech are unacceptable.
  • The chewing should be wrapped into the napkin from the paper and gently put near the plates.
  • When using toothpicks, you need to cover your mouth. Do not break the toothpick and scatter it.
  • Bread from the common plate can be taken by hand. You should not bite the big piece at once. It is recommended to break down a small slice and only then put it in the mouth.
  • It is impossible to eat poultry meat with hands, and after throwing bones from her. Such actions look indecent.
  • Cutlery is usually transmitted by the handle forward, and take it - for the middle.
  • After lunch, the napkin for the knees must be put next to the plate.
  • The wine glass should be kept behind the leg so as not to make a glass, and save the drink chilled.

Rules of etiquette at the table (50 photos): norms of behavior, welcoming tips, how to behave at the table, feast etiquette 8235_50

The rules of good tone implies not to notice the flaws of other present. No need to make comments out loud even towards children. You should not comment on the contents of the plates of other sites sitting at the table, as well as the amount of alcohol in their glasses.

These simple rules will allow in a short period of time to increase total literacy and culture, as well as show themselves from the best side during a business or friendly lunch.

About the rules of etiquette at the table, see the following video.

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