How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table


Paper napkins appeared more than half a century ago and since then they settled tight in our lives. Different in color and structure, they not only help keep clean, but also decorate any lunch or dinner.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_2

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_3

What is needed for?

In addition to the decorative function, a very important role is assigned to napkins - maintaining hands and faces clean. Therefore, no matter how beautiful the composition of paper products looked beautiful, if necessary, it needs to be used. As a rule, they are combined with tissue napkins, which lay on her knees, while paper put on the table in specially intended for this stand.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_4

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_5

Terms of use:

  • Those who do not use napkins, look slightly in the eyes of those present, so their use is mandatory.
  • It is strictly forbidden to refuel them for the belt or collar. If you need to wipe your lips - you need to take one napkin, fold it in half and get into the pollution.
  • Fingers wipe, making strokes, in no case do not need to deploy a napkin completely or waving it above the table.
  • Disposable paper products, so they cannot be used repeatedly. That is, in case of needing every time you need to get a new paper.
  • The products used should be hits and folded under the right edge of the plates, and after the meal to put on a plate along with dirty cutlery.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_6

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_7

Methods of laying

You can use napkins and need not only at the moments of solemn dinners. They should be on the table at any meal. Especially for such a case there are napples that do not require effort or time to fold. You just need to open the pack, remove the napkins and put them as they are - a neat stack. Some models have a holder who will help them save the neat look.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_8

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_9

Do not think that this method of laying is suitable as a daily. If the overall styling of serving is minimalist, it will be quite appropriate.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_10

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_11

Most napanetes found in everyday life belong to the category of flat. They are designed for a small number of napkins, but applying fantasy and dexterity, you can increase their number by making it aesthetic. For this there are several ways:

  • Fan. To do this, bend each napkin diagonally to get a triangle. Such triangles will need approximately 15-20 pieces depending on the width of your device for napkins. You can form a fan by folding the figures the figures with a stack and carefully shifting it aside or laying them on each other with a small displacement (about a centimeter) so that they have a common corner. Then you should install the resulting fan in the cloth.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_12

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_13

  • Bilateral fan. The principle of its manufacture, like a simple. Just instead of one place we put two and install them so that the peaks of triangles look at different directions. If this or previous way seems to you too simple, any flower or a bow, which you can do, taking the origami scheme as a basis.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_14

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_15

  • Crown. One of the simple schemes, which is based on all the same triangles folded from napkins in the amount of nine. Three pieces are placed with the edge of the fold inward and three add to the center. You can take and more, the main condition is the symmetry of the teeth.
  • If the cloth in itself is decorative value, it is possible to simply fill it with a diagonal napkins. For example, in the form of sails.
  • Bird. The napkin needs to be folded on the diagonal, bent the two opposite angle in progress before that. The obtained billets lay on each other not completely. Another one must be folded by a strip of a width of about a centimeter, starting with an angle and form a head. It is better to use paper products of different colors so that the bird looks more elegant.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_16

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_17

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_18

Salnaments there are many. Surely everyone saw the form that came from the Soviet era under the name "Leaf", where the napkins are stacked by each other, taking the form of a cone. In modern performance, they may look completely different, for example, as a book or a dancing girl.

The last option is convenient because there are separate slits where every triangle is inserted.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_19

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_20

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_21

What can be replaced?

It happens that things needed at the moment break or simply do not. In this case, you should not be upset, since other objects of dishes can be used as a cloth.

In a plastic or glass cup or another round low capacity with a wide throat, you can add napkins as follows:

  • Rolling them in the form of a cone or a horn layer. The free corner of each subsequent layer can be combined with the previous or shift the Block so that it is more convenient for it to take.
  • Make cones narrower and install them next to each other.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_22

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_23

  • Napkins can be deployed in one layer so that one large square is one. Then they should be tightly roll along one of the sides and install in a container next to each other. The amount must correspond to the width of the glass or cup so that they stood smoothly and do not fall. If the obtained tubes seem too long, they should be folded in the rolled state in half and install in such a state.
  • More interesting tubes will become if the deployed paper surface is collapsed, starting from the angle. Then she will remind a candle. It can be delivered personally in a glass or a narrow glass.
  • Make them fan or peacock. For a fair, it is necessary to fold the painted with a canvas with the harmonica, pass in half and put in a glass. The same billet may be a peacock tail. For his neck and head, you need to fold two corners to the middle so that the rhombus turned out. Fold it from the corner in half again and fill an outer angle inside. Folded once again along half and bend the head. Attach to the tail.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_24

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_25

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_26

If you have a low square bowl - use it. To do this, the napkin is folded in half. Folded on each other blanks with a height of equal to the width of the container, insert into the bowl so that they fall across the edge, cascade. If they are divided into two parts, a pretty fountain is obtained.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_27

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_28

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_29

A real decoration of the table will be a saucer or vase with roses bud. To create them, you need step by step to follow the instructions:

  • Dispatch the napkin into one layer and folded diagonally.
  • From the place of bend to complete her one or twice at your discretion, so that the material remains to form the leg.
  • The curved strip will be a bud, it needs to be collapsed, and the remaining part twisted to get stem.
  • The top of the bud is needed to straighten slightly, giving the flower shape.
  • The resulting roses should be postponed in the appropriate container. From green napkins, it is possible to make leaves, but without them flowers look spectacular.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_30

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_31

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_32

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_33

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_34




As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the laying of the napkin. Some tips can help in this case:

  • To arrange even the simplest composition, time is necessary. It is necessary to take into account when serving a table. Eliminates the process of pre-training.
  • All items on the table must be combined. If you can not choose a color, stop on white, as it comes to everything.
  • Since other people will use the napkins, all manipulations need to make well-washed dry hands.
  • Napaders and other dishes should be clean and dry.
  • If something has not happened correctly and I had to redo it several times, it's better to get rid of the product because the paper quickly loses her tidy.
  • Napkins should be easily removed. For this reason, you should not stuff them too closely, because when removing one others will fall out.
  • In order to avoid embarrassing situations, the tank for napkins should be in close proximity to the person. When they are installed, one copy is calculated on four people.

Acquire paper products follows with a margin, better let the napkins remain than they do not have enough during the feast.

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_35

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_36

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_37

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin? 40 photos How to fold and how to put napkins for serving a table 8231_38

Master class on a beautiful folding napkins look next.

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