Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject


The manners of behavior in society indicate the educationalness of man and knowledge of the basic rules of etiquette. First of all, it applies to visits to cafes and restaurants, where necessary to behave at the table. Etiquette at the table is not only how to keep appliances, eat or drink, it is also important to be able to competently support the conversation and be careful in everything.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_2


The etiquette at the table is certain knowledge that form the behavior of people in society. Any assured error at the table will be immediately seen and create an unpleasant impression about a person, so before visiting guests, a cafe or restaurant, you need to check your manners, and if there are "spaces", it is possible to fix everything right away. This will help further avoid confusion situations and give self-confidence.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_3

Etiquette at the table consists of several simple rules.

  • It is impossible to sit far from the table or too tightly clung to his edge. On the table can be put only brushes.
  • Landing should be smooth, leaving eating - ugly.
  • A bad tone is considered to be trapped per dishes. If the plates are far away, then you need to ask other mewards to convey them.
  • During meals, you should use napkins. For this, adults put them on their knees, and the napkins are filled with young children for the collar.
  • All dishes should be applied in table devices in plates. An exception to this rule is fruits, sugar, cookies or pastries.
  • It is important to remember that the devices that lie on the left are designed to keep with your left hand, and lying on the right - for the right hand.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_4

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_5

Besides, At the table it is impossible to talk loudly. When maintaining the conversation, first of all, you need to listen to the interlocutor, without interrupting it, and then give an answer. The execution of these recommendations is not particularly difficult, so they should always be followed.

Teaching such a manner of behavior also needs their children, and it is advisable to do it from the very early age.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_6

Acquaintance with serving

Table setting is the main component of any meal. If a solemn lunch occurs at home, then the impression of the owners of the house will depend on its design. Many compare the table serving with the present product of art, as it is important not only to properly decompose the cutlery and know their purpose, but also create a festive atmosphere with the help of colors and a decor of napkins.

To beautifully cover on the table, first of all you need to get a tablecloth, then you can arrange plates, glasses, glasses, wine glasses, cutlery and napkins. Their location is set by the rules of etiquette and cannot be changed at its own discretion.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_7

The tablecloth serves as the basis for the design of the table, so it should be considered responsibly. It is recommended to use white or light tone cloths.

According to the rules of serving, the tablecloths should close the feet of furniture, but not be too long, leaving the floor to the floor at 25-30 cm. It is spread by the web with free movements, while it is important to pay attention to the fact that air is not formed between the table and tissue. It is impossible to stretch the tablecloth corners, otherwise the canvas will lose its shape and aesthetic appearance.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_8

After the tablecloth occupied the correct position on the table, you can move to the next stage of serving and make a placement of plates. There are many varieties of plates, each of which has its own purpose. Most often on the table place the main plates that can be used to feed different types of dishes, as well as additional - for salads, bread, pies, oysters, eggs, jam and fruit. The use of the number of plates depends on whether a regular dinner is planned or a solemn lunch.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_9

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_10

Plates in front of the meal thoroughly wash and wipe dry, preferably to shine. Place plates opposite the landing place. Ugly, when they lie on the edge of the table top, so when serving this should be avoided. In the event that lunch will consist of several dishes, the dining plates put under the snack bars.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_11

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_12

Huge attention should also be paid to the placement of cutlery. The plugs must be laid on the left, and the knives are to the right of the plate. At the same time, near the knife must be a tablespoon. For a solemn dinner, which provides a rich menu, first place snack devices: Fish and table knife, spoon for soup, fork. The distance between the cutting devices should not exceed 1 cm.

After cutlery, go to the arrangement of glasses and glasses. They are made from more to a smaller starting with glasses for water, wine, champagne and ending with a glass for juice and wine glasses for strong alcoholic beverages. The final stroke in the table serving is the napkins, which are a decorative element and fall on their knees.

We can not wipe the face and hands to be woven with tissue napkins, for these purposes, paper disposable napkins are used.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_13

How to behave for food

Gala dinner or dinner begins with landing at the table. At the same time, guests must occupy the place specified in the invitation. If there is no such, it is necessary to wait for the owners of the house and clarify where you can sit down. After landing, the napkin is put on the table on the knees, which you want to deploy and shake. In the event that the table is served with napkins in the rings, they are carefully removed and the ring is placed in the upper corner from the cutlery. Upon completion of the meal, the fabric napkin takes the center and put on back to the ring.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_14

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_15

Sit at the table should be comfortable to make it convenient to use cutlery. The elbows on the table are strictly prohibited, as this is an example of a bad tone. After feeding dishes, you need to wait for all mewards of meals, and only then you can start to eat. Dishes that are located at a distance need to be asked to convey, and not reach them through the entire table.

At the same time, according to the rules of etiquette, each of the guests must make sure that his neighbor has a pepper, salt and oil.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_16

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_17

It is also important to take into account some other moments.

  • Food is transmitted only from left to right, so all dishes can only move in this direction. For this, one member of meals is holding a dish, and the second fills the plate, or the neighbor just transmits the dish, and the addressee itself keeps the plate and pours goes.
  • Uncomfortable in shape and heavy dishes can not be kept on weight - they put them on the table before each transmission to another guest.
  • Objects of dishes with handles and soup are recommended to be transferred so that the handles go to the neighbor, which takes the dish.

In the case when the food must be closed with a spoon or fork, a spoon is placed to the right of the plate, and the plug on the left.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_18

It is necessary to eat slowly - this will allow not only to fully enjoy food, but also chat with the owners of the house or guests. During meals, the mouth needs to be kept closed, not making a chamber and not standing with teeth. If the first dishes are too hot, it is impossible to blow on them - it's enough to wait a little while they are cool.

It is necessary to join the conversation only when the food is swallowed. If necessary, to rewind at the beginning should be asked for forgiveness from those present, and only then stand up from behind the table.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_19

What devices take first

To behave correctly at the table in the restaurant, it is important to know how to use appliances. As a rule, all major dishes are located on the left, and the drinks on the right. Therefore, everything that lies to the left of the plates, you can safely take. It is necessary to start the meal with the help of devices that are located closer to the plate, and then apply the following as new food. It is important to remember that The plug is used with a knife and it is always placed on the left. If the plug lies on the right, then this means that the dishes will be sinking without a knife.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_20

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_21

During meals you need to know how to put the plug and knife. As a rule, two different styles are used for this.

  • American . Provides for the placement of the plug in the left hand and knife in the right. A portion is cut with a knife, after which it is put on the top edge of the blades of the blade inside. It is allowed to eat a dish for a fork, holding it both in the left and right hand. For relaxation, the fork is placed on a plate with teeth upwards for 5 hours.
  • European . The knife is placed strictly in the right hand, and the plug is in the left, while it is impossible to shift the plug from one hand to another. In the course of the Kushan, it is important to ensure that the plug is constantly teeth down.

In the case when it became necessary to make a small break, the knife and fork are placed on a plate in the location "I rest." For this, the plug lies with a handle for 7 hours, and the knife is 5 hours.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_22

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_23

How to bring a spoon to mouth

All the first meals are eaten by a tablespoon, so you need to know the rules for etiquette concerning how to bring this cutlery to the mouth. Usually, when serving, the soup plates put on the table along with spoons or then serve soup with a spoon. You can bring a spoon with food to the mouth as a side and sharp edge of the device. As for the drawing of the first dish, then this is done in two ways: from ourselves or right left.

A spoon directed to the mouth should not be crowded. In order for the remnants of the soup from it, the device is recommended slightly touch the edge of the plate. If the soup is poured, the spoon should remain in a plate.

It is important and holding a table appliance in hand. The spoon is placed between the index and thumb, so that the pen slightly rested into the middle finger.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_24

How to keep a fuzhier

Etiquette at the table provides not only a beautiful serving and good communication manners, but also the rules that need to be observed when receiving food. An important point is the hold of glasses and glasses in the hand. Most often, wine is served on solemn dinners, for these purposes, special glasses of "tulips" or wine glasses are used on legs. Wine glasses with white and red wine need to keep only behind the leg and in no case cover their hand. Similarly, they are also treated with champagne - the vessel filled with them is kept three fingers.

As for the glasses for brandy, they can be placed in the palm of their palms - thus the drink warms up to the desired temperature. You can give a brandy an amber tint with the help of easy shocking glasses. The glass under vodka is taken by three fingers, the drink is not held for a long time in your hand and quickly drink.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_25

How to put appliances if you graduated

After eating, when the meal is over, it is necessary to file a waiter sign. For this purpose, a fork with a knife is laying on the plate in parallel - so that the progls are watching up, and the knife blade is aside. Exactly the same procedure is performed after the end of the dessert.

A spoon after taking soup should not remain in a deep plate, they are put near the lower appliances. In the event that the dish really liked, you can "gestures fork and knife" to show the waiter. In this case, the cutlery falls in the middle of the plates horizontally, the fork is placed to the teeth up, and the knife blade should "look" on it.

At the same time, dirty napkins are ugly into the plate, forming pieces of garbage from them.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_26

Memo for every day

The etiquette rules at the table must be observed not only to adults, but also to children, since the wrong behavior in society will put a negative impression of the whole family. To always be at the height and confidently feel at a visit, a cafe or restaurant, it is enough just to explore simple recommendations and follow them every day. So, etiquette does not tolerate the following flaws.

  • It is impossible to refuse to the table from certain types of dishes, indicating that they can cause an allergic reaction or are not suitable for a diet. To do this, it is advisable to pre-warn the owner of the event and point out to him that exclude from food.
  • The food stuck between the teeth is considered an unpleasant phenomenon, but it is not necessary to delete it immediately at the table, even if there are toothpicks. First, the table leaves, and then delete it in the toilet.
  • Some ladies enjoy bright cosmetics, so at the solemn events you can face the problem of lipsticks on the glasses. To eliminate this bad tone, it should be removed before dinner to remove the cloth with a napkin. Do it need not at the table, but in the toilet room.
  • Many people smoke. Of course, smoking is prohibited in restaurants, but sometimes you can find yourself in establishments where the place for smokers is equipped. Here, an important point is that it is not good to smoke between changes in dishes. It is best to do at the end of all the meals, and that is only with the permission of those present.
  • It is not allowed on the tables of diplomats and ladies. It also applies to gloves, hats, gloves and glasses.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_27

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_28

At the end of the reception, you should leave a good impression about yourself and politely thank the owners of the house or the organizers of dinner for a warm welcome, praise a wonderful choice of dishes and pleasant communication.

Rules of etiquette at the table (29 photos): how to put the plug and knife, how there should be the position of cutlery after meals, how to use each subject 8223_29

Even more about the rules of etiquette at the table you will learn from the videos below.

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