Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict


Character behavior in a given situation is different for everyone. Someone is quiet and calm, and sometimes, on the contrary, become short-tempered and aggressive. When people begin to argue and clash with each other, they have largely dominated by emotions, clarity of mind tripping, so they often do not even attempt is made to hear the opponent. It is important to consider all the options of behavior in different situations.

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_2

How to behave in conflict situations

If the person is irritable and behaves aggressively, it is necessary to understand the cause of this behavior, to understand the situation and help solve this problem. And while the conflict issue is not solved, such a person will be very difficult to negotiate.

When a person "gets mad", to behave calmly and confidently, but arrogance is bad effect on aggression, therefore, is the quality should be deleted immediately.

When a person is aggressive, it overwhelmed the negative emotions, after they are released within a period of deterrence to others. In a quiet and a good mood people behave adequately, nor in any way venting anger on each other. They are quite willing to listen to another's opinion.

During the aggression needed to imagine the good moments lately and believe that the bad phase of life can survive. Still it is possible to present a favorable atmosphere around your aura, which is good, peace and comfort.

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_3

Shoot down the aggression with a partner can be suddenly changed the subject, and asked him for confidential conversation or valuable life advice. Remind him what life interesting moments you tied together or make a compliment, for example: "In anger, you become even more beautiful." The main thing is that your positive emotions affect the consciousness of the partner and switched his aggression.

In no event should not be given to the partner of negative thoughts. It is not necessary to tell him about their emotions or blame anything. We can say more delicate phrase, such as "I'm a little upset with the way you're talking to me, let's be no more conflict? " Ask your partner to formulate the result of discussions and solve the problem.

The problem is always to be solved, we can not leave it for later. Otherwise, difficulties are not going anywhere and will only multiply and accumulate, and eventually will be reflected back at you.

Hostile attitude towards the other party can alienate you from a wise decision. Do not let your emotions take over you the upper hand, it is necessary to look for compromise solutions

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_4

Have the other party to tell their thoughts about the situation. Do not look for right and guilty, and you need to decide together what to do next . At the same time, both opponents must be satisfied with the decision. If it is impossible to agree in a good way, then you can put accents on the facts from life, laws, or bring many other arguments in conversation.

With any outcome, it is not necessary to give a partner to feel discomfort and defeat.

It is impossible to respond to aggression aggression. In no case should the personal feelings of the interlocutor, otherwise he will not forgive you. It is necessary to express the claim correctly and whenever possible. In no case cannot insult a person.

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_5

We must try to generate thoughts in one direction. Even if it seems that you came to a mutual solution, you still need to ask each other question: "Do I understand you correctly? "Or" did you want to say that? ". This will help you eliminate misunderstanding and will lead to the right solution much more.

When talking it is necessary to hold on equal. Many in conflicts begin to behave aggressively in response, or try to keep silent and move away from the stimulus. Do not do this, you need to stay calmly and firmly.

No need to be afraid of apologies. If you are wrong in the conversation, it is worth bringing our apologies, and not to continue the conflict. Capable to take their mistakes only strong and self-confident people. Do not be afraid of this.

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_6

Do not try to prove your right thing. If you are trying to prove your point of view by strength or aggression, it is useless.

In conflict situations, the meaning is lost to prove something, as a person besides his negative emotions does not see any arguments in front of him. Attempts to suppress such an opponent and "reach" before it will not lead to positive results.

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_7

We must silence first. If you see that it makes no sense to try to talk in a good way, better try to silence. It is not necessary to demand from the interlocutor of this, as it will be annoyed even more. It is easier for you to silence yourself for a quarrel period. Silence will allow you to stop the conflict situation and get out of it.

In each conflict, two participate, if the first side falls out of it, then the second does not make sense to continue the quarrel. If no partner can silence, the conflict will continue and may reach the manual attribution that in our time punishes the law. That's why It is worthwhile to avoid such an outcome with all the ways, it is better to silence and ignore the annoying situation of both of them.

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_8

Do not characterize the condition of the conflicting. It should not be obstended to be expressed, ask questions on emotions or calm the interlocutor. "Soothing" phrases only provoke negative manifestations.

When leaving the room, you should not clap the door loudly. You can avoid fights and conflicts, if quietly and calmly get out of the room. Sometimes it is worth only to say "finally" a hurt word, or just sharply clap the door when going out, and the scandal can resume with a new force and lead to sad consequences.

It is necessary to keep a dialog after some time after a quarrel. When you were silent, the partner can decide that you surrendered and exhausted our strength. Hold the pause until the person cools from his emotions, and then return to solving issues with calm nerves.

Always wins not the one for whom the last word remains, namely the one who can stop the conflict on time.

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_9

Strategies for behavior

With any life situations, it is necessary to analyze your opponent and then choose the right strategy of behavior. There are several conflict behavior strategies:

  1. When a person evades conversations or simply does not see the point in them.
  2. The man is trying to compete and does not want to give up in conflict.
  3. Cooperation is an attempt to go to the meeting and help solve the problem.
  4. Adaptation to the situation - you can make concessions so that the conflict does not develop further.
  5. The compromise is the most profitable strategy of all listed, because it most often leads to a solution to the problem and termination of a conflict conversation.

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_10


"Global" reasons for conflict are different:

  • Economic or socio-political. When people are trying to contradict politics or have a different economic worldview.
  • Socio-demographic (negative human attitude to the opposite sex or to representatives of another nation).
  • Socio-psychological reasons are associated with the mood, with actions.
  • Individually psychological affect differences in personalities.

Conflicts are divided by sources of appearance on the following types:

  1. emotional (people are incompatible with the character of individual psychological characteristics);
  2. Business (usually arise due to the fact that in the structure of production, official duties are incorrectly distributed).

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_11

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_12

The subjective level of conflict adoption is also different:

  • erroneous (real for the conflict of the cause was not at all);
  • Potential (the prerequisites for an unpleasant conversation were scheduled, but there was no conflict in fact);
  • True or "real" conflict (the confrontation of participants is openly and justified).

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_13

Spheres occurrence

Conflicts arise in several spheres:

  1. In social circles (government, rallies, demonstrations with great accumulation of people);
  2. Family (such conflicts usually arise in the circle of relatives, between husband and wife, brother and sister, child and parents);
  3. Production (they arise about production work in working groups).

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_14

Rules of conduct in conflict situations (15 photos): how to talk to the boss, a reminder about communication in conflict 8204_15

After conflicts, we all feel empty and depressed, focus on the problem of conflict, waste nerves and emotions. We must refer loyal to problems.

Take care of each other, try to solve unpleasant situations in peace . Know the rules and foundations of ethical norms to communicate correctly with the boss and colleagues in the office. For non-conflict, efficient and constructive communication, you should always have a memo, the use of which is necessary.

Try to act delicately and in relation to loved ones. The main rules of ethics and culture of behavior in conflict will help you build favorable relationships with both colleagues and relatives and friends.

About how to behave in conflict situations, will tell a psychologist in the following video.

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