Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette


A modern person regularly faces various sharp and complex life situations that require instant, and most importantly - the right reaction. Family, social, business, economic, political relations depend on the knowledge of generally accepted behaviors. If a person does not know how to behave correctly, according to ignorance, either deliberately - his business reputation suffers from seams in seams.

Etiquette is the regulation of behavior that affects the different spheres of human relationships (Communication, Culture of Clothing, National Traditions, Business Communications).

Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_2

What it is?

Etiquette as a historic phenomenon unites the ethical and aesthetic side of our existence.

As a primitive community, there were concrete norms of the behavior of each group of community: men were engaged in food and protecting enemies, women stole fire and raised children, elders passed knowledge and accumulated new ones. The ancient code of behavior can be called Chinese "Book of historical legends" which tells about the main human qualities: courage, loyalty, wisdom, humans, worshiping the elders.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_4

We walked centuries, all new customs have arisen, morals changed. All this merged into the same concept of "etiquette". There are many different definitions of this concept. The most common suggests that the etiquette is a set of rules of behavior in society.

Interestingly, for many "ethics" and "etiquette" the concepts are identical. In general, this is true, the meaning of words are closely connected. However, the word "etiquette" (etiquette) - French origin, and "Ethics" (Ethika from Ethos is a habit, temper) - Greek. "Etiquette" is translated as "note, label". In France, this word denoted a note - the protocol of ceremonial actions.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_6

In Russia, the first leadership on etiquette appeared under Peter I, who burned the window to Europe. He was straightforward, he did not ceremony with the boyars, and therefore the collection of rules of behavior at the courtyard represented rather rude instructions. By introducing a western behavior, the form of clothing, the appearance, the king itself strictly and persistently followed the implementation of these rules.

It is enough to remember his hard law about the beard. And in 1709, Peter I was issued a decree, according to which any person broken etiquette was punished. Subsequently, Empress Elizabeth and Catherine II more selectively approached the compilation of the court etiquette, selecting such rules that were approached by the peculiarities of the national flavor of Russia. Since this huge empire covered Eurasia, the opposites of the West and the East were intertwined. There were already more than three centuries, and these differences remain to this day.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_8

Modern etiquette is the symbiosis of the traditions of all nations with antiquity and this day. Now that we have the opportunity to communicate with foreigners or be abroad, it is important not only to own the language of the interlocutor, but also to navigate the national traditions, in order not to get into a stupid position and do not make a serious insult to ignorance.

It is necessary to remember the common sense and show respect for others, regardless of the color of the skin or social affiliation.


Modern etiquette is an important component of the external culture of a separate personality and society as a whole. However, there are professions in which this concept becomes dominant. This is primarily about the employees of the diplomatic service, politicians, cultural workers, as well as businessmen, scientists.

Today in the world of modern technologies and operational media, any incorrect statement or failure behavior can instantly become the public domain not only national, but also the world.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_10

Therefore, it is so important to raise your level of culture and understand the subtleties of etiquette.

Many etiquette rules we perform automatically. A person, every second, thinking about how to do the right thing, will be in the situation of the old man, who once asked the question: "Where are you hiding your beard when you fall asleep? " Never suffered by this question Dotolo, the unfortunate washed without sleep, choosing, where to hide his beard. Therefore, it is not necessary to remember every minute about the rules of etiquette, but to know them so well to communicate without thinking about the correctness of their actions and words.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_12

Etiquette has certain features:

  • It contains universal rules of behavior transmitted through the century. And every educated citizen knows the usual rules of politeness.
  • Etiquette reflects the features of any ethnos: customs, traditions, rituals.
  • Etiquette is a complex system of conditional signs and gestures that transmit information and express the address of the addressee. You can pat on the shoulder a good friend, but not a high-ranking official. A man gets up if a woman enters, expressing her respect to her. Gestures, head movements, eyes are important during business negotiations or diplomatic visits.
  • The rules of behavior have developed historically, they are not absolute, but are rather local in nature. If in one country, at a stranger meeting, it is accepted politely to bow down, then to another - rapidly kiss. Both will be considered the norm adopted in this particular environment.

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  • Etiquette characterizes the value system of values ​​in this country. With it, it is possible to determine the relationship between people (close and not very friendly or hostile). The location of people during various events (solemn, mourning) gives an idea of ​​equality (or classiness) present. For example, the most expensive people were sitting on the "upper" (best) place. "Lower" got the least honorable guests. It is enough to remember any meeting, conference: important guests occupy their place in the presidium, sitting down face in the hall.

But the custom is gathered for a round table, which immediately causes the Association with King Artur and his knights, is a psychological technique that shows the equality of all those present at the seminar, a meeting, meeting.

  • Etiquette is conditional, its norms offer such behavioral options that can organize productive communication and increase mutual understanding. In addition, this is the manifestation of human morality. The inner world of man has a aesthetic component, no wonder: "Beautiful phrase, beautiful gesture."

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It is not only necessary to use the rules of behavior in practice, but it is possible, since it is more convenient to yourself and others.

Etiquette is modified under the action of new time, new requirements. It is unrealistic to remember all the rules of behavior, but, fortunately, this is not required. It is important to understand the main principles of etiquette and implement them in practice:

  • The principle of humanism.
  • The principle of feasibility of action.
  • The aesthetic behavior.
  • Respect the traditions of their country and other countries.

The principle of humanism embodies the moral side of the etiquette and includes certain requirements for the culture of interpersonal communication: politeness, modesty, tolerance.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_16

Politeness - the concept of multifaceted with a multitude of shades: this is also correct polhood, and delicacy, courtesy. "Accuracy is politeness of kings", as well as an important characteristic of the etiquette of many countries.

The following principle characterizes the ability to behave true in a completely new, unfamiliar situation or non-standard situation. Anyone may be in a situation where he simply does not know specific rules of behavior. Here on the revenue will come the pupil, culture of behavior, sense of humor, the ability to endure the knowledge available in a new situation of communication.

It must be remembered that it should be convenient not only to you, but also others.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_18

Beautiful behavior is another important principle on which etiquette is based. Undustly dressed man, with the smell of alcohol, with a sullen expression of the face or unrestrained loudly laid, with a pavicious-squeezed view of a noun or noisily rustling by candies from candy in the theater causes irritation and fear.

Each people carefully keeps their traditions created by centuries, and relevant to their observance. The most ideal manners and beautiful appearance will not save from the condemnation of a person who does not dismiss the punitive, presented by the Slavs, or will persistently catch the look of Muslim.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_20

In addition, there are some more principles relating to a greater degree of business etiquette, but the knowledge of which does not prevent anyone:

  • The principle of subordination dictates the behavior of employees as they must contact the higher managers, welcome them. In recent years, he has significantly softened against the backdrop of a new managerial style - partisipative (from English Participate - to participate);
  • The principle of parity is to achieve equality of positions, regardless of the post, experience.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_22


A variety of species of modern etiquette is impressive. Here is some of them:

The general is the set of rules that citizens must observe, communicate with each other. It is divided into:

  • speech;
  • festive;
  • Interview etiquette;
  • table;
  • professional.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_24

  • Religious - suggests how to behave in religious facilities and communicate with the ministers of the cult.
  • Etiquette "Weekend" - regulates the peculiarities of behavior in public areas: museum, theater, restaurant, exhibition, cinema.
  • The rules of everyday (unofficial) etiquette suggest how to behave in ordinary life, communicate with people on the street, in transport.
  • Wedding - Rules relating to the wedding ceremony, outfits, invitations, decorations, colors, festive banquet. The bride, the bride and witnesses are constantly under the sight of video and cameras, so they need to look and behave accordingly. But guests must adhere to the rules of behavior behind the wedding table.

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  • Family - determines the intrameal relationship between spouses, children, the closest relatives.
  • Mourning (sad) - customs and traditions of the farewell ceremony with the dead. In this form of etiquette, there is a huge number of nuances, and each people have their own special traditions. The Slavs mourning is considered black, and the Japanese has white. Tatars bury people in the carpet or fabric, while many Europeans are in the coffin.
  • Sports - rules for the behavior of coaches, athletes, fans, as well as relations inside the team and between teams.
  • Traveler's etiquette is the norm of tourist behavior in a foreign country, within which ensuring its security, the preservation of a good image of its country and the manifestation of respect for the national traditions of the host country.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_27

  • The secular etiquette is the rules that reflect the behavior of a polite member of society, its respect for others, demonstrating personal advantages.
  • Court - regulates behavior at the royal court in monarchy countries.
  • Military is a collection of statutory and general rules for servicemen in all spheres of their activities and locations: part, ship, public places.
  • Gender notifies on the rules of behavior due to differentiation in the society of men's and women's roles.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_29

  • Business etiquette considers the basics of business behavior: organizing business meetings, presentations, handling business cards, features of business correspondence and telephone conversations, gifts for gifts.
  • Corporate etiquette provides for a list of rules complied with employees of one company in relations between themselves and with other organizations.
  • Diplomatic. The work of the diplomat 90% consists of knowledge of etiquette, he must know how to behave correctly at various receptions, official events, negotiations, meetings, thoroughly navigate the traditions of the country in which it is located.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_31

  • Service. Determines the behavior of participants in the service sector: those who provide them, and those who receive.
  • Network (Neticket or Netiquette) - rules for the behavior of communication participants using electronic gadgets on the network. There are several golden rules of network communication, in particular, do not forget that communicate with a living person, so you need to adhere to the same standards as in reality. For example, do not write what I could not say in the face. Not to get involved in conflicts and not to create them - the rule is often disturbed by the so-called "trolls", but a brought up man will not do this.
  • Hence the rules of electronic correspondence - business and private.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_33

The mansion would like to put the knight etiquette and the ball. These ruled vaults were developed for several centuries ago, they did not change dramatically, but in the modern world are used in narrow circles.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_35

The knighthood, which emerged in the XI century, had a significant impact on the lives of Europe and etiquette. Known young men were dedicated to the knights, who were prescribed a lot of peculiar rituals: the choice of ladies of the heart and worship for her, serving Senor, participation in tournaments, dedication to the knights, the adoption of vassals. The Code of the Knight demanded that it strictly comply with all the rules, because even the slightest retreat from them threatened the loss of honor. No wonder in the knight's motto there were words: "Life - a king ... Honor - to anyone! "

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_37

The diet of the knights was to protect the weak, respect all others, to fight only with a strong opponent, prevent cowardice even in thoughts, to have an iron will. Now in various role-playing games and reconstruction games, participants, recreating the Epoch of the Middle Ages, are also addressed to the knight etiquette.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_39

Balling etiquette is a special set of rules that have not changed centuries. It includes not only ballroom outfits (long dress with open shoulders for ladies, tuxedo (frak) and black shoes - for cavaliers), culture of behavior on the ball, knowledge of all dance figures, but also the design of ballrooms, buffet. An important accessory was considered snow-white gloves that have never been filmed: for ladies - silk, above the elbow, for men - like or suede.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_41

An important detail of the toilet lady was and fan. Even the secret language of signs for lovers was invented, the signals were served by these elegant pawn. For example, a married lady signalized: "I am married! ", Revealing the fan and shouting them from the annoying Uchager. And the fully opened fan stateed: "You are my idol! "

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_43


Etiquette as a regulation performs certain functional duties:

  • Contactor - encourages people to communicate.
  • Maintaining contact - a brought up man will always find, as to talk about in a particular society, except for the weather. Forbidden topics for discussion with strangers: family and financial situation, political and religious views, physical disadvantages of the interlocutor.
  • Creating a respectful and comfortable atmosphere of communication.
  • Regulatory function, or separation by caustam, estates occupied by the position in society. Especially strictly carried out such rules in the East.
  • Preventive - Compliance with etiquette rules allows you to prevent conflicts.
  • Information - rules of behavior suggest people how to behave in a particular situation.
  • Standardization - This feature is more appropriate in business etiquette and is that the set of rules standardizes the behavior of all members of the team.
  • The identity with the surrounding - knowing how the majority will do in a certain situation will do, a person is not confused and will not feel like a stranger.
  • Educational - produce positive personal qualities in children and young people.
  • The accumulation and transmission of knowledge - a person is studying and transfers from generation to generation accumulated experience.

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Fundamental rules

The legendary Jack Nicholson in one of the interviews noted that it was extremely preferable to fulfilling countless rules of etiquette, since their main goal is to make our lives more comfortable.

Indeed, a brought-up man looks much more attractive to the one who wipes his nose with a fist, loudly chasing in public or talking on the phone among the play.

With all its apparent infinity, the etiquette rules are quite simple: they concern the neat appearance, polite behavior, cultural speech and the ability to own themselves.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_46

Consider the basic rules of good tone in Russia, as well as foreign countries:

  • From early childhood, everyone teachs an important rule - not painful in the nose, do not shout too loudly, not to be scratched.
  • Contact unfamiliar people on "You".
  • Use in speech words of courtesy.
  • Do not look at the interlocutor intently or improved.
  • Do not say those things behind the back of a person who can not say in the face.
  • Be punctual.
  • Be able to restrain and stormy delight, and boiling anger.
  • Always perform the promised.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_48

  • Clothes and shoes should always be clean and tidy.
  • It is not customary to chase the fashion, if you risk looking stupid and reasonably.
  • You can not put a mobile phone on the table in public places - thereby you show disrespect for others, showing how important this gadget is important for you.
  • Remember about the mystery of the correspondence! Even if you are a parent, you do not have moral right to read personal records of the child. The same applies to the spouses.
  • In the cinema, the circus always turn the face to the sitting, passing into its place.
  • We decided to visit friends - be sure to call! Especially strictly these rules are respected in Western Europe. For example, in Germany you need to call a week, reporting your visit. And you should not count on a richly covered table (as usual with us, Slavs) - Crackers and Canape are considered the right treat from pedantic Germans.
  • If you go with a companion, and he greeted a stranger, then you need to greet you.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_50

  • With the acquaintance, the eldest stretches his hand to younger. With the lady by hand do not greet, only if she did not initiate this.
  • Entering the room, always greet the first.
  • A man always respects a woman.
  • Observe the rules of behavior at the table.

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Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_52

Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_53

Examples of behavior

Since the etiquette regulates the rules of behavior and communication, it is very important to know how to get acquainted. A man is represented by a woman first, younger represent the senior. If you are familiar with the present, you need to personally submit every person.

    When meeting parents, you need to present a new acquaintance.

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    The rules of behavior between a man and a woman should know and observe both gender:

    • Kavalera's place on the street - to the left of the companion. Only the military is allowed to go to the right, so that he could give honor at any time. The female handbag is exclusively the hostess.
    • The first in the restaurant includes a man, giving to understand the metallone that he will pay.
    • The man should stand if the woman comes out of the table.
    • A man always helps a woman sitting at the table, in the car.
    • If you wish to smoke in the presence of the lady, you need to ask her permission.
    • A man misses a companion ahead. The exception is descent on the stairs, elevator, basement.

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    Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_56

    Table etiquette implies compliance with the following rules:

    • Sit at the table smoothly and not put his hands on it. Permissible to stick the wrists of the edge of the table.
    • It is necessary with a closed mouth, not band.
    • Conversations are appropriate only in breaks between meals.
    • Only bread eat hands, breaking it at the time of the small pieces.
    • Use the knife and fork, the knife is shifted into the right hand to cut the products. Not cut with a table knife only pudding, omelet.
    • If you are invited to any event, it is completely unacceptable late.

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    Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_58

    • The rules of behavior in nature say: be sure to remove the garbage, as well as someone else's garbage, if there is one near. Observe the rules for breeding fires, do not ruin the bird nests, anthills, do not break the branches and do not flip flowers. In short, you are visiting nature, so take care of her!

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    International norms

    Regardless of the country in which you arrived, the following universal rules must be followed:

    • Respect for religion, leadership of the country, traditions, cooking.
    • No need to draw parallels with your homeland.
    • No criticism.
    • Maximum punctuality.
    • It is worth studying the country's monetary signs in which they are going to, as well as not to praise their own finances.
    • Always get up at the sound of the country's hymn. It is useful to repeat the actions of local residents.
    • Do not wear national costumes, without familiarizing yourself with their ritual value.
    • Propay the names correctly.

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    Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_61

    • Always show respect for the eldest.
    • When taking unfamiliar food, it is not customary to refuse and find out what it is. It is better to maximize the portion and try.
    • Do not use familiar gestures (for example, raised up the thumb), in another country they can mean quite offensive things.

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    The structure of national etiquette has its own specifics in different countries - traditions, special rules of behavior in society. What nuances you need to know in:

    • England. The primary British prefer to withstand the distance between the interlocutors and strictly observe the table etiquette.
    • USA . The essence of Americans is openness and friendliness. Smile more often and regularly greet, even if you welcomed a person 15 minutes ago.
    • France. Locals are extremely not punitive and expressive, gesticulate a lot. Madame, Monsieur - appeals adopted for unfamiliar people.
    • Spain. Siesta - Afternoon recreation - regulates the rhythm of the life of the Spaniards: they have breakfast after 13 hours, and business meetings are spent after 22 hours. Invitation for breakfast should be politely deflected twice, only with the third time it is accepted. Keep the Spaniard - the top of disrespect.
    • Arab countries . Arabs love long meetings and the same handshakes, but alcohol and pork do not complain. It is not customary to praise things in the house, because by tradition, the owner must give it to his guest.

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    Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_64

    • India . As a sign of greeting, the Hindus is bowed by pressing the left hand to the heart. It is not customary to touch the interlocutor. On business meetings you need to wear bright things.
    • China . Gifts to the Chinese are handed over before leaving, and crossed chopsticks for food is a bad tone. Modesty is appreciated here, the tie is appropriate only at official events.
    • Japan . It is accepted here and put and share with light handshakes in greetings. Never be late and do not watch the interlocutor directly in the eye! Always remove the shoes, coming to visit or restaurant. It is important to know that if the Japanese agreed in words, it does not mean that it really is.

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    Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_66

    When going to visit the overseas country, do not be lazy to learn more about her customs. This will save you from many awkward situations.

    Non-verbal communication

    Speech and communication are verbal (speaking, hearing, letter, reading) and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, pose). Scientists found out that the message sent in the language of movements is much more convincing. For example, if a person smiles only by lips, keeping a stone face and ice in sight, hardly they believe his assurances in the sincerity of feelings.

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    If you do not speak the basic rules of non-verbal communication, the interlocutor may not be incorrect to understand you, doubt the good intentions or even to insult themselves (this applies to representatives of the countries of the East).

    As you know, you will not have a second chance to make the first impression. Psychologists calculated that to compile a certain opinion about the stranger, it is enough for us from two to four minutes. Therefore, several important rules should be known that you always leave a positive impression of yourself, without even saying a word:

    • When you communicate with a person, especially a foreigner, try smaller gesturing. It is possible that the Italians and Spaniards will appreciate the active movements, but still need to restrain themselves.
    • Do not fold your hands on your chest and do not cross the legs - this is a way of psychological protection, an attempt to close from others. Purpose eyebrows, lowered shoulders and the prone head, fingers, nervously compressed, are also signs of closets.

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    • The gait should be elastic and confident, back - straight.
    • From a smile will become all of the Sveley - and you, and your interlocutors. Unfortunately, on the expanses of our homeland, a smile facing a stranger is subconsciously perceived as a mion. And for Europeans and especially Americans is a mandatory attribute.
    • To position the interlocutor to himself, it is slightly tilting the head of the message, copy it.
    • Sitting on a chair, you can not fall apart on it, pull the armrests, chanting around the legs. It is not customary to throw foot on the leg, for women the most appropriate posture - legs crossed in ankles.

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    • Know-how for students and ordinary employees: Lockering or boss, slightly navigating his words. Soon you will find that the talking appeals to you. This technique helps positively stand out among other listeners.
    • Eyes - soul mirrors, as well as a very expressive part of the face. The look can be expressed much more than words. Even pupils are able to say a lot about feelings and experiences: expands with joyful excitement, interest, narrow - with a gloomy setting, attempt to lie.
    • The expression of statements combines verbal and non-verbal communication and directly expresses the attitude of the speaker to the information that it submits.

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    Culture of clothes

    Clothing culture is as important as the culture of behavior. The most important rule relating to clothing is to be clean and tidy. When choosing clothes, a person is guided by personal preferences, material capabilities and trendy trends.

    Fashion has a significant impact on the choice of clothing, but should not blindly follow it. It looks beautiful means to be dressed stylish and tastefully, but not necessarily fashionable. For example, a girl looks like a much more aesthetic girl, dressed in a suit with a jacket a la chanel and a skirt in the "goose paw" than that that put on the creened fur slips with a sports suit.

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    Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_72

    Choosing clothes, look for options suitable for upcoming people.

    In men's clothing, the largest number of requirements is put forward in relation to the jacket pair. Any suit must be well sitting on the figure. Pay attention to the quality of the material, and not fashion trends, because a really good suit is timeless. In the official setting, the costume is always fastened for all buttons, it is allowed to unbutton, for example, at the table.

    When choosing a color, pay attention to monophonic non-hard colors or a large cell. The shirt should look at 1.5 cm from under the jacket. The tie should always be darker shirt, but the lighter color of the costume. Socks are selected by the color of the shoes, but in no case are not white.

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    A bad tone is to fill the pants pockets so that they will be shred. There put a handkerchief, keys, credit card. The place for the rest of the important things is quite found in the pockets of the outerwear and a special male bag.

    In everyday life, the requirements of etiquette is not as tough, the use of semi-self-style for men teachers, managers is allowed. Young people are guided by personal tastes and belonging to a certain subculture.

    However, it is always worth remembering about the moderation and common sense. It is better to dress more stricter than freer than it would be.

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    Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_75

    Women granted great freedom in choosing fabrics, styles. However, the outfit should always correspond to the situation! An extremely ridiculous lady looks like bread in a nearby store in a fur coat and scoothes on the heel. Just like the young lady, which was in the opera in a sports suit and Snickers.

    General Rules Selection Rules require consider facial type and hair color, Stripes on clothes are not suitable for everyone (The transverse will finish, longitudinal - pull the silhouette). For a business woman (office worker, teacher, student), the teacher is not allowed too short skirt and trendy silhouettes. Colors worth choosing pastel, suit itself must consist of several pieces - skirt + vest + blouse, pants + jacket.

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    Convenient shoes, elegant, at a low heel. Tights are required at any time of the year! Hairstyle and makeup should emphasize the natural beauty, perfume - leave light Fleur, and not the impression of a perfume shop.

    In any case, the clothes must be comfortable and look good on the person, emphasize its culture and lupification.

    Conversation subtlety

    Conversation is not a simple dialogue. This is a meaningful exchange of thoughts between the participants of communication, requiring special skills. Thebeed is a relaxed and business, when a certain question is discussed in advance.

    In oratory art, it is necessary to practice, in order to approach the image of an ideal interlocutor who knows how to hear and speak on the topic.

    The first rule of conducting conversation is a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor. To all unfamiliar people over 18 years old go to "you", even if this person is younger. On "You" can be moved with familiar by mutual consent.

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    Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_78

    The rules of good tone require not to protrude in the process of communicating their "I", even if you are genius in your industry. It follows with attention to all participants of communication, to give an opportunity to speak out to everyone.

    Watch out for your speech, its tempo-rhythmic characteristics. Too fast is incomprehensible, makes it too easy to strain the necessary information from the rapid word stream. Slow speech with numerous pauses tired and quickly bored. It is necessary to stick to the golden middle: speak clearly, clearly, sufficiently sound. Interestingly, the British say exactly with that volume so that one person in the room can hear them:

    • It is not customary to discuss in the topics of the topic, incomprehensible to the majority, as well as purely personal and taboo.
    • Do not pretend or exalted yourself a loved one, trying to diversify the conversation - even if there are all the foundations.
    • Even if the topic of the conversation is not interesting, it is not necessary to show it with all the might: rummage in the bag, yawning, thrust your head on the sides, consider a mobile phone.
    • You can not interrupt the storyteller with rude comments. A brought up person will listen to the end, even if he hears the story for the hundredth time.
    • It is better to start a conversation from the easiest topics: about the weather, about the holiday, in honor of which gathered, tell us an interesting story (not a joke!) Or instructive parable.
    • And finish the conversation is necessary on a positive note for further fruitful continuation of dating.

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    Etiquette (80 photos): what it is, the types of modern general behavior rules, the concept and determination of etiquette 8197_80

    The ability to navigate in the intricacies of the rules of etiquette will show not only your cultural level, but will really help you feel more confident in any situation in any country.

    Master class on the etiquette from the Countess Marie D, see the next video.

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