Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology


Deopatch is one of the interesting techniques of modern needlework. To date, he is very popular with experienced masters, and at beginner craftsmen, contributing to the creation of bright and colorful products of various topics. What it is, what are the pros and cons of technology, consider further.

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_2

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_3

What it is?

Deopatch consider appliances related to decoupage, which became known to the world thanks to Italian craftsmanship masters. At one time, they cut out pictures of paper and glued them as a decor, covered with varnish pictures, which gave the products to the high costs.

The meaning of Deopatcha is In the cracking of the bulk figure with a convex or concave surface with pieces of napkins or other paper. The task of technology is The decoration of the bulk form, the creation of a single background by gluing a piece by piece.

This is a kind of decoration process that is used for papier-mache figures or even furniture.

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_4

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_5

Features of technology

Deopatcha technique is unique and differs from decoupage by the fact that it uses not separate fragments of decorative paper, but all the material. In view of this there is no overpowering of material and cropping - Everything is bought in the course. The pieces are taken off with their hands either cut with figured scissors, after which they are glued to the working base of the brass, not allowing the formation of properins. At the same time, the size of the logged fragments can be the most different, if only they fit well on an uneven surface.

Glue paper with different adhesive compositions. The technique is unique in that everything is good for her, whether it is a special glue for decoupage, construction PVA or acrylic varnish. You can purchase for pasting and glue for decopatcha.

You can accumulate for this technique as part of the figure and the entire surface.

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_6

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_7

Despite the fact that in a classical understanding for decopatcha, rectangular fragments of 2-3 cm in size are used, today this approach seems boring. And therefore, the shape of pieces can be the most different. For example, it is possible to glue items with chopped triangles paper, mixing them with stripes, pentagons and even different patterns.

Performing work on such a principle, you can create not only a single background, but also certain pictures and ornaments.

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_8

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_9

Advantages and disadvantages

This technique is unique and has a lot of advantages. It allows you to create unique products that can become exclusive gifts for friends and loved ones. For example, it may be a volumetric souvenir or handicraft in the form of a stylized kitten, dogs, giraffe. This is a great way to decorate the interior of the room in ethnic style.

In addition, it can be a stand under jewelry, keys, telephone. You can enclose the regular box, statuette, flower pot, bottle or even a glass jar. In each case, it turns out a unique product that will be decorated with a room in which it is located. Note Briefly and other advantages of technology.

  • To perform it, you can use different material and glue, which opens a lot of opportunities for the manifestation of designer thought.
  • It allows you to disguise even the most unsightly foundation, giving it aesthetic attractiveness and screaming the flaws of work.
  • With its help, you can save even the most complex shapes with a sharp change of bend.
  • There are no restrictions in the type of material of the material, for example, decopatch are used in working with glasses, wood, tissue bases.

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_10

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_11

There are technique and their shortcomings.

  • For her, it needs its own paper, rough paper is not suitable for this, it can rise and disconnect from the ground.
  • The process of sticking and preparation for it is quite lengthy. This decoration is a lot of time.
  • The work does not tolerate the hurry and inaccurability, as well as the abundance of glue due to the characteristics of the papier-mache. If you overdo it with glue, you can deform the base.
  • To increase the service life of the finished product, a protective coating is required, without it, under the influence of moisture, work can be corrupted.

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_12

Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_13

Paper selection

For decopatcha use decorative paper. It can be, for example, napkins for decoupage, they are great for beginner masters, or even handmade paper. Today, on the shelves of shops, you can purchase paper for decopathic.

From the usual paper for decoupage with the thematic patterns characteristic of it in such a paper with a bright ornament or a specific pattern covered in the entire area.

      You can buy for a wipe room with a solid pattern (background napkins). Someone prefers to work with the crepe paper, which is sold in stationery stores (in the departments for children's creativity) and are often used in school in technology lessons. In fact, it is an ardent paper, which is also called corrugated corrugated. It is thin and stretching in width, and when wetting becomes brighter, and requiring accuracy.

      Deopatch: What is it? How to choose paper for decopatcha? Pros and cons of technology 8187_14

      Master class at acquaintance with decopath technique look next.

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