Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds


Gifts for a wedding celebration give the most diverse, but unique and touching will be a present made by their own hands. However, there are many different nuances that should be taken into account.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_2

Gift selection criteria

Wedding is a very important event for young spouses, and for guests of the event too. This celebration is dedicated to the combination of two loving people who plan to pass through the hand in life in love and respect. That is why gifts must be memorable and nontrivial.

In previous years, envelopes with money, this gift is relevant to this day But it undoubtedly pleases that they in recent years have in recent years increasingly make presents made by their own hands.

However, keep in mind that it really should be a high-quality thing. Gifts from the series "Tips and Finish" are permissible only if children are given, younger brothers and sisters that do not have their own budget, but to express their sympathy to newlyweds want.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_3

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_4

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_5

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_6

It is very important to exercise your creativity with caution to unwittingly not offend newlyweds, so when choosing crafts, be sure to take into account their character, hobbies, relevance of the present and, of course, the degree of relationship with a married couple.

As you know, there is no taste and color of comrades, but there are a number of interesting ideas of similar gifts that They are considered universal and can be donated to both friends and relatives:

  • Double souvenirs or clothing - it can be self-written figurines, dishes with inscriptions or pillows with embroidered thick threads with the names of the newly-made husband and wives;
  • Homemade items - For example, a wooden kitchen board with a scorched wish of a long and happy life, boxes, photo frames, paintings;
  • Souvenirs with photos of young - Family portrait, stylishly decorated photocollage;
  • Money - But not in the convective, but filed in the form of a cake, boxes of candy or toopiari.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_7

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_8

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_9

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_10

Unusual amount of money

In our unstable and difficult time, money remains the best gift. Young will always find them apply, because they need to poison their family nest. To equip the house and establish life. However, the times of envelopes went far into the past. Nowadays, there are a lot of original and unusual ideas for making money.

Topiary looks very stylish and originally, it is a miniature tree, on whose branches instead of leaflets, bills grow.

Make it easy. You will need:

  • money;
  • English pins;
  • ball of foamed material;
  • Pot of bright shade;
  • gypsum;
  • Wooden stick 20-30 cm long;
  • jute twine;
  • Adhesive pistol.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_11

The stick will be the basis for the trunk, and Crohn will form out of the ball, so it is necessary to fix it on a wooden stick. For greater clutch strength, it is better to use hot glue. When the connection site dries, it is necessary to fix the tip of the twine under the ball and the trunk of our future trees is tightly wrapped.

While the design dries in, in a separate container, plaster should be made. With its absence, you can use alabaster and pour into a bright pot. When the composition starts to be captured, a stick should be plugged into it and hold until the gypsum dry finally and the design will not be stable. This preparatory work end and you can proceed directly to the design of Topiaria.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_12

To begin with, collapse the towers from the bill. If you use a ball of 8 mm, it is desirable to twist 150-170 bills. For this, they are collapsed in half, then carefully fell into the base side, turn over and make the crookedly wrapped part. All this should be fixed on the ball by the English pin with a bead at the end. Best to mount the kules in a circle, gradually filling out all empties.

Finally, it will remain just a little decorate a money tree. For this purpose, small coins can be useful, preferably "golden" - they are simply poured into a pot so that they are completely covered with a layer of gypsum, and fix the adhesive gun.

If you wish, you can attach a small tag with warm wishes newlyweds.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_13

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_14

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_15

A small advice: Topiary looks more attractive if, when creating it is used, bills of different shades are used.

It is very interesting and nontrivially looks money cake. To make it, you should prepare consumables:

  • Dense cardboard;
  • glue pistol;
  • rivets;
  • decorative bows;
  • ribbon;
  • double sided tape;
  • money.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_16

A 3-circle base with a diameter of 10, 20 and 30 cm should be cut out of the cardboard, and another circle of 10 cm will be needed for the lid. The edges of the circles are covered with a ribbon to reorganize the cut line. Best of all, a glue gun will cope with this task.

Then it is necessary to cut the paper strip from the cardboard, the height of which is equal to the size of the cash bills, and the length is slightly smaller than the diameter of each circle. For each circle, its separate bar is cut. Each you need to roll and glue vertically to a circle. In this way, all three cake tiers are assembled.

When the workpieces are ready, it remains only to fix the money with a tube and fasten along the edges of each floor with the help of a clip, after which each circle should be connected using double-sided tape. To disguise the clips, you can decorate afforesting with ribbon and satin bows, and on top of installing a decorative figure, for example, heart or a couple of pigeons.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_17

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_18

So in a few hours you will make a beautiful, but very necessary gift for the newlyweds - they will not be able to leave an unpleasant such attention on your part.

Presents for home

And, of course, you can cook 1000 and 1 trifle for the house, which will fill the atmosphere of a family hearth heat, comfort and romance raid.

Very stylish and originally, a set of shiny wine glasses looks. This gift will be not only interesting, but also practical - probably decorated with noble gold and silver glitter glasses will become the most loved ones from newlyweds.

You will need:

  • A pair of glasses:
  • sequins of different shades;
  • brush;
  • Malyary Scotch;
  • Transparent glue.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_19

To begin with, it should be closed to the brands of tape diagonally, thereby referring to the edges of the sites that you plan to cover with glitter. Then you should lubricate the decoration area with glue, evenly distribute it over the entire surface and sprinkle with sparkles abundantly. At the same time, carefully ensure that you do not have voids on the surface.

In this form, the glasses should be left for a couple of hours until the adhesion is completely drying, then you can carefully remove the tape tape. The gift is ready.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_20

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_21

Lovely birds in a glass container look very beautiful. For their manufacture, it is necessary to prepare a glass container with a glass neck, even a regular bank is suitable.

We will also need:

  • Toy birds of small size;
  • small pieces of fabric combined by shades;
  • Rubber ring;
  • Artificial grass;
  • Decorative tape.

From the tools you will need scissors, threads for sewing, pencil, small emery and adhesive gun.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_22

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_23

To begin with, you should find a branch and adjust it under the size of a glass container, after which the sandpaper should be treated with its surface and edges so that it looks more aesthetically looked. Using hot glue, it should be fixed on the bird branch. While the glue dries, it is necessary to prepare the garlands - for this, triangles are cut out of the fabric, connect to the wire or thread and fix on the branch.

Next, you need to act quickly - the edges of the branches should be smeared with glue and place in a bank very quickly. To facilitate the mount, you can put marker labels from the outside - then the branch will immediately rise in his place and the glue will not have time to dry.

So that the composition looked more romantic, you can lay out the bottom of artificial grass and beautifully arrange the neck. First you should simply cover it with a lid, and then decorate it - cut a circle from the tissue with a diameter that will be twice as bigger than the size of the neck itself. This workpiece covers the lid and tied up with a rubber band, additionally decorate with ribbon and bows.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_24

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_25

A good gift idea can be woven newlywed names. Make them quite easily. In advance, it is necessary to prepare a fan, a hammer with nails, threads. To begin with, you should write the names of your husband and wives with volumetric letters and drive the nails along the coneer. After that, it is necessary to erase the traces of a pencil and shake out of the contours.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_26

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_27

Threads are desirable to take a contrasting shade.

A romantic gift will be a chalk board, on which the newlyweds will be able to leave our touching love messages to each other.

In work will be used:

  • 2 photo frames;
  • self-adhesive one-sided paper;
  • dye;
  • White and black cardboard;
  • Normal white paper.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_28

To begin with, you should disassemble the frame and carefully remove the glass of them. Then, using it instead of the main template, circle around the perimeter on the cardboard and cut the workpiece with scissors or stationery knife. On each cardboard, you should apply a special paint for the design of chalk surfaces in two layers.

While the paint dries out, you should find the patterns of images of a husband and wife and cut them along the contour from the dark cardboard and exactly the same - from brilliant paper. After that, brilliant silhouettes should be glued to black and then insert both blanks in the photo frames.

From the back of the frame, fasten the bag for white chalks and put the chalk in them. Now, a married couple will be able to leave each other short love messages. This is a very cute and romantic gift, which will probably have to do with the young.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_29

The incredible atmosphere in the house of young spouses creates candles, so the candlestick is always useful. It will look very original if you apply a photo of newlyweds.

To work, you will need:

  • Paper for printing;
  • flashlight;
  • paints;
  • transparent glue;
  • Painting tape.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_30

To begin with, the painting ribbon should be closed the entire glass part of the lantern so that paint does not fall on it, and paint all the other elements in the desired shade. While the flashlight dries, print the black and white photos of the spouses and cut them up to the size that will match the flashlight windows.

With the help of transparent glue, photos should be glued inside the lantern itself. On this, the original and stylish gift for the wedding is ready. It will take no more than 40 minutes to create it, but at the same time pleaseing the young he will be many years after the wedding.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_31

Beautifully looks a bouquet of paper roses, which can take a worthy place in the interior. Make it easy. As a paper, you can use the sheets of old newspapers, books and magazines - in this case, a gift will look really vintage and expensive.

For each rose, you will need 4 stacks of 5 petals of various sizes - from 3 to 8 cm, and at the same time it is absolutely necessary to make them very even, in this technique even there is an easy negligence.

The edges of the petals on the one hand should be squeezed a bit - it will be the base, and on the other - to turn off with a pencil. To begin with one petal, it is necessary to create a core - for this it is twisted into the tube tightly, then slightly disappear, then glue and turn the end of the wire to the petal.

After that, all other petals are attached to the rose, starting with the smallest. To do this, the tip is squeezed out some glue and fix it so that each petal is slightly covered the previous one. Chesselistic is better to reap the green ribbon - so it will cover all the irregularities and the flaws of the bud. For each rose, about 10 cm tape will be required.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_32

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_33

Young spouses can be sewed on happiness - it is quite simple. For such a gift, it is necessary to use any material for pillowcase, patchwork of multi-colored felt, moulin, coins, paper, needle, scissors and glue.

To begin, it is necessary to prepare paper templates depicting birds, hearts or other patterns, and then fixing them on fetra, transfer the application to the material. Billets can be sewed to the tissue with hands, and it is possible to be simply glued with special glue, but in this case the pillow may not withstand washing in the washing machine. The finished pad can be decorated with coins. It is believed that such a gift will attract prosperity and well-being.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_34

It will be very nice if you make an embroidery on the canvas with the wishes of a happy family life with young spouses.

Humorous options

An unusual gift of a friend or friend for a wedding can be a temporary capsule. This is a great idea, because thus spouses can keep memories of the most vivid events of their living together.

To do this, you can take a conventional box and wrap it with bright packaging paper. Additionally use other decor elements, such as sparkles, rhinestones, sequins, multicolored buttons and much more.

To begin with, you can put an envelope with money in such a box, and only then the spouses will be able to fold together joint photos or write romantic messages to each other. By the way, this is a very touching tradition - during the year the husband and wife write small letters with the words of love and tenderness, and at the end of the year, shortly before the battle of Kurantov, her husband and wife can read the messages that their satellite addressed for the past 12 months. Of course, it will fill them with gentle feelings and they will meet the new year in peace and endless love in relation to each other.

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Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_36

Another interesting gift is a love card. To do it, you need to take:

  • PVA;
  • double sided tape;
  • Photo frame;
  • old card;
  • cardboard bright shades;
  • scissors.

To begin with, you should prepare a map of the city / country and note all the places that are significant for the newlyweds (place of the first meeting, the first date, the place where they are going to have their own family nest), and each of them cut in the shape of a heart. After that, the workpiece should be attached to the foamed tape to the sheet of cardboard - this may turn out to be a surround picture. All the workpiece must be inserted into the gift frame and pretend to be newlyweds.

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_37

Wedding gift with your own hands (38 photos): Original and interesting ideas for a wedding gift Newlyweds 8027_38

Creative gifts are set, the main thing is that it is made with fiction, fantasy and sincere wishes of love, peace and harmony in the house.

Original ideas for a gift with your own hands, see the following video.

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