Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step?


Wedding bouquet is one of the main attributes of the festive event. It can be made not only of alive or artificial colors, now for creating bouquets use beads, money and other technicians.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_2

How to make a wedding bouquet of living colors?

To make an independently amazingly beautiful bouquet for a wedding of a bush rose, chrysanthemums, callers, hydrangeas, lilies or peonies, you need to familiarize yourself with special technique. Each such an attribute for the bride is individual, it can be in the form of a bowl and simply linked with a ribbon. Autumn bouquets are filled with bright colors, they most often use plants whose flowers are bright yellow, orange, saturated red.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_3

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_4

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_5

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_6

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_7

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_8

If no additional options are used, and the buds are located on their stems, it is best to keep a bouquet in the water so that it is better to eat moisture and did not plant. The main disadvantage of such a composition is that it is impossible to draw up a complex design. Since the leg is very large, and the flowers can not be bend. It helps bending the stems and turn them into the necessary direction of the wire, which is inserted into the stem or attached to it. Thanks to this technique, the composition turns out the original and quite complicated to please the bride.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_9

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_10

After a drawing of a future bouquet has been created, the stems of each flower must be trimmed at the specified length. They are fixed on the wire and close it with a floristic ribbon. Such compositions are called teapted. The main advantage of technology - you can create any structural complexity, but there is no necessary power in colors. For a long time to maintain your attractive appearance such an accessory can not.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_11

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_12

It is possible to completely cut the stems, and the flowers to put on the wire, however, the life of such a bouquet is the same small as in the previous case. You can use port-bouquette, that is, to strengthen the stalks of the plant on a wet sponge. Give the composition any form will not work, only falling or round. If you take large inflorescences, the bouquet will be pretty heavy.

It is often used adhesive techniques when different parts of the plant are simply attached to the base. You can collect such a bouquet in an hour, only he will very quickly. If you plan to use a bouquet only at the end of the evening, it is better to use the framework technique when there are waters with water on the stems, thanks to which the plants feed on moisture and for a long time retain an attractive appearance. True, such bouquets are always very large and heavy.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_13

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_14

One of the most popular colors in the wedding attribute is rose. If you use small flowers, then such a bouquet is suitable for any bride, because it emphasizes her fragility and femininity. Collect the composition advise several hours before the celebration. To compile a bouquet independently need:

  • flowers;
  • Floral and satin tape;
  • branches;
  • Pins.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_15

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_16

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_17

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_18

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_19

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_20

Roses completely remove leaves and spikes, the length of the stem is shortened to thirty centimeters. Four flower will be the center of the composition, they must be tied with a floral ribbon from the bottom of the stems at a distance of ten centimeters. Each new rose, which is added to the bouquet, is fixed with a ribbon. Round forms can be achieved if subsequent roses that are attached around the base are slightly lower.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_21

If you want, you can add a few twigs as an additional decoration. After completion of the composition, the bottom cuts up, all the stems are wrapped by a satin ribbon that is fixed with the pins. The composition in the form of a ball is enormous. To flowers just longer saved their appearance, you can make a bouquet with a port-bouquette.

This will require:

  • double sided tape;
  • sponge;
  • satin ribbon;
  • port-bubber;
  • flowers;
  • Adhesive pistol.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_22

As a rule, port-bouquetpeckers have already been ready for sale, they are inserted with a moisture sponge, but so that it acquires the shape of the ball. You can drink moisture sponge with a simple syringe. So that the water does not flow, the dry slice of the sponge is fixed on the handle. Using double-sided adhesion, the leaves are attached in the expanding part. Move in a circle. The satin tape is fixed from the end of the handle, now the double-sided scotch is wrapped the surface of the handle and the tape is laid on top. The tip is glued.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_23

Cropped with the diagonal of the leaves are fixed in the lip cuff, such a cut allows you to increase the area of ​​the coating, in addition, they will have enough moisture, so they will remain green for a long time. To create a necessary form, it is better to take small rose buds. Stems colors shorten up to 6 centimeters and stick into a sponge. Buds must fully cover the inner design.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_24

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_25

How to easily assemble a bouquet of artificial flowers?

Some materials that we are not accustomed to see as an intercourse are acquired, since such bouquets for a long time retain their appeal. Make any complexity composition can be from tapes, money, artificial colors and even beads and corrugated paper. The most complicated is the basis, because it helps to issue a bouquet in the intended form. You can create it using materials that are always at hand, and foam.

To form a design, you will need:

  • a bit of foam;
  • PVA;
  • cardboard tube;
  • threads;
  • toilet paper.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_26

For a ball with a diameter of 20 centimeters, a foam of 5 centimeters thick is needed and the same area. First, the cardboard tube is applied to it and fill the hole in its diameter. Cut can be cut with a simple stationery knife. Such pieces should be two. Place the pipe into the foam to the middle and glue together all parts, they will be the bottom composition. It is better for gluing not to use the "moment", since it is only a conclusion material.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_27

The same stationery knife cropped the ends from the foam in such a way as to get a circle. Cardboard reels is inserted into the formed circle, fastened with adhesive composition. Now it will be necessary to stick the toilet paper on top of the foam bowl, which is first missed in the PVA glue, and then they are placed on top. When the surface is uniformly covered with paper, they are waiting for its complete drying.

Now you can pick up the necessary artificial flowers for the composition and use the adhesive gun to fasten them on the surface of the ball. The advantage of such a bouquet is that it can stay for memory and is stored for a long time in the family. In winter, the composition will not freeze, will not lose the form.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_28

On the table

Before deciding which composition will decorate the table of newlyweds, it is necessary to take into account the common topics, the decoration of the hall, the bouquet of the bride, a wedding dress and much more. This element is manufactured from both real and artificial colors. It is necessary that everything combines with textiles and the surrounding space.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_29

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_30

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_31

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_32

If the celebration passes outdoors, the most attractive option becomes the use of live roses, lilies and other plants. In the banquet hall, you can combine living flowers with artificial or use only unreal, which will cover not only the table of newlyweds, but also columns, guest tables. A bouquet covers, as a rule, most of the table, but there should be space for food, bottles with champagne, chest for collecting money and other attributes. To create, you will need:

  • framework;
  • wire;
  • flowers.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_33

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_34

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_35

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_36

Always very effectively looks a lush composition, in which there are flowers of different sizes. In the center there must be the largest buds, all the rest around. On the perimeter of the wire frame on the wire in the required direction buds are attached. It is thanks to the wire that the composition becomes alive and movable.

On the car

It looks original and stylishly a bouquet on the car, and it should be quite large in order not to get lost on her hood. They have it not only in the center, but also from the sides. Often used in the aggregate tape from organza and satin. In combination with a cloth, such a decoration looks stylish. The bouquet on the car is formed, most often, from artificial colors, as they withstand the pressure of the counter air during the movement. The composition on the frame with glue or wire is attached. Such a bouquet should be more dense, not to crumble from the wind.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_37

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_38

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_39

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_40

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_41

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_42

In the middle, there is always a dense base, you can take a foam, a cardboard tube or polypropylene, but it will be more difficult with it. If the composition is a triangular form, then the basis is obliged to be such. Around the design, the flowers are glued onto the glue composition or are intimidated on a wire, which is winding the frame. The advantage of using the wire is that you can rotate the buds in any direction.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_43

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_44

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_45

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_46

Making unusual compositions as a gift

You can give a bouquet to the wedding, but not to make it out of flowers, but, for example, a sweet gift from caramel. There are master classes that offer to learn how to make compositions from money, beads and other materials. Such gifts always look spectacularly touching and unforgettable.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_47

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_48

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_49

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_50

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_51

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_52

From money

Even if instead of real bills use souvenir, such a bouquet is captured by the Spirit. Make this design on your own, it is enough to make a little effort. For the manufacture, a glue gun, bills, paper and wire are useful, it is desirable that it is steel. From the end of the wire will have to wrap bilateral scotch, since the glue does not stick to it. We take a simple album leaf and cut it into four long stripes, each of which we fold four times. The resulting workpiece we sweat onto the wire and the end is fixed on glue. This is the future flower stem.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_53

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_54

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_55

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_56

The formation of one flower is six bills. The first fold in half, using a screwdriver, clamping the edges, put the second on top, but slightly shifting and so all six pieces with a big shift every time. If the bills are unreal, they can be glued, and if real - wear on the rubber band and twist on the stem.

From fruit

The fruit bouquet can be made not only from artificial fruits and berries, but also real, however, work will take much more time. From the side of this option looks original and special. To create a composition sometimes use even ripe berries and fruits , oddly enough, but they allow you to create something incredible. It is often based on the composition of the composition apples, since their color palette is different and allows you to correctly choose the fruits to the subject of the celebration. Such a gift is not only beautiful, but also delicious, because it can be eaten. Before use, the fruits are removed, and the fruits themselves are planted on the spanks. So that they do not blacken, you can sprinkle apples and other chopped fruit with lemon juice. Bananas must be glazed, grapes are soaked in brandy.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_57

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_58

From beads

Recently, bouquets from beads have been greatly popular. The process of their creation takes a lot of time, the cost of such compositions is much greater, since you can store a bouquet of several generations. Depending on the topic, the color of beads and beads is selected, each flower is collected separately. These are not only large roses and small daisies, but also additional decorative elements.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_59

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_60

The main thing is that all beads are combined with each other not only in size, but also the color palette. Wire is used as the basis. It will take about five coils to create one bouquet. All the flowers are collected around one central, adapting them worth three centimeters from buds to get a dense composition.

Beautiful examples

Examples of beautiful and extraordinary bouquets are presented in a wide variety. The most expensive today are jewelry wedding bouquets, which are professionally made from natural stones and crystals

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_61

The compositions of fabric and tapes look original, remarkable roses can be made of silk. They can be decorated with rhinestones, beads. Among examples, as a good bouquet should look like, a combination of gentle pink flowers with bright berries.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_62

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_63

Dark blue tones of cornflowers with black callas, bright orange apples with purple iris. The design options for this bride's accessory set, it remains only to choose which suitable for the celebration most, given the dress, the design of the hall and other subtleties.

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_64

Bridal bouquet with their own hands (65 photos): How to make a wedding bouquet of bush roses, money and fruit itself step by step? 8020_65

About how to make a bouquet with your own hands, see the next video.

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